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what siege said. i don't do smack, but oxy is sure as hell up there and it really is hard. i was recently clean for 10 or 11 days , yesterday did like 130mg and woke up this morning thowing up non step and i have been literally dead and drained all day. i dont think since i first started in the winter i've been clean for more than a week or two, and with weed def not more than a few weeks in the 4 years. i also realize what i go through isn't shit for other people who have been addicted since this shit came out/on smack. i can though i cringe at the thought of shooting dope or doing anything relating to it in general. but it's also crazy to think that just because the gov't makes it 'it's safer,' but crazy shit can happen because of what i'm currently doing. all in all i wish i could be sober and though i'm probably looking for excuses now, soon enough it will be time. i'm not even 20 so i know i cant go on like this for ever, or end up like my 27 y/o brother in rehab..

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those oxy's may aswell be heroin homie, dont kid yerself. and at a 130milli's yer lookin at the equivilant to doing like a 1/2 gerb of smack or pretty damn close to it.


you need to nip that shit in the ass asap or yer gonna see your life go from bad to worse real quick.

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Not for nothing but anybody I've ever known who went through all that "steps" bullshit had to hang around a bunch of miserable losers, do stupid shit like become religious, and basically were fucking miserable and constantly relapsing.

The people I know who just manned up and stopped drugs/drinking or whatever on their own seemed to have more of a head on their shoulders as a result compared to the AA/NA "12 steps" crowd.

AA and NA are basically just DL cults who attract weak people and brainwash them into thinking that they have to be and do exactly like them or else they're doomed to failure.


But hey... do you.


you have no idea what you are talking about...


there are atheists in the program, there are people who make six figures, people who never relapse once...


just saying that you can't put a blanket statement over anything you aren't 100% familiar with.


I will say that 12 step programs do stress acknowledging a higher power, which surprisingly does not necessarily even have to be God.


anyway, believe what you want to.


i know what I am talking about.

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THANK YOU FAT RALPHY. They stress the fact that you should have a higher power. Not necessarily a "god", but something that keeps you coming back. At first my higher power was my court slip, now it's myself and my want/need to be sober.

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you have no idea what you are talking about...




Yes I do.




there are atheists in the program, there are people who make six figures, people who never relapse once...


just saying that you can't put a blanket statement over anything you aren't 100% familiar with.


I will say that 12 step programs do stress acknowledging a higher power, which surprisingly does not necessarily even have to be God.


anyway, believe what you want to.


i know what I am talking about.



That's what they say, but in reality they're going throught he "steps" to convert you into Christianity.

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130 milligrams anit shit, maybe a bag or two of h, a half gram of h is a hell of alot, but yea, its basically the same shit, except with a oxy you kno whats in it, with a bag of h ur taking ur chances, anything could be in there. and that picture isnt all track marks, most of thos marks a cig burns. but that shits not really funny and i dont know why people think making fun of somone elses addiction is amusing. thats fucking sad. yonis, you feel sick in the morning for a reason, your body is making you sick and telling you that you need more drugs to feel better, when reality it is the other way around. when you go through withdrawl, you feel like complete ass, your body is cleaning itself up, removing all of the toxins. this is also why you might throw up, and your gonna be shittin water for sure. a few days of pain is worth being clean. i would recommend suboxone for getting off of oxys of dope. when i was getting myself clean, i would take a half of a 8miligram sub a day, for about 5 days. the sub will make you feel alright. you wont get the sickness, you wont get the runs, sweats, nausea, although i found it hard to sleep. after the 5 days i stopped taking suboxone, because a lot of people also become addicted to taking this crap too. after the subs were gone, there was a 2 day period of mild sickness, more just a uncomfortable feeling, nothing major. a big part of the withdrawl is mental. its just your body playing tricks on you. just remember that no matter what your body and mind are telling you, your much better off without the drugs. goodluck yonis, i hope you get well man. your too young for that bullshit.



i would agree with the statement that aa/na meetings are like cults, people in there act like the program itself is a drug, and are actually addicted to going to fuckin meetings. imo they are way to into it. but i guess different things work for different people, like i said b4, i cant count days because it makes me think about drugs too damn much. to each his own tho...

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haha not really dude....I am a serious alcoholic and drug addict that couldn't stop on my own.


you still didn't answer my question, what are you basing these statements on?




I answered that question before you even asked it.




Not for nothing but anybody I've ever known who went through all that "steps" bullshit had to hang around a bunch of miserable losers, do stupid shit like become religious, and basically were fucking miserable and constantly relapsing.

The people I know who just manned up and stopped drugs/drinking or whatever on their own seemed to have more of a head on their shoulders as a result compared to the AA/NA "12 steps" crowd.

AA and NA are basically just DL cults who attract weak people and brainwash them into thinking that they have to be and do exactly like them or else they're doomed to failure.


But hey... do you.

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so you're basing your statements on second hand information that you got from people you have known....


way better then my first hand experience, you are entitled to your opinion...just saying you are wrong about it being a catalyst to Christianity.


a muslim could work the steps and focus on his higher power as Allah...


what the program really comes down to is when you are a seriously fucked up addict and alcoholic, sometimes you can benefit from the experience of others who have been through he same thing.


so you start going to meetings, and people talk about how they used to be hella fucked up and then they stopped and this is how they stopped and that you can do the same.


the whole thing about a higher power....is more or less a mental thing in order to give hope to people who are down and out.


if you can't agree there is something in this world that is greater than yourself....well then I feel sorry for you.

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so you're basing your statements on second hand information that you got from people you have known....




I would say that my second hand analysis of people that I know would trump your first hand blindness.

Especially when it seems to match the general consensus, including people who have walked in your shoes.

But what do I know.

I'm just some dude standing on the outside witnessing what I've witnessed.

Like I said in my first post, please feel free to "do you".

Cause I'll sure as fuck keep on feeling free to "do me" by pointing and laughing at people like you.

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I agree with Ralphy. I was raised Catholic but by no means practice the religion anymore. I have been running through NA for 3 years now and it never worked until I chose to accept the fact Im powerless over my addiction and you need to give yourself up to your OWN higher power. Whether its God, Allah, the hooker that gives you two dollar head whops down on west main st., etc... I had various amounts of clean time and relapsed, cleaned up, repeat. For about 7-8 years. Thats a whole lot of shooting dope, oxys, coke, xanax, smoking rock and drinking. That shit led me nowhere but the fuckin crowbar hotel, detox, and sober houses. Being forced to stay in a room with fuckin Flacco who never washes his damn feet and thinks living in a sober house defies all basic hygiene laws is fucking WHACKJONES. I caught a few cases on my last relapse and I'm going through a drug court program which sucks but its helping me tremendously and I have about 10 months clean time and it feels great. Its good to have a nice whip, fresh gear, a lineup every 3 or 4 days, money in my pocket and bank, and friends and family. Running around like the junky non homo version of Omar from the Wire gets old quick. Losing all your homies to ODs isnt too fun either. Point is sobriety isn't for everyone but if you are slipping into dependancy on substances or alcohol watch your back cuz you will be dancing with the devil with the quickness, get out before its too late.

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i love it when people are sober.

i prefer to smoke a little weed (i'm not stoned out of my fuckin mind)

but i like to hang out with friends who don't get messed up, or only do it in moderation

sloppy drunks and asshole druggies are no fun for me and haven't been in a long time

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