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Re: B.o.B AKA more hate on the mainstream hipster rappers.


not threadworthy whatsoever.


and tho id never in a million years ever consider purchasing this guys music and/or putting in effort to play it, theres far far worse out there. that being said the second link is horrid and quite possibly the biggest Outkast bite in history.


still, threadfail.

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Re: B.o.B AKA more hate on the mainstream hipster rappers.




i dont have a problem with this stuff at all. its melding a new sound. rap thats not all about buckin shots and selling rocks. that whole hipster mgmt sound has caught on like wildfire.


weather i like it or not i think music like this, the kool kids and other hybrids, are good for music. and good for rap.


its was time that hiphop started to evolve and not just be stuck in a gangster land of make believe. not saying exclude, dilute or get rid of that element. because shit, that element is part of life.


but its not the only part, and rap music is now an established legitment form of music from now until eternity. its no longer the new "bandwagon" form that alot of people thought it would be. its fine tuned, it has a formula for success like anything else, and its wide spread across the globe.


is there only one type of rock music? fuck no.

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Re: B.o.B AKA more hate on the mainstream hipster rappers.


another thing im gonna say about R@ndoms link is this:


to the kids out there that think every other word in they music has to be drug related, you a fool. you have been created by mass media and are a victim to record companies. am i saying gangster rap sucks? fuck no, not at all. theres a ton of dope shit out there. check my itunes, i listen to it on the reg.


but you dont have to bump slim thug all day to bring in illegal funds if thats what yer angle is.

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Re: B.o.B AKA more hate on the mainstream hipster rappers.


not threadworthy whatsoever.


and tho id never in a million years ever consider purchasing this guys music and/or putting in effort to play it, theres far far worse out there. that being said the second link is horrid and quite possibly the biggest Outkast bite in history.


still, threadfail.


STRAIGHT UP its like he trained his fuckin voice to sound like Andre

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Re: B.o.B AKA more hate on the mainstream hipster rappers.


Oh,and all this talk about him biting Outkast.Big Boi was the one who let him get on.You niggers know nothing.




so what. doesnt change the fact its a bite, and its fraudulent. when i first started writing like 17 yrs ago, if some older cat i looked up to came up to me and gave me a throw up, which obviously does happen alot, i wouldnt have rocked it. ever.


would i have takin influence from it? fuck ya. would i maybe try drawing it at home? possibly. would i ever straight bite it, puff my chest out like its mine and wave the "homeboy gave it to me" flag everytime the question was posed? not inna million fucking years.


biters = dirt

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Re: B.o.B AKA more hate on the mainstream hipster rappers.


supposedly kanye's next album is supposed to be hiphops savior- all the shit he's been putting out is out of his system. either way fuck both those clowns go snatch the joel ortiz novel project or that new rhymefest dangerous 5:18

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Re: B.o.B AKA more hate on the mainstream hipster rappers.




so what. doesnt change the fact its a bite, and its fraudulent. when i first started writing like 17 yrs ago, if some older cat i looked up to came up to me and gave me a throw up, which obviously does happen alot, i wouldnt have rocked it. ever.


would i have takin influence from it? fuck ya. would i maybe try drawing it at home? possibly. would i ever straight bite it, puff my chest out like its mine and wave the "homeboy gave it to me" flag everytime the question was posed? not inna million fucking years.


biters = dirt



This is true.

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