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Plans completely fell through the day before we're supposed to leave, epic fucking fail.


Me and my boy went to go pick up the rental car today, which we were supposed to be getting with a cash deposit, since we don't have credit cards. We get there, and they tell him that while they said they could take a cash deposit, it's dependent on a credit check...MUTHAFUCKA WHAT?! IF WE FUCKIN HAD CREDIT WE'D HAVE FUCKING CREDIT CARDS, ASSHOLE.


Anyways, we leave there and start scrambling to find someone to rent the car for us, and we get a call from KGP telling us he can no longer get a flight to New Orleans either. He was supposed to meet us there, and we were gonna get drunk and be merry together (no homo), but now me and my other boy have decided it's not even worth going if it's just the two of us, as that's kind of gay.


Basically it's not happening and I'm sad...next year maybe? :(

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how the fuck are you going to miss mardi gras over a rentacar?


none of you have good credit? not even your white friend? (i do realize you might all be white, but bad credit is mad niggerish yo)


can't you ride a train to new orleans? is that even possible?

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Train not possible, bus probably is but I wouldn't do it, and no, none of us have good credit or even credit cards period haha. I'm a cash only kind of guy, and most of my friends are too.


We were still gonna find a way to rent the car (my parents probably would have caved in and done it for me eventually), but once KGP found out he couldn't fly there for free he no longer wanted to go, and after that, plus HUSK previously being unable to get the time off of work, the whole trip just seemed shot...like I said, we'll plan it better for next year


Looks Like AC is my move for the weekend

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So I've been havin a pretty good time in Atlantic City, but I have to stop in real quick and give my opinion on Philly, which I took a daytrip too today...that shit is fuckin depressing haha. I think I was in North Philly, but either way, I've never seen a place this hood in my life, shit was epic. My homegirl lives in like a rowhouse in the middle of 100 TINY ass sidestreets, where half the cribs are boarded up, lookin like some shit out of The Wire. On top of that the streets are straight up just not plowed at all, so theres like 2-4 feet of ice/snow everywhere from like a week ago haha


And yes, I did get a cheesesteak, from some spot Max's. It was fuckin delicious, but I must say I was dissapointed because they didn't offer wiz and I really wanted to try that shit.

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So I've been havin a pretty good time in Atlantic City, but I have to stop in real quick and give my opinion on Philly, which I took a daytrip too today...that shit is fuckin depressing haha. I think I was in North Philly, but either way, I've never seen a place this hood in my life, shit was epic. My homegirl lives in like a rowhouse in the middle of 100 TINY ass sidestreets, where half the cribs are boarded up, lookin like some shit out of The Wire. On top of that the streets are straight up just not plowed at all, so theres like 2-4 feet of ice/snow everywhere from like a week ago haha


And yes, I did get a cheesesteak, from some spot Max's. It was fuckin delicious, but I must say I was dissapointed because they didn't offer wiz and I really wanted to try that shit.



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I go to AC quite often. I like the TAJ for poker. Madd drunk dumbasses who think they are pro and hand me all their cash.


And NP is quite depressing. If you just go walk under the EL up on Kensington Ave around midnight and look at all the dopefiends wondering around like vampires and motherfuckers openly selling heroin on every corner it's a pretty fucked up feeling.


And fuck the snow - I just fucked my Ac' up once again on Saturday night because some asshole was randomly parked halfway in the middle of a busy street and I sideswiped em. These people were such cocksuckers by the time I turned around he had sped away and all that was left was his smashed tail light. Motherfucker.

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I've never seen anything like that shit before, straight up streets not plowed for days after it snowed...apparently it's normal? I mean it makes sense I guess because I don't even see how they could get a plow down those narrow ass streets, but still. It felt like my car was hitting giant potholes, but it was just holes in the couple of feet thick layer of ice :lol:


One thing I will say, is I'm surprised that I actually liked ketchup on my cheesesteak haha. It seemed gross to me, but everyone was ordering it, so I gave it a shot

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I went with American cheese, salt, pepper, mayo, ketchup, and mushrooms, which was damn good. Alot of people were getting weird shit on it though, like pepper seeds, hot and sweet peppers, pickles, and one dude even ordered tomatoes. All locals as this was a hood ass spot (it was a cheesesteak spot/liquor store/bar haha), so I was surprised by those toppings

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