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ASTROLOGY, Zodiac signs, star alignment mumbo jumbo 2010 thread


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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh yea

2010 the year of the white tiger..

is the oontz down with all this zodiac ish?

Heres how it's supposed to be:


Aries - March 20 – April 19

Most Compatible: Leo and Sagittarius

Somewhat: Taurus, Gemini, Pisces and Aquarius

Least: Cancer - too sensitive and too emotional

Libra - vacillating, lacks imagination, fun and daring

Capricorn - unimaginative and too conservative

Neutral: Virgo and Scorpio



Taurus - April 20 – May 19

Most Compatible: Virgo and Capricorn

Somewhat: Gemini, Cancer, Pisces and Aries

Least: Aquarius - lacks stability

Leo - self-absorbed, authoritative

Scorpio - manipulative, not open or direct

Neutral: Libra and Sagittarius



Gemini May 20 – June 20

Most Compatible: Libra and Aquarius

Somewhat: Cancer, Leo, Aries and Taurus

Least: Virgo - strict, hard to satisfy

Sagittarius - unable to relax, like yourself

Pisces - negative outlooks, self-absorbed

Neutral: Scorpio and Capricorn



Cancer - June 21 – July 21

Most Compatible: Scorpio and Pisces

Somewhat: Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Gemini

Least: Aries - insensitive, arrogant

Libra - not serious enough

Capricorn - too simple, unrefined

Neutral: Sagittarius and Aquarius



Leo - July 22 – August 22

Most Compatible: Sagittarius and Aries

Somewhat: Virgo, Libra, Gemini and Cancer

Least: Scorpio - too scheming

Aquarius - unsubstantial, unengaged

Taurus - stubborn, placid

Neutral: Pisces and Capricorn



Virgo - August 23 – September 21

Most Compatible: Capricorn and Taurus

Somewhat: Libra, Scorpio, Leo and Cancer

Least: Sagittarius - unreliable

Pisces - gloomy, sullen, moody

Gemini - impractical, inconsistent

Neutral: Aquarius and Aries



Libra - September 22 – October 22

Most Compatible Signs: Aquarius and Gemini

Somewhat: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo and Virgo

Least: Aries - domineering, impatient

Capricorn - lacks imagination, ordinary, dull

Cancer - overly protective

Neutral: Pisces and Taurus



Scorpio - October 23 – November 21

Most Compatible: Pisces and Cancer

Somewhat: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Virgo and Libra

Least: Aquarius - detached and impersonal

Taurus - clash of wills

Leo - overly dramatic and arrogant

Neutral: Aries and Gemini



Sagittarius - November 22 – December 21

Most Compatible: Aries and Leo

Somewhat: Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra and Scorpio

Least: Pisces - too introverted

Gemini - scattered, lacks depth

Virgo - narrow-minded, fussy

Neutral: Taurus and Cancer



Capricorn - December 22 – January 19

Most Compatible: Taurus and Virgo

Somewhat: Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Least: Aries - impulsive, erratic

Cancer - depressing

Libra - dramatic, lacks sincerity

Neutral: Gemini and Leo



Aquarius - January 20 – February 17

Most Compatible: Gemini and Libra

Somewhat: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Aries

Least: Taurus - very habit oriented

Leo - too demanding

Scorpio - too possessive

Neutral: Cancer and Virgo



Pisces - February 18 – March 19

Most Compatible: Cancer and Scorpio

Somewhat: Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus

Least: Gemini - too nervous and high strung

Virgo - dull

Sagittarius - too impulsive

Neutral: Leo and Libra



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I know right it's so fuckin ridiculous...but some of it makes sense. And it blows my fuckin mind like how the fuck can stars and planets affect people in such ways?????

Why do so many broads follow this shit like its a guideline to their life???WTF???. If a bitch axes me whats my sign one more time.....


I suppose the first few months of ones existance would influence something but to such an extent?

Outkast props lol

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