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Thanks everyone. Shai, I knew you would come through, you always give solid life advice and from what I know of you have been in many situations. Yesterday when I woke up for work we had an hour long talk and it turns out she is legit. She apologized about and acknowledged the fact that she didnt give me the real talk before I even brought it up. She said she is leaving by this weekend and moving in with either a mutual friend of me and my roomate or to TX. When we talk she seem really genuine and respectful so for now its all gravy.

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This is a strange, but serious question...how do you guys have normal relationships?


The vast majority of "relationships" I've had with women have been short, and have involved me either being indifferent to them at best, or hating them at worst, and only sticking around for the sex. I mean to the point where after I cum I would have to immediately leave the room/get away from them because I couldn't even deal with it


Then there have been two instances where I've had long term, meaningful relationships, and in both instances Iwas completely and absolutely in love, to the point where when they ended I was just crushed and felt like I was losing my mind /noemo.


I guess what I'm saying is I've never just "liked" a girl before, and that it seems like a very stress free, awesome thing to do haha. Anyone else have this problem, or am I just fucked up in the head?

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Yeah, a post about how I don't have feelings for a girl but have sex with them anyways because I like to have sex with women is really homo...



theres tons of gay dudes who fuck women and dont have any feelings for them just to "keep up appearances" for various reasons.

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what do you mean by "going away with exes"?

Like going on vacation with them?

Moving away with?

That should read going away from exes


weekend trip away.

still on very good terms with her and it was her idea. i mentioned needing a holiday but having no one to go with in passing and she popped up with the suggestion of a weekend away.


i took it at face value, and just thought she was being polite and offering but not serious...

so a few days back, time came for me to shit or get off the pot so to speak and book time off from work, so i dropped her a message asking if she was still on it and she said she was...


so now, tickets and hotel booked, we are going!


im just asking myself if its likely to be a plutonic type trip or whether i should be packing the a game if you get my drift.

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fuck sorry. 21 ? yer doin fine. just stop loving chicks and you'll be even better. you don't need a girlfriend if you have no problem finding pussy. don't have a girlfriend until like 25. really you guys just need to listen to tom leykis. maybe if you find a cooler chick that's not stuck up or a hooker or total bitch you should take her on some dates and not try and fuck her right away and see what happens if that's what you are looking for.

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