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four loko is racist


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Ha! I own this tape. Its five or six :30 St Ides radio spots from the early 90s. 2pac, Snoop and Wu-Tang have tracks.


On the subject of 4Loko, I see this shit everywhere in SF. I don't think its one of the malt liquors that got banned for making bums all crazy.


See the wiki page:


Concerns and media attention


More recently, the appeal of cheap fortified wines to the poor and homeless has raised concerns:


"Community groups in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland have urged makers of fortified wines such as Wild Irish Rose and E & J Gallo's Thunderbird and Night Train brands to pull their products from the shelves of liquor retailers in skid row areas. In Nashville, Tennessee, one liquor store owner told Nashville Business Journal reporter Julie Hinds that police warned him to stop selling his biggest selling product, Wild Irish Rose, because it encouraged homeless people to linger in the area."

—Janice Jorgensen, Encyclopedia of Consumer Brands: Consumable Products (1993), p. 492.


In 2005, the Seattle City Council asked the Washington State Liquor Control Board to prohibit the sale of certain alcohol products in an impoverished "Alcohol Impact Area". Among the products sought to be banned were over two dozen beers, and six wines: Cisco, Gino's Premium Blend, MD 20/20, Night Train, Thunderbird, and Wild Irish Rose.[8] The Liquor Control Board approved these restrictions on 30 August 2006.[9]



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So I finally got around to trying this hot garbage tonight.

I got the fruit punch one.

I have never in my life experienced an aftertaste with that degree of after kick.

That shit tasted like Nyquil mixed with Monster energy drink.

After forcing myself to finish it, I'm not even buzzed.


I'm not sure which is the bigger fail, 4loko or the ultra-lightweights talking bout how they blacked out after drinking just one.

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Once you ride that lightning, terrible shit WILL happen.


No...it just intensifies what is already awesome.


I've found that you can't be depressed or regretful while drinking 4Loko. That generally happens later.


So in other 4Loko news...it's official- I am not allowed to drink 4Loko in my friend's neighborhood anymore. In one night I managed to-


-Get tased

-Get straight edge Xs written on my hands with Marsh ink

-Pass out in front of a school with my bike locked to my ankle and my head in my bag

-Get woken up and let go by the cops in front of said school

-Ride across SF blacked the fuck out to my friend's house

-Wake her up by screaming "California Love" in front of her house at 2 am

-Lock her cat in the room with me, who then pissed in my bag


This was all related to me while dealing with one hell of a hangover, since I don't quite remember any of it.


So I'm limiting myself to one a night every once in a while. My drinking has been steadily getting more and more ridiculous ever since I quit drugs....and by ridiculous I mean "really funny and embarrassing things keep happening to me and the common denominator seems to be booze."

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The other night I watched my friends homeboy pound 2 of these bitches back to back before we went out to a show and drank mucho mas booze. Dude is like a 6'4 200 somthin pound black guy.................we left for a smoke break and said dude disappeared for a minute, we found him in the bushes puking up a midget.


true life

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