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Hells Kitchen Season 7 Now Casting, hmmm.....?


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Im seriously considering applying to be a contestant on the new season of hells kitchen. It would be awesome to be accepted, shit i dont give a fuck if im the first to go and look stupid it would be fun and a good learning experience while it lasts. Submissions will be accepted if received by November 1 so there is still some time.


Anybody else considered this? Or have tried?


casting info http://www.fox.com/hellskitchen/casting.htm

























Danielle Bux





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I would do this if I knew how to cook meat/seafood at all.

Not knowing the basics of that would not get me far at all on that show.


honestly you really dont have to know how at first, they are going to basically walk you through all the recipes in the beginning, if you cant figure it out after that then you will have problems


*if you ever watch the show think about all the times the people say they are learning and learned so much and what not...


they dont know everything

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Well, they always have the "taste it then make it" challenge and the challenge where you are blindfolded and have to taste and identify different things...but I guess I could taste it and then spit it out.

Still, I would lose big because I wouldn't have anything to reference when tasting, so I would be guessing things that were completely wrong.

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Cause she would throw up the first time they make a med to rare piece of meat

Years of being a vegetarian has made BFs tummy sensitive.


But I am sure she would win all the veggie challenges. She makes meals that I love to eat and I really dont miss eating meat.


Well...besides the occasional icanhascheesebugers. but its far and few that i eat one.

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I dig the Hell's Kitchen show and think Ramsey is funny as fuck, but if you watch the Euro versions of his show, this shit is way over the top. Kitchen Nightmares is a good watch as well. The thing is, they put really stupid confrontational people on the show. People with common sense would pay attention to someone who has had so much success.

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My friend's mother is a veg head and cooks meat as good as anyone.. Cooking meat isn't all that hard(veg dishes are harder to me) and she just knows what herbs, spices or whatever taste good.. Then just throw on the meat and cook.

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If you try out for this, you better master the art of making Risotto before you go on that show. That's all that fucking dude makes every goddamn season. Risotto, beef wellington, pan fried sea scallops --that's it!


I watched that show first season and have watched the contestants get dumber and dumber each season. I don't even think they're hiring real chefs now. Jimmy the fucking prep cook from Bob's Clam Shack is getting on there.


So go for it. I don't know how much you'll learn though. If you really want to learn that shit, get a job in a decent restaurant and work you way up to better ones.


Actually --see what FOX will pay out for you to be on there. There has to be some kind of stipend to be on there. Maybe it could be a quick check?


But as for learning shit? That's probably the worst way to do it if you want to work in kitchens. Think about it, if you fuck up drastically, you're fucking up in front of a national TV audience. That means there is a higher than likely chance if you do apply to work in other kitchens, the hiring chef might have seen you fuck up risotto.

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They won't allow it. You have to remember that Gordon Ramsey is the brand they are selling with that show, and they won't allow anyone to fuck up his tough guy image. They'll probably twist it somehow to go against the contestant, editing it however they want, and make him look like the bigger fool. People have tried to stand up to him and they just turn around and make those people look like bitches in the edit.


That show is so fucking controlled, I'd doubt the auditions are real and all the contestants are actors. Fuck a Fox reality show.

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They won't allow it. You have to remember that Gordon Ramsey is the brand they are selling with that show, and they won't allow anyone to fuck up his tough guy image. They'll probably twist it somehow to go against the contestant, editing it however they want, and make him look like the bigger fool. People have tried to stand up to him and they just turn around and make those people look like bitches in the edit.


That show is so fucking controlled, I'd doubt the auditions are real and all the contestants are actors. Fuck a Fox reality show.


I know, just sayin.


I'm sure it's exactly like Dr. Phil.

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any of the chefs that i know think this show is a joke along with top chef. i personally like top chef, but its hard to argue with a guy thats worked his way up from prep cook to being head chef at 4 successful restaurants.


I don't think Top Chef is that much of a joke when it comes to the cooking. The whole reality show gimmicky shit can go a little far, close panning shots at the judges table with a samurai soundtrack, but when it comes to the actually cooking I think it holds it's ground. I think some chefs are just bitter pricks, and that's been going on long before culinary TV.

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i think top chef is great entertainment, but like every reality show it's cast to be entertaining. truthfully my homie is kind of an elitest when it comes to cooking shit so his disdain for the show isnt a surprise. he even hates on my other homies that went to culinary school. btw my girl burned the fuck out of the risotto last night and it smelled horrible.

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They just tell the guy to be a dick for the sake of it, I mean really how bad do you think the shit he throws in people's faces actually is? You're not going to learn anything, just go to the auditions, tell them you got raped when you were a kid or have a learning disability or have 4 dicks, something that will make you stand out, then get on the show, fuck the hot girls, go in to the kitchen drunk, throw a boiling hot roux in Ramsay's face and rep 12oz hard. For one episode.

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I have a friend who's and executive chef, with numerous gold medals from competitions, and he's half blind. I keep telling him to go on one of these shows because the producers would probably come in their pants when they see this kid cook with one good eye.


He won't though. He thinks all this shit is corny as fuck.

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I don't think Top Chef is that much of a joke when it comes to the cooking. The whole reality show gimmicky shit can go a little far, close panning shots at the judges table with a samurai soundtrack, but when it comes to the actually cooking I think it holds it's ground. I think some chefs are just bitter pricks, and that's been going on long before culinary TV.


i think being on top shef would be great, but then again i have no real experience in the "chef" world so yeah

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