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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


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Actually he did, from Columbia University, which pretty much pisses in the face of your associates degree from Dick Cheney University in fuckass Wyoming.


And Kissinger didn't refuse the peace award you fucking idiot, it was Le Duc Tho.


Obviously you need to reevaluate that "degree" that you seem to think entitles you to spout your ignorant bullshit.


this cunt's stupidity is making me laugh, but as much as i am enjoying laughing at you. please, shut the fuck up.

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niggas is bitchin. Obama earned that shit because the dude before him took a dumb on our chests, and hes here to clean that shit up, or at least try. can you tell me with our researching it who the last person to win the nobel peace prize was?


EXACTLY. you can't, cuz you could care less. let's move on with our lives now.

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I know someone who ran who was better ^___^.


I meant "the other clown who had a chance at winning."


In case it's not obvious yet, people don't care if politicians- and by extension of that, their leaders- are principled or even necessarily good people.


The more I think about this the more I wonder if the Nobel Academy gave Obama the nod simply out of relief. I mean, if McCain had won the US would have been a heartbeat away from having Sarah Palin in charge.


This is kind of funny. The Peace prize?


Aren't we running in and out of Pakistan killing civilians?



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Some people think the motives might've been to prevent Obama attacking Iran. If that happens regardless of this nobel, it's a pretty clear signal of the fact that it's not Obama who's deciding about the war

This nobel could also be considered a fresh reminder to everyone of how much Bush reduced intellect, reason and responsibility in politics worldwide. Not just the wars, but the way politicians talk and people listen. Because let's face it, world used to be 100 times better place before dubya and his goons started to rid us with their incomprehensible speeches and lies.


It's just a shame the Nobel committee don't have darwin awards for the most dumbfuck irresponsiple fuckwits in world politics. I'm sure Bush would've won eight of them already.

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Some people think the motives might've been to prevent Obama attacking Iran. If that happens regardless of this nobel, it's a pretty clear signal of the fact that it's not Obama who's deciding about the war

This nobel could also be considered a fresh reminder to everyone of how much Bush reduced intellect, reason and responsibility in politics worldwide. Not just the wars, but the way politicians talk and people listen. Because let's face it, world used to be 100 times better place before dubya and his goons started to rid us with their incomprehensible speeches and lies.


It's just a shame the Nobel committee don't have darwin awards for the most dumbfuck irresponsiple fuckwits in world politics. I'm sure Bush would've won eight of them already.




oh and obama didnt lie or anything, hey were bringing the troops home, give me votes. LOL SIKE IM GONNA SEND 40,000 MORE.

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Obama's Meeting With the Dalai Lama Is Delayed


"For the first time since 1991, the Tibetan spiritual leader will visit Washington this week and not meet with the president. Since 1991, he has been here 10 times. Most times the meetings have been "drop-in" visits at the White House. The last time he was here, in 2007, however, George W. Bush became the first sitting president to meet with him publicly, at a ceremony at the Capitol in which he awarded the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal, Congress's highest civilian award."



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"Before a visit to China in February, for example, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said advocacy for human rights could not "interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate-change crisis and the security crisis" -- a statement that won her much goodwill in Beijing. U.S. Treasury officials have also stopped accusing China of artificially deflating the value of its currency to make its exports more attractive."

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