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Life Extension Therapy


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You are now 70 years old, and after decades of boozing, drugs, smashing, partying and inhaling spray paint fumes, you're feeling something awful and on top of that mother nature's death grip of aging is tightening. So my question to you is...do you say, "ah fuck it, it was a good run" and die? Or take a trip down to your local hospital and get life extension/age reversal therapy to reek havoc for another 70 years?



This is Aubrey de Grey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aubrey_de_Grey he claims that the way we age is a disease and it needs to be cured.


interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1wFzUqVCzQ&feature=related


also peep this: http://m.thestandard.com/news/2009/10/05/ibm-aims-personalized-medicine-dna-chip


yes? no? thoughts anyone?

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Aubrey de Grey is a pretty interesting guy.


I like futurists who are actually involved in research.


Right on, same here. so i take that as a yes? you would get the therapy? so far the people i showed his vids to that i know, think its amazing or what not but at the same time gave this a no go...on some.."who would want to live that long anyways" which i understand. but I wonder if they would have the same answer if it was actually available, affordable and with no side effects a.k.a "shit hittin' the fan" ya know? I probably should of posted this as a poll, oh well

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Considering that we live a lot longer than previous generations and that already has an impact on society as a whole then I think that making us live longer would just create havoc unless he is proposing a way to regenerate your body into a younger version cos why the hell would you want to live longer in an old broken down body

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Considering that we live a lot longer than previous generations and that already has an impact on society as a whole then I think that making us live longer would just create havoc unless he is proposing a way to regenerate your body into a younger version cos why the hell would you want to live longer in an old broken down body


but he is proposing a way to regenerate the body that's the whole point of his work.. the key words he's always using is "rejuvenation" , "reversal", and "repairing". i thought it was all explained in the links i posted? with the exception of the ibm one. i remember watching the lecture he gave on the ted site, he mention that the therapy would make the average human look like around their 40's no matter how old they are. is this what you mean?.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rejuvenation_(aging)#Strategies_for_Engineered_Negligible_Senescence_.28SENS.29



as far as society/environment goes.. i personally don't buy into that whole overpopulation..running out of resources claim.

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as far as society/environment goes.. i personally don't buy into that whole overpopulation..running out of resources claim.


Why do think your opinion on this is valid? Overpopulation and resource management are very important issues that are backed up by a lot of data. They are also very complex issues that are not fully captured in popular ready-to-digest news media format. Not enough people have an appreciation of the amount of research and expertise that goes into these 'claims.' Overpopulation is a reality in many parts of the planet, and resource shortages go hand in hand. Obviously these things don't affect the population of the United States in the same way at this moment in time.


It's ok to be skeptical but this type of 'claim' isn't exactly up for debate in the same way that political issues are. I understand that environmental science is highly politicized these days but people need to recognize that there is still science behind it and people are shitting on the careers of thousands of hard working scientists by dismissing their evidence and consensus in one ignorant little swoop. To a degree it's like saying "I don't buy into quantum physics, personally," or "Calculus sounds nice but I don't really believe in integrals, you know?"


That turned into a general rant that wasn't entirely directed at you, but I am wondering what expertise or scientific sources you have that lead you to doubt overpopulation or resource shortages are problems today.

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Why do think your opinion on this is valid? Overpopulation and resource management are very important issues that are backed up by a lot of data. They are also very complex issues that are not fully captured in popular ready-to-digest news media format. Not enough people have an appreciation of the amount of research and expertise that goes into these 'claims.' Overpopulation is a reality in many parts of the planet, and resource shortages go hand in hand. Obviously these things don't affect the population of the United States in the same way at this moment in time.


It's ok to be skeptical but this type of 'claim' isn't exactly up for debate in the same way that political issues are. I understand that environmental science is highly politicized these days but people need to recognize that there is still science behind it and people are shitting on the careers of thousands of hard working scientists by dismissing their evidence and consensus in one ignorant little swoop. To a degree it's like saying "I don't buy into quantum physics, personally," or "Calculus sounds nice but I don't really believe in integrals, you know?"


That turned into a general rant that wasn't entirely directed at you, but I am wondering what expertise or scientific sources you have that lead you to doubt overpopulation or resource shortages are problems today.


it was just an opinion not fact. i brought it up because decyferon mentioned "impact on society" and "create havoc" which i figured thats what he was getting at. also, no i don't have scientific data. but i have seen conflicting reports. and its hard to believe that type of agenda when you have someone like Al Gore being a huge supporter of it who is a politician. just look at how much we've been lied to through religion, politics and mainstream media i know it sounds cliche but its true just look around you, it aint hard to tell. the key word is opinion and that's why i threw it in there. there's a reason why new york and los angeles call the entire midwest "the sticks". also your quantum/calculus analogy was a low blow haha. well anyways.... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=ySv&q=scientist+petition+against+global+warming&start=10&sa=N

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Well, of course your opinion is valid, strictly speaking. I'm just pointing out that the issue is hardly subjective. I can understand why someone might be skeptical, given little education on the matter. A lot of the shit floating out there in the mainstream media is indeed conflicting and misleading, and it doesn't help that Al Gore is out there being a doofus (though I still think he means well.) No worries, I can see where you're coming from.


I'm coming from the perspective of a recent graduate in a field related to environmental science, and a family that is deeply involved in science. I actually took an intro course in global change that focused on human impacts, and even such a cursory experience shed light on a wealth of relevant information. Anyway the point is, I don't like to see people write off the scientific community as if it were another political entity. It's not.


This is totally taking your thread on a tangent, but I guess it relates.

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yea sorry if my response was a bit skewed, I was on my wife's iphone and hadn't read through every link you posted.


Personally I don't see why you would want to live for so long, why? life is there for enjoying while we are here, I do believe that the impact on over population would be a consideration if people were able to live longer.


I wouldn't want to do it myself, if I was able to rejuvenate my body etc then it would just mean I would have to keep working to support myself and then you would have these Rich business men who would just keep extending their lives and getting into so Lex Luthor style shit

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