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DAO appreciation thread...yup.


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^ From that link:


"any of a family (Canidae) of carnivorous animals that includes the wolves, jackals, foxes, coyote, and the domestic dog"


How is that different from what I've already said? Do you even read these things before you post them?


Edit: To link you just posted





Because it's saying that a wolf and a domestic dog are the same fucking animal you dense fuck!!!

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"Dog Family, group of intelligent, carnivorous mammals that includes domestic dogs and their relatives, coyotes, wolves, foxes, jackals, dholes, raccoon dogs, and bush dogs. The dog family is known scientifically as Canidae, and its members are commonly called canids."




"Canidae (pronounced /ˈkænɨdiː/[2]) is the biological family of the dogs; a member of this family is called a canid (/ˈkeɪnɨd/). They include wolves, foxes, coyotes, and jackals. "


Yep, that proves what we said.


And besides, you have always said in the past that wikipedia doesn't count. And you were right. But now it counts? :lol:


Besides, check the Wikipedia page. I changed it to fit a more accurate definition (which I took straight from the dictionary) -- the point is, anyone & everyone can write in Wikipedia.


"Canidae (pronounced /ˈkænɨdiː/[2]) is the biological family of carnivorous mammals that includes the wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and the domestic dog; a member of this family is called a canid (/ˈkeɪnɨd/)."

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Same family = same animal.

Infact, the definition I posted is for the "DOG FAMILY". :dunce:


So you're saying a human and an orangutan is the same animal? Because both belong to the same Family Hominidae. Things that belong in the same Family generally are not the same "animal", but rather seperate animals that are closely related . It isn't until you get to the same species or subspecies in taxonomy where you can start to say an animal is the same. And even that isn't always the case.

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Humans and chimps are in the same family, Hominidae...are we chimps?


good example.

i dont know who is saying what but it sounds almost the same.


dogs dont mate with wolves. pretty sure the cant even if they wanted to.

like we dont fuck with the monkeys.

we came from monkeys/apes

dogs come from wolves

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A. Where is the source of this? Looks like this was typed on Microsoft Word then print screened.


B. Besides, nowhere in that definition does it say that a wolf is a dog. In fact, it says that dogs evolved from wolves.


C. Calling things "horse family" and "mouse family" and "dog family" are non-scientific, non-official words used by everyday people that use the most familiar animal to them to describe the entire family. A horse is more common to the everyday person than a donkey or a zebra. And thus it's called the "horse family" on the street. Doesn't make a donkey a horse. A mouse is more common to people than a ferret. Doesn't make a ferret a mouse. And it doesn't make a fox or a wolf a dog, just because people are more familiar with dogs. More specifically, a dog is a domesticated (and evolved) form of wolf.

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A. Where is the source of this? Looks like this was typed on Microsoft Word then print screened.


B. Besides, nowhere in that definition does it say that a wolf is a dog. In fact, it says that dogs evolved from wolves.


C. Calling things "horse family" and "mouse family" and "dog family" are non-scientific, non-official words used by everyday people that use the most familiar animal to them to describe the entire family. A horse is more common to the everyday person than a donkey or a zebra. And thus it's called the "horse family" on the street. Doesn't make a donkey a horse. A mouse is more common to people than a ferret. Doesn't make a ferret a mouse. And it doesn't make a fox or a wolf a dog, just because people are more familiar with dogs. More specifically, a dog is a domesticated (and evolved) form of wolf.


im not saying a wolf is dog. im sayin dogs are the domesticated versions of wolves.(over thousands of years) thus changing the genus. right? then species. thats why i thought they couldnt even mate. yes i was worng about the apparently. this is the source for that portion on the article http://www.scirecordbook.org/gray-wolf-north-america/

which has the looks of over 30 game agency resources.


this is all im tryin to say..



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im not saying a wolf is dog. im sayin dogs are the domesticated versions of wolves.(over thousands of years) thus changing the genus. right? then species. thats why i thought they couldnt even mate. yes i was worng about the apparently. this is the source for that portion on the article http://www.scirecordbook.org/gray-wolf-north-america/

which has the looks of over 30 game agency resources.


this is all im tryin to say..






The genus remains the same. But, dogs are in their own subspecies.


But yes, all of us here do agree that dogs evolved from wolves, and are closely related. DAO however is saying a wolf is just another breed of dog in the same way a Golden Retriever and a Pomeranian is a breed of dog.

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