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duty free ideas


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any Ideas on how we can pop this area off, more content, etc?


I feel that with the caliber of dope/respected bloggers on the homepage we have and the way 12oz. caters to the culture. Street wear and its many components (sneakers, Tee, etc.) should play a way bigger and more important role throughout the site/forum.


With that being said, Im really going to try and get a push of more content through here that will get hopefully get more people to contribute, I know we have heads in here posting regularly and I thank you for the support but it would be awesome if this was the place to go for this type of information.


I know that there is a couple forums and sites only dealing with this side of the culture but I think we could really make this the hot spot.


Anyhow, Id like to get some feedback on the matter and what you think we can do to improve this area. legitimate suggestions would be greatly appreciated, this is a your area and we would like you guys to be involved in making these changes happen.





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Im thinking several sub-forums where we would discuss different 'duty free' topics.


For example one for serious streetwear heads to talk about whatever, brands, new releases, collaborations and what not.


Complete with a street-wear/culture blog (think highsnobiety-esque)


and then another sub forum where people could discuss music and what-not.


Could be seriously dope.

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Im thinking several sub-forums where we would discuss different 'duty free' topics.


For example one for serious streetwear heads to talk about whatever, brands, new releases, collaborations and what not.


Complete with a street-wear/culture blog (think highsnobiety-esque)


and then another sub forum where people could discuss music and what-not.


Could be seriously dope.


We currently are working on culture blog, aside from the bloggers.. and yes the ideas of breaking down duty free into sub forums by releases / brands / sneakers / collectibles is what I had in mind.. the music and such would be also given its place.


I just feel that these types of sections for a forum breakdown are great.. I know this will sound hypocritical since we are working on a more culture blog section aside from the bloggers we have now but I feel this culture needs a good wake up call and more interaction within the community, current blogs just throw content but nothing is really said about the product..every single drop of any brand is instantly cool.. but most of it is just hype, thats why I feel discussion is such a key element of cutting out the bullshit from the dope shit, no one speaks for themselves and what they think is cool. Just because a brand gets a blog post, its fucken great.


come on people lets be serious and speak for ourselves.

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Not to mention the fact that the current blog sites will post up anything there friends put out just because its there friends that are putting it out. I cant blame them for that, If I were in there position I would do the same thing, but come on, anyone who knows anything who saw the fitted hats the hundreds put out last year knew they were straight garbage. But they sold like fucking hot-cakes just because some hype-beast writer said they were dope. No one can think for themselves anymore. Meanwhile there are plenty of dope local brands (in my area) getting absolutely know coverage by anyone simply because they dont have the same hype backing them as say stussy/hundreds/supreme/etc.


I think that street-wear took a terrible turn for the worse a few years ago with more "heads" shopping at the mall than digital gravel. and that bape shit selling like hot-cakes while countless companies went out of business.


I think that street-wear is coming back strong and this forum could be a great way to facilitate that come back.


-end rant.

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Personally I think it would be cool to have the duty free section of the forum have more music discussion in it, channel zero tends to have these threads but they tend to get lost in there with all the humour threads


Music plays such a big part in fashion/clothing and I think those sort of discussion would bring a lot more traffic into this section

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Not to mention the fact that the current blog sites will post up anything there friends put out just because its there friends that are putting it out. I cant blame them for that, If I were in there position I would do the same thing, but come on, anyone who knows anything who saw the fitted hats the hundreds put out last year knew they were straight garbage. But they sold like fucking hot-cakes just because some hype-beast writer said they were dope. No one can think for themselves anymore. Meanwhile there are plenty of dope local brands (in my area) getting absolutely know coverage by anyone simply because they dont have the same hype backing them as say stussy/hundreds/supreme/etc.


I think that street-wear took a terrible turn for the worse a few years ago with more "heads" shopping at the mall than digital gravel. and that bape shit selling like hot-cakes while countless companies went out of business.


I think that street-wear is coming back strong and this forum could be a great way to facilitate that come back.


-end rant.


Yes, alot of people with talent and something special to bring to the table get pushed to the back due to no brand value, while some with a little bit of talent and friends in the right places get the shine.. but with that being said, this forum section should be well considered so we can make it a go to place for the hot shit popping off.



Personally I think it would be cool to have the duty free section of the forum have more music discussion in it, channel zero tends to have these threads but they tend to get lost in there with all the humour threads


Music plays such a big part in fashion/clothing and I think those sort of discussion would bring a lot more traffic into this section


We are in the process of restructuring the forum sections, but itll be hard since so many people are so use to the current setup.. I use to think it was better since you dont have to jump around to many areas, but I guess its for the better of separating content.



on a side note - is anything going to be done security wise on the forum, the level of spsm recently has gone through the roof


Yeah when we launch all the new sections n what not, we will be recruiting heads to mod in certain areas only, instead of the whole board.. Its hard for mods to be in many different places/threads and keep up with the constant back to back posts , that some how let spam creep between posts.

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the problem i see with ideas for this part of the forum is you can have the best ideas in the world but without the tools to make your ideas come to fruition all they will remain is ideas. the tools in this case would be the people willing to contribute to the forum in a constructive manner. pretty hard to come by.


since you will be breaking this up into sections i suggest a classifieds section. all fashion forums have them. buy/sell/trade etc. the way to get people to come here would be to offer exclusive sales in the classifieds section (shoes/clothing etc. with the forums ties to nike im sure something can be worked out) after getting these exclusive items post them for sale only in your classifieds section but advertise the sale through other venues. you will get more traffic this way along with people who will be willing to contribute to a more constructive discussion on fashion.


i understand this is a pretty tall order and probably will not be carried out but it is the best i could come up with.

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the problem i see with ideas for this part of the forum is you can have the best ideas in the world but without the tools to make your ideas come to fruition all they will remain is ideas. the tools in this case would be the people willing to contribute to the forum in a constructive manner. pretty hard to come by.


since you will be breaking this up into sections i suggest a classifieds section. all fashion forums have them. buy/sell/trade etc. the way to get people to come here would be to offer exclusive sales in the classifieds section (shoes/clothing etc. with the forums ties to nike im sure something can be worked out) after getting these exclusive items post them for sale only in your classifieds section but advertise the sale through other venues. you will get more traffic this way along with people who will be willing to contribute to a more constructive discussion on fashion.


i understand this is a pretty tall order and probably will not be carried out but it is the best i could come up with.


The contributions by the users is pretty hard to comeby, thats why we want to revamp this area so we can have valid/ constructive content worth coming to check out and talk about. I have noticed this thread has alot of reads, but no contribution to helping it. Thats fine, but it also shows most of the kids that are viewing this thread, really arent into the whole streetwear game and just more of a casual user on this section , which is again fine. But with that said, it would be nice to get the couple heads down to make this pop off and possibly reach out to friend who want to contribute something to this section in the fourm.


Yeah, the sell/buy/trade classisifed section, we have already talked about. Its a great idea and are included in the plans for the site redesign/upgrade as a whole. As for the exclusives offers and things like that, not sure if we could pull that off just yet without having something to show for why it would be a good idea for a brand like nike to come on board n let us do an exclusive sell on an item.


Yeah this area could be something, but will be some work to get it going....lets see what comes of the changes..

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Yall need to get more females on the site without having em chased off by a bunch of dudes asking to see the tittays. Then you might be able to get a little more traffic and communication, few men can talk about shoes for hours but the many of the kinder gender can think of nothing nicer.


Get a thread going with a bunch of promo codes might not be a bad idea either. 12oz the go to place for hacked promo codes would have me looking in the duty free section more.

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although i pay a lot of attention to fashion i dont pay too much attention to streetwear. i'll start paying more attention and try to start threads about certain brands and such, hopefully that will help this part of the forum get moving.


dope , saw you added some APC shit.. and as for the other posts.. sorry I wont quote, to lazy


but yes guys do tend to talk bout the kicks n brands they wear, etc etc... I really cant say I do this, but I do like to be kept up to date with whats popping off in the industry...


and yes superfuture is totally all bout the daily fashion grind... with that said.. I dont want to leave the OZ. to get all the scattered info, for obvious reasons.. so I say I build this out and see if I can make this section pop off.

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Yall need to get more females on the site without having em chased off by a bunch of dudes asking to see the tittays. Then you might be able to get a little more traffic and communication, few men can talk about shoes for hours but the many of the kinder gender can think of nothing nicer.



this is completely wrong..


why do u want more women here?

so niggas can agree/cosign all the wingbat bullshit they say...niggas are thirsty mountain lions when it comes to females on here..the ass kissing makes me sick


when it comes to MENS fashion i rather read what another man has to say..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Why duty free ?^



Maybe move some threads that are already established into here.

The gun thread, bicycletas, mmmmotorbikes, sneaky Nike sneakers, etc

a lot of posts from people showing off what they just got in those threads and also questions from people asking what to buy.


That's about all I got.


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create forum topics around already existing catagories, rather than forcing content into a catagory.


i've never been in this thread, mostly because I don't have the desire to flaunt trendy bullshit. i don't have a shoe fetish either. i am a simple man.


maybe swank consumerism's downfall has lead to the death of this forum topic.



EDIT: "Yall postin in a troll thread.jpg" fuckin spambot

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