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The Geto Brew Thread


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Any of you ever made or tried.......







How about any other type of jailhouse or ingenious brewing methods as such?


Can they really become harmful or fatal if swallowed?



I really want to start makin this kind of shit, it sounds fun and can very easily be free to do. If you have any recipes or experiences to share please post. I will be sure to post any new recipes i come across and document my experiments as they come. :D

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Just remembered this its from a friends myspace blog



-easy homebrewed hard cider


here's one for all you banjo lovin', jug blowin', drinkin types who want to stop supporting the alcohol industry. this is meant just as a simple intro to fermenting juices into alcohol. this an easy, very basic method with a minimal amount of equipment involved. i make a couple of batches every week for the weekend


first buy a gallon bottle of organic unfiltered apple juice or any natural apple juice and a can of frozen apple juice concentrate(any flavor). also buy a pack of dried ale yeast and a rubber stopper(number 8 works for the apple bottles i use) and a bubbler/airlock from a homebrew shop (alternately you could use a balloon on the top of the bottle but let the air out of it if it looks like it will pop). then pour out about 2 cups of juice, and add the thawed concentrate to the bottle. you need to leave some air space at the top of the bottle or the cider will ferment out of the bubbler. shake the bottle up good then add the dried yeast. place the bubbler and stopper on the top and set it in a room cooler than 80 degrees and cover it with a dark t-shirt or towel and let it ferment for 5 -8 days. it will be a little rough around the edges but it's still good. i like to add a little unfermented juice when i drink it to sweeten it a bit. just poor into a glass or into another bottle and drink it.


the stronger you make the cider(buy adding more sugar or sugar sources) the longer it takes to ferment. you can do this with citrus juice too. this recipe is ultra simple. ideally you should sanitize everything with iodine solution but this will still work if you don't. to make a nicer cider you could rack(siphon with a hose and racking cane) the cider to a second bottle to mellow for a week or two. then you could bottle it with a small amount of sugar to carbonate it in the bottles. that takes a week or 2. that all takes more effort and equipment.

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sounds really fucking gross. but if you make some ill try it


i think im gonna go to trader joes tomorrow and pick up a jug of cider, i dont know where to nor do i care to buy ale yeast so ima try it with some baking yeast.

Early next week i will give you a call and we can drink it...

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i think im gonna go to trader joes tomorrow and pick up a jug of cider, i dont know where to nor do i care to buy ale yeast so ima try it with some baking yeast.

Early next week i will give you a call and we can drink it...


i foresee you shitting in public in the near future


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the making of Jenkem is described:

"fermented human sewage, scraped from pipes and stored in plastic bags for a week or so, until it gives off numbing, intoxicating fumes." The process is similarly described in the 1995 IPS report, "Human excreta is scooped up from the edges of the sewer ponds in old cans and containers which are covered with a polyethylene bag and left to stew or ferment for a week.". In the BBC 1999 article the process is described as, "...the dark brown sludge, gathering up fistfuls and stuffing it into small plastic bottles. They tap the bottles on the ground, taking care to leave enough room for methane to form at the top." :eek:


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So I went picked up:


1 gallon preservative free apple cider, from concentrate-the geto kind

A pack of them giant punching balloons

Active dry yeast, the non quick rise kind, only 1 packet of it will be used

A 6'er of tall boys for the adventure




I already had a can of frozen concetrated apple juice....


First thing I did was [a] mix most the yeast in about a 1/4 of water with a little sugar dissolved in it, pour out a glassful of the cider, and [c] added half of the thawed concetrate to the cider jug.




After all that I added the gooey activated yeast to the cider jug.


Put the cap back on the cider and shook it up a little, softly. not very hard. I then stretched the balloon over the threaded part of the top of the jug and then poked a hole using a thumb tack into the tip of the balloon to allow the gasses to escape.




I cheers'd it then stashed it in a cool dark space, deep in the closet under my stairs.



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did it once. had like 10 little juice cartons of orange juice, the shit you used to get like in gradeschool. a couple bags of peppermint candy. i just put like 7 pieces of candy in each juice container, shook it up everyday, aired it out. in 6 days i drank that shit. my guess the alc. % was around 12%. it tasted like fuck. but i got buzzed.during them county blues.

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did it once. had like 10 little juice cartons of orange juice, the shit you used to get like in gradeschool. a couple bags of peppermint candy. i just put like 7 pieces of candy in each juice container, shook it up everyday, aired it out. in 6 days i drank that shit. my guess the alc. % was around 12%. it tasted like fuck. but i got buzzed.during them county blues.


cool, the candy and juice alone worked...











Early Day 2:


My homemade alcohol experiment is working thus far, the cider is really cloudy it looks like orange juice and the balloon is nicely inflated, with a light steady release of gasses.



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