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Stan you sweet bastard, thanks your the prayer hommie bunny cakes.

are you back in town? give big poppa a call so we can catch up play boy.





Sup my rigger!


Iv been back for a few days now, i was sure you knew.

Holla at me!!!!!!

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at the moment, this is the only thread worth looking at.



I really enjoy photo threads myself so i try to open one every time there is something worth showing after i travel.

I think people should do it more often. It takes a lot of time but people really seem to love it (thanks for the props guys) . I think its important to contribute since im on here pretty often.


Plus most people have a clouded and ignorant view when it come to Israel.

I hope this gives people a different angle to look at it.

The politics do not reflect the people. Americans should understand it because you have a similar problem in your country.

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Stan, I got some questions.

-How easy/difficult is it for Americans to visit Israel, is it a bad idea all together?

-What are the womens like?

-Is the fishing good there, are people there into fishing?

-What are those little pastries with the cherries in them your grandma was making?





Its quite easy for an American to go to Israel.

Go on the net and get details. I know that Canadians don't even need a visa to go there.

But im not sure if its the same for the US. When i was out there, i seen flocks of americans.

Remember, the states a great supporter of Israel.



They are simple and dont like to play games or break your balls for the most part.

People there a generally very warm and simple and welcoming.

Every one wants to have a laugh, nobody will restrain themselves from making a comment to strangers for giggles. They are really open and far from shy. Its a whole other mentality out there.


There is some good fishing. It was one of the things on my to do list that i didnt get a chance of doing.

I seen mad people fishing out there. Its the Mediterranean so im sure you can have a good time out there fishing wise.


The pastries that Gma made where sour cherry dumplings.

She takes the seed out from a sour cherry. Puts a couple in the home made dough with a bit of sugar. Closes them than boils them. You can eat it with sour cream or with butter or plain. Shit is amazing!!

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Here is my last batch of flicks



I got a call from Town hall and the mayor of the city wanted to meet me in person.

I brought my G ma with me. It was way to early for me to enjoy the experience and the mayor is a huge dick. But it was funny none the less.






Waiting for the mayor who was late..




Met with the dude, he was unpleasent, we had a short conversation with a translator and he gave me some gifts.

He wanted to thank me for the wall i did in the park.

What a country!




Gave me this clock.

Super cheep status and at the airport they thought it was a bomb and ran tests on it.

When they asked me where i got it from and i answered the Mayor of Karmiel they looked at me funny. LOL.




Gave me this rad book about the city of Karmiel. Some flicks are in 3 d.




An official thank you letter. Shit is pretty cool.




G ma at the lottery booth.




Plastic bottles for beers, nevah seen, nevah heard.




Cabbage rolls.




Went to this event called T market.

A bunch of local artists and shop owners get together and sell their T shirts.

Lots of great stuff.

My boy from Different Angle asked me to do some live painting at the event.

It was a pleasure.























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This guy had some ill shirts.

I got a coupled.














I was in to my painting and sat on a can accidentally.









Let kids use the KRINKZ




Went back to my friends crib for food and hash.

Big shout out to Seffy who held it down . Thanks bro!










Train rides where one of my favorite things to do because you always have a hot ass soldier girl sitting beside and im a perv.







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A few last home cooked meals before i head back home.

Baked meat pie.





I always bring my kicks as carry on luggage so if ever my bag gets lost il still have my sneakers.




German landscape




Enjoy me some wine on the plain




And thats about all.


I hope you guys enjoyed this photothread.

Next one should be like by the end of August when i go travel again.

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meat pie looks very good.


and are those potato pancakes?


I know how to make some of this stuff.

Its funny cuz its super simple peasant food but it tastes better than most of the things i ate at fancy restaurants.

No matter how well i know how to make it , it will never taste as good as when she makes it.

She has it on lock after all these years.


And yes, potato pancakes FTW.

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I can't believe you got invited to meet the mayor. That letter is too much! hahaha


Good to see you had a good trip. I'd like to go to Israel but I'd like to see other middle eastern countries more and having an Israeli stamp in your passport puts a stop to any of that. It'll just have to be last on the theoretical itinerary.

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Burgers are weak out there, no cheese no bacon.

I dont think i missed out that much, did I?


No you did...trust me.


But I have good news, if you are in NY there is there is the only Burgers Bar outside of Israel. You don't need cheese or bacon, the sauces make the burgers unbelievable. Usually, I'm disappointing with my memories for food but Burgers Bar was better then I remembered and I held it in high regard. But don't take my word for it.


I have one word of caution, skip the bbq sauce. Shit sucks and it overpowers all the other flavors.

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Great minds think a like Marco ;)


Thanks stan for sharing your trip with us.

I was thinking about that meal you explained to me

and I realized my grandma makes something similar to that as well.

She adds corn and sweet meat though.

Maybe I will ask her to teach me how to make them soon.

You should def get a lil spot down there to be closer to family and

re-edumuhcate yer self on some Hebrew. It's a really beautiful

language and seems like a nice place to visit seasonally.

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Thanks hommie.

Im still waiting for you to come to Montreal.

I remember you saying after Cali you might come up here.

Whats the deal?



Thanks for the info.

Going to NYC like next month or so, il make it a thing to do and report on whether it was worth it or not.




The even was ill. Lots of girls too.

Oh, and you can drink on the street.


B fish,


Yeah, every culture has its own version of such foods.

You should definitely learn how to make it. Your husband and kids will love you that much more.

Perhaps if i manage to stay single long enough and change my spending habits il be able to put some cash aside for a spot out there in the future.

Land is ultra expensive out there :(

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This thread kicked serious ass, thanks for sharing the flicks stan.


Those pics changed my perspective on Israel a little bit, I thought it would be this bombed out washed up shithole country but it seems to be the complete opposite and the weather looks extremely appealing.


That food you ate while over there looked fucking good too.


Would have been nice to catch up with your family over there, I bet your Grandma would have loved it too.

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I used to smash the fuck out of Jew broads... (married now)


Short, dark eyes, dark hair, big teats, big ass, big nose....


But these Israeli broads are on a whole different level.


Thin, purty, can shoot a moving target 100 yards away...


me likey

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This thread kicked serious ass, thanks for sharing the flicks stan.


Those pics changed my perspective on Israel a little bit, I thought it would be this bombed out washed up shithole country but it seems to be the complete opposite and the weather looks extremely appealing.


That food you ate while over there looked fucking good too.


Would have been nice to catch up with your family over there, I bet your Grandma would have loved it too.


Word up!

People have a very clouded view of how Israel is.

I wanted to show it the way i seen it day to day, nothing more.

I knew people would be like: WOW, i didnt know it was like that out there!.

Some people don't like blacks, some people dont like chinks, but everyone hates Jews.

We are raised in a antisemitic society where hating on jews and Israel is viewed as normal.


And i dont get the last part..

I did go there to catch up with my fam, and my g ma did love it.

I dont understand why you say WOULD HAVE..?


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