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Dogs and Cats as bait...



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So this is old and I only came across this because of stupid Facebook support bullshit but.. I just had to post it. I mean fucking people using live dogs and cats as bait for sharks and marlins. Agree or Disagree? kinda fucked up. I guess its cause we view them so fondly as loving pets where as fish and other forms are not so grotesque and unthought of. I mean come on though its just kinda wrong.


Im not usually one to jump up and go crazy over animal shit but this one kinda got me irked.



PS. I like this as well out of the NatGeo article "5,000 euros (U.S. $5,982)" Just shows how bad our economy has gotten since 2005.






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This is an interesting subject, it seems the worth of an animal is generally gauged by our ability to interact with it and derive pleasure from it. Ya know? Slap a live worm on a hook as bait, but don't dare use a cat, cause kitties are fuzzy, and a worm is gross and slimy.


It causes a bit of dissonance for me, I abhor dog fighting, but have personally cheered at a cock fight, loving every minute of the bloodshed and mayhem...

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yeah we all know that. Its just where do you bridge the gap. Do you view you dog or cat or any pet as that same animal as the shark your about to kill. Could you smash your cats head as quickly as you smash a roach...living thing is a living thing. The only difference is domestication. I dont believe everything can be domesticated unless hundreds of years worth of doing so.

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I think ownership and a sense of possession are also issues.


"Could you smash your cats head as quickly as you smash a roach"

I wouldn't kill my cat. I wouldn't kill my roach either. And I would have a problem with anyone trying to kill them as well.

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^ I guess we see cats and dogs as more belonging to us (humans) as we have domesticated them.

Whereas sharks and many other animals are still wild, and are somewhat of a threat, thus we feel easier about killing them.

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theres a difference between worms and cats/dogs.


cats and dogs would naturally never be found in the ocean. on the other hand worms get washed into lakes and rivers all the time.

so if there was a type of cat that lived in swamps and regularly swam in water, you wouldnt mind putting it on a hook and using it to catch fish? again, why does it matter what its natural habitat is? you're still doing harm to it in order to benefit yourself.

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Interesting subject. I know at uni, they have insane guidlines for treatment of vertebrate animals (spinal cord) and you cant even anaesthetise them unless you have a degree. but if they are invertebrate you can perform live dissections and mutilate the fuckers when they're alive.


It's all about how evolved is too evolved, the closer they are to human, the more people seem to care.


If the animal makes for good bait, then i dont have too much of a problem with it, should have been smart enough to not become bait.

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yeh it does look fake actually

i bet its one of those "help us to get rid of these fools, donate money to our fund"


Yeah I thought the same thing when I saw the first pic with the dog. I googled it and theres plenty of some what respectable evidence. IT would be the perfect money maker if it were fake. Although with NatGeo doing an article on it if it were fake would kinda ruin any credibility they have. A risk I dont think theyd take. Take it how you want to.

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I think its wrong personally and I don't even like cats. Then again who's to say that its wrong you know? They catch the shark, kill and stuff it or whatever they do with it. No one gives a shit about that, but the poor poor kitty who was used as bait. Wah wah wah. Animal cruelty is a funny subject.

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I think its wrong personally and I don't even like cats. Then again who's to say that its wrong you know? They catch the shark, kill and stuff it or whatever they do with it. No one gives a shit about that, but the poor poor kitty who was used as bait. Wah wah wah. Animal cruelty is a funny subject.


yeh no shit

I like sharks way more than I like cats

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If this isn't fake, then I have huge issues with it just because of demographics. If this were some indigenous people who have been doing this for years as a hunting technique? Well, I'd probably just say "that sucks." But the fact that it could be WEALTHY Americans, upsets me.


no its real, i know people who do it. if you think about it from a fishing standpoint, its the bees knees. its a live bait, something the fish have never seen nor smelled. ofcourse they are going to bite. i know people who have caught tournament winning catfish using kittens and ducklings. sure its fucked up, but so is a hell of alot of other stuff we do.

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