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Obama: The New George Bush


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Why dont you get obamas dick out yer mouth...your a clown...nothing in those posters are racist...and remember now decyfy your the ELITIST that was advocating ABORTION in minority neighborhoods because those low class citizens of ethnicity were a drag on society. But you clearly don't understand the definition of the word when you think calling someone a bitch is a racist statement...




Theres nothing in any of those images that I saw that really suggests racism. All I see is the standard run of the mill anti any powerful leader type of shit. With that said I havent looked at everything from pages back.



I advocate abortion. Hell I advocate the extermination of the Human race in a hole. But that a different subject.





In reply to that link above me.

IMHO and these are only my thoughts.


As far as Afghanistan is concerned. There are only 2 things that will end all that shit in the middle east.


#1 Pack up most US military forces and leave. Then do what the US was supposed to do back in the 80's.


Or #2 hit Afghanistan with everything in the US UN arsenals so hard. That the people that live threw it start to speak english like its theyre first language. Which I dont agree with, infact its asinine to say the least. I say pull the fuck out. Blame it all on GWB and charge him with war crimes.

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Dude he ain't even black...hes mostly white and Arab and black.



ummmmm yeah. really does someone's racial breakdown matter and where are you getting arab? is it because of being raised muslim and his dad being muslim? yeaaaahhh muslim does not equal arab. fyi.


these sort of weird weird bullshit posts are why it is hard to talk seriously about politics sometimes.


you could have said a billion other things but this kind of takes a lot of clout away from any political statement you make. but whatever.

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this post is seriously lacking. i mean everyone starts off with some statement about a)not being racist b)obama not being "black" or being black c)and the role his race played in the campaign but not in criticism of him.


ok seriously move on.


really the threads title is obama: the new george bush not obama:lets talk about bullshit as it relates to the color scheme


you could talk about:


retaining members of the past administration for the current one


the new objectives for afghanistan paralleling the rumsfeld doctrine


you could talk about them both being cocky fucks after they got elected that you know they must be getting the most pun ever


fuck i would even go for some conspiracy theory shit right now over this bullshit

like...............bohemian grove, bilderberg, rothchild, nibiru, skull and bones shit.

that is how desperate this is for real content

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I figured it was time to dip out when I confessed my skepticism regarding certain extraordinary claims that were made, and was told I was a liberal fascist nigger loving sheep. Then when I asked for some proof, I got something like "It's true because Fox News told me so...so not only are you a liberal fascist nigger loving sheep you're also blind to the truth."


So argue all you want, that's what the Man likes to see. Why do you think there's a two party system? Probably because it's the easiest way to polarize the majority of people with more passion than common sense or political savvy so they'll bicker instead of taking action.


Say what you will about moveon.org, but they are intelligent and Organized with a capital O...and when they get behind a candidate or an issue the partisan bullshit tends to stop.

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yea but look who funds them? They have a clear political agenda and its not uncovering the truth. If you take your opinions so seriously and can't laugh at a satirical picture of a president or politician then oh well. Obama played up his nationality and is using his ethnicity to garner votes. Doing research on his ancestors reveals that his grandfather is Arab, and even his name is Arabic.

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yo Soaker-

its going to be awesome in a few years when the current administrations agenda that their so fervently trying to get thru completely effs things up...democrats wont be in power for years. Thats why republicans are just sittin back and waiting for it to happen, so they can be like "wow. democrats in control really helps things, doesnt it [American public]?!"


identifying dem or rep is stupid anyway tho. big business runs the country, and the planet for that matter. presidents are just pawns it seems

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yo Soaker-

its going to be awesome in a few years when the current administrations agenda that their so fervently trying to get thru completely effs things up...democrats wont be in power for years. Thats why republicans are just sittin back and waiting for it to happen, so they can be like "wow. democrats in control really helps things, doesnt it [American public]?!"


identifying dem or rep is stupid anyway tho. big business runs the country, and the planet for that matter. presidents are just pawns it seems



Yea this should be an interesting midterm election, what with the Census and redistricting, and of course the likely possibility that Democrats will lose a lot of seats. They should clean house and fire everyone and hold all new elections with fresh candidates!

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i agree big business runs this shit ..then the socialist liberals who run the big business and try to brainwash the little guy its evil conservative who actually run it ,, i just hate liberals more than anything ..your ruining my once great country..................

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i agree big business runs this shit ..then the socialist liberals who run the big business and try to brainwash the little guy its evil conservative who actually run it ,, i just hate liberals more than anything ..your ruining my once great country..................



1st: It's still a great country. 2nd: It's not one party or the other, it's all of them. There is no dividing line.

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It really seems that country is polarized a great deal more so than any time that I can remember. The conservative democrats are really the only moderates left.



I honestly don't care what political party one follows as long as they respect and will defend the Constitution, I'm good with 'em.

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People love to catagorize things, it has a calming effect. They even catagorize themselves, so others know what they stand for.


The problem is that no one person is definitively one thing or another. Given enough questions to answer about hypothetical situations, everybody will answer contradictory to themselves.


This world is built upon corruption and natural selection. Otherwise nobody would clean toilets. Your actions are only made available because someone else suffered first. The sooner everybody realizes their own hypocrisy, the sooner we will experience Ego Death, and the peaceful existence of all humans on this planet.


Until then, FOXNews and cowardly, ignorant masses will rule this land by shear numbers alone. Greed being the oil that keeps it all going.

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It really seems that country is polarized a great deal more so than any time that I can remember. The conservative democrats are really the only moderates left.


It's funny, you post all the yellow propaganda and then say something so... moderate.


You're like a puzzle wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a vest.



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I just thought something today, I thought about the whole election for this presidency and thought it was weird out of all the people the Republicans could have chose, they chose such a weak president and vice president combination, why would they knowingly throw an election away, there was no way McCain/Palin would have won.


Was it because the country was in such a crappy position, financially and in the wars etc.


I don't believe in conspiracies that much and certainly don't think that this is, but just wondered what you guys thought about why the Republican nominations were so weak.


Weird what goes through your head when you are painting a ceiling with a roller!!

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The country is divided and the republicans knew they were probably going to lose the election, so as angelofdeath suggests, this was an attempt to stir up the conservative and libertarian base, and a stab at trying to get some independent voters. For the most part its worked and a lot of the traditional conservative political ideologies are becoming the base for a lot of new and incumbent politicians talking points.

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