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starving children vs. upscale dining???

Guest 50million

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Guest 50million
Why's he gotta rent a hotel room instead of just taking you back to his pad?

He got a wifey or something he's trying to hide?


nah. its about 1 1/2 hours away and we plan on drinking before, during and after the 4 hour meal. we're going to be tired and drunky.

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Guest 50million

DAO - I honestly don't know where you live, but I'm guessing a landlocked state in the middle of fucking nowhere.


Sushi is CHEAP and actually good here. I can get it at any grocery store, any mini mall, even baseball games.


I said sushi was regular food because I eat it on the regular....I was even eating it when I started this thread.



Anyways, I consider regular food to be the following (at least for me):


Some kind of chicken dish - with curry, or on a salad, or in some tacos

mexican food of some kind

italian food/pasta of some kind

a fish dish or some kind of sushi

sandwiches, burgers sparingly

i eat a lot of cous cous or rice dishes

and salads.

And I eat a LOT of Thai food.



but fucking beet sorbet with caviar and seared scallop over some kind of fish reduction is NOT regular food to me.

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update: hes paying for and already got a hotel for after dinner.



so $240 for my dinner and a hotel room, and i dont have to drive.


ok so its sounding better.


i love how I pulled this dude's bullshit over the internet


i would nega prop you for this


you're dating a bitch and you ain't helping


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i am neither a prude nor a game player.

it's easy to fuck someone. it's a lot harder to respect them.

plus he's not my dude. he's just my friend that maybe someday, like, months or years from now, maybe could be my dude, but i'm in no rush and neither is he.

can't you just like hanging out with someone? can't you honestly enjoy spending time with them without bumrushing their genitals?

because the way i think of it is, life's too short to not be friends with someone who you have a real connection with just because you're not fucking them.

see the problem is dude doesnt wanna just be friends, no matter how much "yeh cool we can take it slow" bullshit he feeds 50

friends dont rent hotel rooms for one another and pay for a 240$ dinner.


thats ridiculous. If the two are fucking already and considered in a romantic EXCLUSIVE sexual relationship, then okay. But 50 could just as easily be all "well we're just friends for now, sorry" and turn around fuck some other dude, while leading this retard on thinking he'll get anywhere after this expensive dinner date. its pathetic. even if he DOES get the poon after dinner, i bet its the most expensive poon he;ll ever get, and probably not even worth it. terrible. all you deserve the negaprops

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you all deserve nega props for arguing about such stupid shit, trying to act like your way is right, its different to each person anyways.



take that!





like i said before, forget the kids, eat up, and if you put out cool, if not cool.




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Guest 50million

see the problem is dude doesnt wanna just be friends, no matter how much "yeh cool we can take it slow" bullshit he feeds 50

friends dont rent hotel rooms for one another and pay for a 240$ dinner.


thats ridiculous. If the two are fucking already and considered in a romantic EXCLUSIVE sexual relationship, then okay. But 50 could just as easily be all "well we're just friends for now, sorry" and turn around fuck some other dude, while leading this retard on thinking he'll get anywhere after this expensive dinner date. its pathetic. even if he DOES get the poon after dinner, i bet its the most expensive poon he;ll ever get, and probably not even worth it. terrible. all you deserve the negaprops


i think you missed something here...

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Guest 50million

oh? what did I miss?


we're dating...im TRYING to do him. we just havent yet. he planned on going to this dinner thing long before we were even seeing each other. he just happned to have his friend cancel and he was like 'look i really want you to go' after i said maybe he told me about the hotel and whatnot. he said sorry he couldnt pay but he didnt realize his friend was going to cancel. i said dont worry about it and ill think about it. i dont normally go to shit like this thats why i was contemplating it so much.

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we're dating...im TRYING to do him. we just havent yet. he planned on going to this dinner thing long before we were even seeing each other. he just happned to have his friend cancel and he was like 'look i really want you to go' after i said maybe he told me about the hotel and whatnot. he said sorry he couldnt pay but he didnt realize his friend was going to cancel. i said dont worry about it and ill think about it. i dont normally go to shit like this thats why i was contemplating it so much.



this is guy BS for the most part. where does it go from his friend 'cancelling' to him paying for your dinner and hotel. Get real. you're TRYING to do him? please.


the whole thing is fishy. sounds to me like dude is using an angle to get some, and you're down with it all. Hope your relationship works out, keep us posted.



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Guest 50million

i never even thought about that haya. im pretty sure he and every dude on the face of the planet knows you dont have to take 50million to a nice dinner for anything. thats why i considered even saying no. i dont even own anything to wear thats fancy enough to go.



i told him straight up, i dont normally do this and id probably rather go get a burrito, but its for the experience. so i said yes.

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Haya seems mad. About what, I don't know


MAR is still mad pennies aren't being pinched though


im mad because somewhere down the road women got this idea that having sex with a guy 'just cuz' is socially unacceptable and will get a girl called a 'slut', but if the guy gives them shit in return (money, dinner, 'love') then its okay. And i say love in quotes because we all know its not REAL caring and emotion. Even faking that shit will get a pass.


Essentially, closet whoring is ok, but fucking for the sake of fucking and not expecting anything else in exchange somehow isnt....

bass akwards

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i never even thought about that haya. im pretty sure he and every dude on the face of the planet knows you dont have to take 50million to a nice dinner for anything. thats why i considered even saying no. i dont even own anything to wear thats fancy enough to go.



i told him straight up, i dont normally do this and id probably rather go get a burrito, but its for the experience. so i said yes.

hmm your head seems to be in the right place. normally chicks who pull that kinda shit arent as 'mentally sound' as you seem to be. Maybe I was a bit harsh on you personally, but my arguments still apply to other chicks who pull that kinda BS and the guys who think they got 'game' when in fact they're the ones getting played



if i were you id still keep my eye on this dude /nh.

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Guest 50million

thanks and i will for sure.


i mean there are plenty of factors that go into it. its actually not that big of a deal....but honestly i do want to get in his pants. i guess we're just taking it slow? which is cool, we work together n shit. i dont want any drama. i fucking hate drama.



but for real....he aint buying me anything to get into his pants, nor has any other male.


one time, some dude bought me a handle of jack and an 8th of weed. it was obvious he was trying to get me to do him...but i didnt :D

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MAR is still mad pennies aren't being pinched though

I proped you for this bc its almost right and mildly funny.


I dont believe in spending large sums of money on food especially when there are others, in the world and our own backyard that don't have regular meals. Wasteful spending and not enough caring, enter nouveau riche. But what really bugs the shit out of me is when people are doing something wrong, they know it, feel bad about it and they try to justify it anyhow.


This thread is a biopic on what's wrong with America today.

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I don't know, maybe I'm seeing this differently...50's my friend so a) I want her to be happy and b) I figure that she knows what she's doing. Going dutch to a nice restaurant, in the grand scheme of things, is really not a big deal. Nor is getting a hotel room with someone of the opposite sex that you're attracted to. Let me repeat that slowly- IT'S.....NO....BIG.....DEAL.


There sure are some salty-sour-grapes-read-between-the-lines-player-hating-potential-date-rapist motherfuckers on this forum.

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Some of this is societal expectation man/woman type shit. I don't try to impress a girl, if she doesn't like what I'm working with she can move on. At the same time though, I'm sure that if I went out of my way for a girl and she was all ho hum I'll drop her off and get hummed by a ho.

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