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dont get me wrong howard is a great ball player, but these dudes aint unguardable.im pretty sure howard got stuffed so hard he fell out of bounds in game 1, plus Z and moe stripped him a few times also.


the cavs zone D is lookin real nice, if only we could secure that 10-20 point lead we've been gettin into the second half. we'll see how things go down in orlando tommorow, LETS GO CAVS!!!


Never said they were unguardable, I just said the CAVS didn't have anyone that can match up. Sure they can play group defense and double, but that opens up other options, and when you can't guard two of the other teams star players, that creates even more problems.


Even when Howard doesn't score points, he gets boards. Nobody on the Cavs can guard him.


It's the same thing with Lebron and the Magic, Orlando doesn't have anyone that could even stand a chance at guarding Lebron 1 v 1. They have to play him as a team to be able to even contain him.




As far as the Lakers go, Lamar Odum's extra long arms did that. Both times. They should just inbound the ball off his nuts to get him to back off.


Oh yeah, both series are going to go 7 games.

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It's the same thing with Lebron and the Magic, Orlando doesn't have anyone that could even stand a chance at guarding Lebron 1 v 1. They have to play him as a team to be able to even contain him.




And that too leaves multiple options open for the rest of our team. I just suppose Mike Brown didn't let everyone else know that there is a series going on against Orlando. Maybe LeBron was the only one to get the memo so far. I don't see this going to 7 games, that buzzer beater was the fire under our ass for this series. Cavs will take the first game and won't let a loss at home happen. I just don't see it.

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T;6393227']This shit is pissing me off refs calling bullshit calls against Howard to keep the Lebron Kobe commercials worth a shit.


Some of them are funny, but it is absolutely ridiculous that they have been running them the entire playoffs, like it was already predetermined that it would be a Lakers/Cavaliers show down.


The Magic should win. If the Nuggets could stop fucking it up within the last minute of play they should win too. A Magic/Nuggets finals isn't any worse than a Lakers/Cavaliers final.



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Fucking Lakers.. I really don't like this team. They don't show enough heart the way I see it.


Still I want them to win, but I also want a team to show that wants to win and will earn it.


Fucking pussies.

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Why Phil likes putting Luke Walton in the game is baffling. He's the least athletic guy in the NBA. Loves fouling too. Hurts the team. Keep him out.


But other players need to step up. Because Kobe is always looking tired as hell. Vujacic hasn't hit a shot since Game 1 against the Utah Jazz. Bynum hasn't fully recovered from his knee injury. Pau Gasol is one of the softest players in the NBA. Plays like a homosexual. But he gets his sometimes. Lamar Odom is supposed to be the Scottie Pippen of the team. Derek Fisher got old overnight.

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Nuggets vs Magic, let's go!


I was really upset that the Nuggets let the Lakers steal that one at home. No problemo though, they'll steal another in LA and take this thing to the next round. ^___^


The Cavs may be done already, we'll see tonight! Lebron better put up another monster preformance with at least one other person dropping 20 or it's wrap it up time.

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Nuggets vs Magic, let's go!


I was really upset that the Nuggets let the Lakers steal that one at home. No problemo though, they'll steal another in LA and take this thing to the next round. ^___^


The Cavs may be done already, we'll see tonight! Lebron better put up another monster preformance with at least one other person dropping 20 or it's wrap it up time.



The Cavs look like they won't win this series.


However with Nuggets/Lakers, it's hard to say. I'd say whoever wins the pivotal Game 5 -- if Lakers win it, they have about a 70% chance of winning the series. If Nuggets win, they have an 85% chance of winning the series.

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i hate to sound like typical Laker fan on sports talk but...


whats up with dontae jones?

1. pushing kobe in the back while not making an attempt for the ball.

(nba ruled a flagrant 1 AFTER the game)


2. blatently tripping kobe.

(not even getting called during the game but ruled a flagrant 1 after nba review.

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what the fuck!!!??/ this has got to be the worst officiated 4th quarter ive ever seen. ever. this is bullshit. bullshit. bullshit. they need to change the name of the NBA to the NBE National Basketball Entertainment. at least Vince McMachon and the WWE admit their shit is fake.

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