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MLB 2009 discussion thread!


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how about that unassisted triple play eh?


i always like a triple play, but too bad it had to be for the phillies.

whatever tho, my team sucks this year, just like last year, so fuck it.


fuck you.. wats wrong with the phillies... eric bruntlett worst dude on the team pulled it off.. i dont know if chase couldve handled that...

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New York Mets 50-1 ?!?!?!

FUCK YOU MINAYA! And take Ollie Perez with you!


and on that note, I'm off to CitiField, Mets-Phillies starts in 90 minutes!


I went out to the Braves game last tuesday when the Amazins scored 8 runs in the 4th, somehow every Mets or Yankees game I've been to this year has been a victory, I hope my streak doesn't end today.

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There's some fagget wannabe yankee fan sitting in front of me at the game and he's got a fucking golf tee in the back of his all white yankee cap.


I took a flick on my phone ill call him out with after.


Is this shit normal?


heres that pic.





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So I'm watching the Dodgers/Rockies game and cannot understand why Loney is still hitting behind Manny.. Should be Either, Ramirez, Kemp and then Blake. Just seems like the Dodgers make it too easy for teams to go around Ramirez when Loney is only a .270 plus hitter with no power..


Tracy should have stayed with that wicked lefty(Morales) instead of going with that over coaching.. Should have stayed with a cat who wasn't getting close to being hit by the Dodgers.. Sometimes you just gotta go with a hot hand instead of statistics.

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I feel that. Managers are eye level with the players - they see how they play, what talent they have, how they do. Leave the stats to the money ball GMs.


Gardenhire, the Twins manager, almost always never plays Jason Kubel, a left-handed power AND contact hitter, against a left-handed starter, simply because he hits .200 against them. His numbers against righties are insane. But the fact of the matter is that the guy is one of the best fastball hitters in the league, yet he sees the bench against lefties. I always thought the more playing time he got, the more production we'd see from him.


How can a guy get better if you won't let him hit against lefties anyway?

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I know man, to sox fans, or atleast me its just that thing that so annoying but you for some reason get used to it. I find myself saying it sometimes with other matters and I hate it

One of our teams has to knock detroit though, they are pissing me off almost as much as the chi sox are

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I know man, to sox fans, or atleast me its just that thing that so annoying but you for some reason get used to it. I find myself saying it sometimes with other matters and I hate it

One of our teams has to knock detroit though, they are pissing me off almost as much as the chi sox are


Yeah Hawk Harrelson is a homer, he gets real quiet on the broadcasts when they are losing. I agree with Cunt though, you kind of get used to his bs, and he makes you laugh. I wouldn't have it any other way. He has Steve Stone as his color guy,not sure if he is known outside of Chicago from a broadcaster perspective, but hes dam good.


The American League Central sucks because the White Sox (god love em), are just not a great team - they are good - sometimes better, sometimes worse. The scary thing if your a Twins or Tigers fan is that, they are no better. No one is seperating themselves from the pack..


At the end, I think the Tigers will win it, the Sox have a bad road stretch here at the end and have been playing like shit lately.


Beginning of the season I thought it would be



3-W. Sox..

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The Nationals have the potential to be a very good franchise, in time of course. Send Dunn to the AL to be a DH for a solid-hitting outfielder, work on the pitching (and they signed Strasburg), and they could do it. Lord knows they have the money. Their centerpiece is Ryan Zimmerman, of course, clearly one of the best 3B in the majors.

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And having a good color commentator is always a good thing - need to have some knowledge and insight alongside the hype (Hawk). This excludes ESPN coverage, which is garbage, except for the old guy who runs the show. He always fucks up names and statistics, though. Bert Blyleven is another solid color commentator - he blurts out some funny shit, has tremendous baseball knowledge and rails on pitchers when they do anything wrong. Sometimes I think he should be the Twins pitching coach - he worked out well for the Netherlands in the WBC.

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Sad thing is, the White sox have moments where they look like they could be one of the greats.( Almost sweeping angels and yanks back to back) Then they fuck it up by loseing a series to the fucking orioles. 2005 was a year that proved the Sox can be THAT team. But since then its been nothing but dissopointment and bad decisions by both Ozzie and Kenny.


But ill agree to that real talk that the AL central blows.

All lovable teams, and teams that have done alot in their history.

But in todays time, the whole group aint worth a fuck in the overview

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