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My self esteem is low so help me raise it aka it don't take much to get me naked

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Re: DAO has moisturizer next to his bed.



I'll be up for a bit if you care to respond because I know you can't sleep on a count your mom is a loud lay and has a loose headboard.





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Re: DAO has moisturizer next to his bed.


Seriously buddy the first time you called me a faggot(a few pages back) and I blew it off.

Now you come at me again calling me fucking gay?

For what?

We all know that you sit in your single mom's double wide masterbating, claiming you're hitting the poon.

Honestly you're just filling tissues cause your pimply face can't get a real girl and its cheaper to beat off to online porn than to interact and actually go on a date.

Maybe when your long lost pops comes back after "buying those smokes" he can teach you a little thing about how to respect a lady cause obviously watching your mom come home drunk with a different guy every weekend isn't giving you any pointers. Its sad that this place has turned into a bunch of adolescent masterbaters begging and fiending for girls to show some vagina but seriously you sit back in that sticky chair with all your E-game and enlighten us. Tell us how you're going to attract all the decent ladies to the OZ and be sure to mention your motives are strictly to get some new beat off reference for yourself? I can't wait to see what the almighty DAO is going to lure for us to peep at.


I'll be up for a bit if you care to respond because I know you can't sleep on a count your mom is a loud lay and has a loose headboard.





Faggot and gay are the same thing as you.


For what? For talking like a gay faggot. Most of us want to see the vaginas of 12oz. Except for prudence ^.^, and faggots like you that is.


I'm pretty sure it's common knowlege that I live with my wife and son. And before that I had no problem getting poon in ample numbers.


My pimply face??? LMAO!!!! I'm pretty sure that I'm most likely WAY older than you junior.

Online porn? Dates? Nigga I got a fucking wife. I'm set with that.


LMAO! My Mom is on some ultra-Christian shit and I havn't lived with her since I was 13... you know what, it's obvious that you're just some little dumbass who has no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

You're either a young faggot, or some young idiot who wears tight pants and glasses and listens to too much emo, and you're trying to impress little miss dusty cooch.


Grow a dick and get some pussy yourself before you decide to step to your elders about shit that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Seriously. You done just played the fuck out of yourself with that post. :lol:



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Re: DAO has moisturizer next to his bed.


Seriously buddy the first time you called me a faggot(a few pages back) and I blew it off.

Now you come at me again calling me fucking gay?

For what?

We all know that you sit in your single mom's double wide masterbating, claiming you're hitting the poon.

Honestly you're just filling tissues cause your pimply face can't get a real girl and its cheaper to beat off to online porn than to interact and actually go on a date.

Maybe when your long lost pops comes back after "buying those smokes" he can teach you a little thing about how to respect a lady cause obviously watching your mom come home drunk with a different guy every weekend isn't giving you any pointers. Its sad that this place has turned into a bunch of adolescent masterbaters begging and fiending for girls to show some vagina but seriously you sit back in that sticky chair with all your E-game and enlighten us. Tell us how you're going to attract all the decent ladies to the OZ and be sure to mention your motives are strictly to get some new beat off reference for yourself? I can't wait to see what the almighty DAO is going to lure for us to peep at.


I'll be up for a bit if you care to respond because I know you can't sleep on a count your mom is a loud lay and has a loose headboard.




jesus christ. i think you just like added two more pages of hateful shit to an already dead thread.


goddamn man, i love your technique.

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DAO is a pervert


Look here kiddo.

I own my own house, have a successful career, and am happily married.

I got a lot more going on then to try and catch some 12oz poon beat off material.

That's how you're coming across to the rest of us-you're an immature pervert.

You probably scored your wife because she was passed out on 3 Mike's Hard Lemonades and you figured you could get a few grabs and squeezes out of a drunk chick at a party.

Probably knocked her up and are forced into an unfulfilled marriage, and have to stay together for the kid. Buddy you're on the OZ everyday so we'll assume you're the lazy dude that convinced your wife to work at the salon washing old ladies weaves while you pretend to be a good father raising your kid. Your kid probably sees the back of your head staring at a computer screen and when he's screaming for you to get some attention you throw in the Cars movie and tell him to shut up.

You want to see vagina go and see you wife's or is it too floppy now that it has spewed a kid. She probably can't even feel your dick anymore and that's why your on the OZ so much. You guys are just putting on a great rouse for the kid-he should've been aborted than to bring another loveless trailerpark minded kid into society but whatever we all know you are the selfish one.


So almighty DAO, does your wife have an account on 12OZ?

Is she willing to show us her tits and vag or do we need to send her another 3 Mike's Hard Lemonades to see them?

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


Look here kiddo.

I own my own house, have a successful business, and am happily married.

I got a lot more going on then to try and catch some 12oz poon beat off material.

That's how you're coming across to the rest of us-you're an immature pervert.

You probably scored your wife because she was passed out on 3 Mike's Hard Lemonades and you figured you could get a few grabs and squeezes out of a drunk chick at a party.

Probably knocked her up and are forced into an unfulfilled marriage, and have to stay together for the kid. Buddy you're on the OZ everyday so we'll assume you're the lazy dude that convinced your wife to work at the salon washing old ladies weaves while you pretend to be a good father raising your kid. Your kid probably sees the back of your head staring at a computer screen and when he's screaming for you to get some attention you throw in the Cars movie and tell him to shut up.

You want to see vagina go and see you wife's or is it too floppy now that it has spewed a kid. She probably can't even feel your dick anymore and that's why your on the OZ so much. You guys are just putting on a great rouse for the kid-he should've been aborted than to bring another loveless trailerpark minded kid into society but whatever we all know you are the selfish one.


So almighty DAO, does your wife have an account on 12OZ?

Is she willing to show us her tits and vag or do we need to send her another 3 Mike's Hard Lemonades to see them?



I know you're lying about owning your house and having a wife because you come off as a teenage dipshit. You would most likely have more inteligence gained through lifes experience if any of that were true.


Trust me kiddo, If I want to beat off to the internet, I'll just go to Youporn or some shit.

Any MAN on 12oz would want to see the vag's on 12oz just on principal.

By "MAN", I mean dudes who have a functioning cock&balls.

Maybe you rock your pants a little too tight and so your cock&balls no longer function. But trust me, if they did still function they would send chemicals to your brain called "testasterone" which would make you inclined to want to see vagina just on GP.


Just to let you know what an idiot you are though, I'll go ahead and rub a little of my personal business in your face.

I was banging my wife on the now and then tip for over a year before I decided to make her exclusive. During that time I was hitting more than a few other broads and she knew this. And was cool with it. You know why? Because she wasn't an uptight douche of a broad. And because I let her know what it was.

Six years later I made her my wife. And made my son on purpose.


The only reason I'm even telling you this personal information that has nothing to do with any of your business is to rub it in your face. Because you will most likely fall into what you assumed about me. And when that happens I hope you make some sappy emo ass thread about it so that I can clown on you.


Talking shit on my wife and son, now that's a low blow. But I do gotta admit though that I'm flattered that you keep refering to me as the "almighty DAO".

It let's me know where you're comming from.

You see me as this all mighty entity and so I'll take that as a compliment. :biglaugh:

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


I've obviously touched on some tender issues and you find it important to try and defend yourself.

I call you the almighty DAO because you sit pretty high on your horse, personally I hope that someone smacks the horse so it goes for walk leaving you hanging from a tree.


If your wife isn't such an uptight douche of a broad then she'll have no problems sharing pics of her tits and vags. Actually I don't really want to see the worn out vag.

You probably weren't even there for the birth because there was a new topic on 12OZ that was more important so you decided to stay home refreshing the page and getting drunk.

Its always a pleasure talking to grown drunken adults that are raising kids.

Isn't it time you change the propane outside on your doublewide so your wife has hot water for her shower before she goes to her crappy job in the morning.

Obviously you'll be sleeping for most of the morning leaving your precious kid "that you made on purpose" to be raised by a television.

You realize that a kids first 3 years are the most important as they learn and observe everything around them.

You can't be seriously thinking you're a role model raising a son that will become something better than yourself.


Being a homeowner is pretty satisfying and being married to a hot wife has its perks.

You should try it one day, oh wait you're already locked down in a crappy relationship and hitting that 7 year itch-now we all know why you're a drunk and need the satisfaction of internet porn.

Good luck with that.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


catface - you should just do a lingerie thread if that's what you want to do.


i personally wouldn't want to posts pictures of myself in lingerie, which

is why i preferred the options of having many things to do, making it

easier for me to participate.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


I feel like I just watched a bar fight where two girls just grabbed each others hair and held on waiting for the other to let go. No dis...


And Catface... I would go with either your idea for the story in pics... or what Milk said.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


DAO's argument technique:


1. clown on someone for something stupid like expressing an opinion that he disagrees with.


2. when they come back at him, put 'lmao' and 'aaahahaha' in a large size font and maybe that fail picture from colors at the end to emphasize his point.


3. when a reasonable and logical response pointing out that nothing he said made sense he will come back and try to sound smart but misuse and misspell key words as well as state 'facts' that are based completely on personal opinion. Also, latching on to an irrelevant part of the opposing argument and trying to discredit that rather than the overall point.


4. repeat steps 1 - 3 in a random order ad nauseum

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