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Retard talking shit on youtube


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He's trying to say it's not him, but...his Photobucket account has a certain word that sounds suspiciously like a tag. There's a link from THAT account to anpother account with a picture captioned with the same tag.


I might be wrong but I doubt it. If people want to research it, they can do the work themselves...check out his posts in the 505 thread, and notice where all the Photobucket links are from. That account is set to private, but a search turned up another account in the same area with the picture I mentioned.


Coincidence? I don't know...I don't have a VCard reader, but if someone wants his VCard it's there for the taking. Download it, then PM me the email address and I'll see what else I can dig up.

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Hey dickhead.

I get the feeeling that you're so fucking stupid that you think "retarded" means Downs Syndrome.

Guess what. You don't have to look like Corkey to be mentally retarded.

You don't have to "look" retarded to be retarded.

There's alot of shit that can make somebody retarded.

Like getting dropped on their head as a baby.

Or getting hit by a car.

Or anything else that causes brain damage.

Eat enough lead paint chips as a baby and you'll end up retarded.


If your point is supposed to be that he doesn't "look" like a retard then guess what.

You're a fucking retard!

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Not only that, you're a soon to be high school dad, your graffiti sucks (don't lie, you know that's your Photobucket account you linked from in the 505 thread) and you have utterly, completely, and SHAMEFULLY failed to be funny.



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Turns out he's using the same copypasta that Columbine dude used here in the 505 thread.


If that's not him then everything this guy does involves a series of unfortunate (for him) coincidences that is attracting some genuinely bad attention.


Or maybe that's the thing to do nowadays.


Casek- his Photobucket isn't too hard to find. I'm half-assedly looking for his Myspace....if you have a Vcard reader for Windows, I could definitely use it and I would appreciate it a lot.

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Negaprops for watching his videos to begin with.

Negaprops for making ME watch that shit.

Negaprops for picking on a retard.

Negaprops for threatening to slit his moms throat (because he's probably stupid enough to beleive it.)

Negaprops for calling yourself "Inkheadscrew" when you're not even in Inkheads crew.









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