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US Soldier throws puppy off cliff (video)

After School Special

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let me know when the next bill comes out for "military reform"



i don't want to come off like i'm defending any of this, because trust me, it pisses me off as much as the rest of you. but no matter what bill is passed, this shit won't stop. it's fucking war. you put a bunch of young kids in a shithole, sent to kill and conquer, and of course you're going to get some "bad apples" in the bunch. this shit has happened in every war. murder, rape, looting, all of that shit is going on. in Okinawa (sp?), during WWII, dudes chased civilians out of their villages, ran them into caves, then torched everyone with flame throwers. these were families, women and children, innocent villagers. of course we also had the use of the atom bomb, but Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nothing compared to throwing a puppy off a cliff, right?


casek, i'm not trying to talk down on your or nothing. i just pulled this response to go off of. trust me, if a bill was passed to stop this insanity, i'd fucking be behind it 100%. hell, i'd even start a movement to get more people behind it. hell, i'd force people at gun point to sign the fucking thing.


wait, that's like fighting fire with fire. oh well fuck it.

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I've never been in the armed forces, but you can bet that the majority of marines find these videos disgraceful and embarrassing. Don't let a few videos shape your opinion of every marine.






good point, the fact that the media is showing this and shapes our opinions on our armed forces...



BUT THATS THE FUCKING THING, its shaping our opinions (ie: the people who are supposed to be supporting these soldiers) so how the fuck do you think the people who already hate us think about this.


this fucking asshole throwing a puppy off a cliff whether it was dead or not is shaping the opinions of millions of people who see this, and i can assure you those opinions arnt that good of our soldiers.


just because you're in the land of sand and not in whatever american town you live in doesnt mean you can't act like a fucking decent human, you're representing our country (at least my country)

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It just sucks that in today's society, one viral video can form one person's perception of a giant group of people.


I'd venture a guess and say that 99% of marines/armed forces are somewhat 'normal'. As normal as you can be in the marines. But a few bad apples almost always spoil the bunch these days b/c of the media.



I've never been in the armed forces, but you can bet that the majority of marines find these videos disgraceful and embarrassing. Don't let a few videos shape your opinion of every marine.




*I'd also like to add that this guy is a disgrace. You'd think he'd have more common sense than to allow himself be filmed throwing a puppy off a cliff, whether it was alive or dead.


There's an asshole on every corner with his video camera/digital camera/ camera phone/ tape recorder waiting for someone to fuck up so they can tape it. People live for this shit.


It's honestly tough to throw someone a good beating these days because of all the fuckin security cameras and people filming shit with their cellphones.


There are cameras everywhere guys...watch yourselves.


It's been a while, so.....




A lot of the military/ex-military I know are all right. A few aren't. It's hard to prove whether they were messed up going in or not....and a willingness to kill is a feature, not a bug, in the Marines I hear.


Still, a puppy? I'm pretty sure dude is going to get handled for this.


The camera thing is spot on. I was going to whoop up a cabbie who tried to run me down in SF a few years ago. It happened at Sixth Street, and I chased him for a block, and he got out of his cab at Fifth.


I was going for dude, and looked up and saw three dudes videotaping me. I thought, "Fuck this" and bounced.


The only side of the story they would have seen was me kicking the dude in the ribs when he was on the ground, and not the cause of the altercation...which would have made me look like the aggressor. Not good.


People need to start minding their own goddamn business when it comes to certain situations. We live in a nation of snitches and busybodies, and it's fucking infuriating.

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yeah that is true.


man ill never forget my first squad leader. his first words to me were.

"i fucking love this uniform and as long as you are mine you will do the same, and if you dont you will do your best to make me think you love it. if icatch you making it look bad, we will have problems."


haha. we got along great.

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hello to the 33 guests

i hope you're enjoying you're stop over here in channel zero

and remember

pee in her butt

cheeto feet

and flicks or it didn't happen

(no puppies where thrown off a cliff during the making of this thread, except for that one that was, fuck, what an asshole.)

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hello to the 33 guests

i hope you're enjoying you're stop over here in channel zero

and remember

pee in her butt

cheeto feet

and flicks or it didn't happen

(no puppies where thrown off a cliff during the making of this thread, except for that one that was, fuck, what an asshole.)



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HAHAH this homo creamypotatoe gave me negative props? because of my comment.


go make a thread talkin bout how you copped a hardon over meeting Cope again you fucking herb.




and on that whole guests viewing the thread shit, i wish the board would go back to invite only.

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Shooting unarmed civilians then celebrating


This is an edited version of a video that shows an ambush of insurgent run roadblocks. Since you dont know what that means, they pull over cars and murder everyone who is in the wrong sect. Also, if they were shooting UNARMED civilians, there wouldnt be rounds coming back at them. So, in conclusion, you are a fucking moron. I don't have the time to watch all of these videos, but the ones I did were either bullshit or misleading, designed to sway the minds of those operating with a few missing chromosomes.

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