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The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters


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I've never thought to lock my car behind me when a cop pulls me out of my vehicle.


I'm pretty sure that would make me look like I was up to something.



And I've never actually refused a cop to search my car. Next time I get pulled over and I know I don't have anything incriminating on me, I'm gonna refuse a search and see what happens.

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I've never thought to lock my car behind me when a cop pulls me out of my vehicle.


I'm pretty sure that would make me look like I was up to something.



And I've never actually refused a cop to search my car. Next time I get pulled over and I know I don't have anything incriminating on me, I'm gonna refuse a search and see what happens.


I've actually refused a search before and got let go.

Dude tried all that psychology shit on me too and I just told him my wife wouldn't appreciate the car being ransacked.

I wasn't really dirty either, I just didn't feel like trying to explain all the spraypaint in the trunk.

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ive had the k 9 called out on me



so has my uncle



they just need to have the time and feel like your worth the effort spent to haul a k9 unit out...



once they do, the interpretation of the dogs "signal" is up to complete interpretation by the handler, which means get ready for a search



They do K9 sweeps in some streets here, where they seal off an avenue and run dogs up and down the cars on the street. If they signal, say hello to having your car searched..l.



K9 is basically code in cop language for warrantless search

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Oh snap they just knocked dude for having paint in his bag!


I guess I'm extra glad I didn't let that pig search my car that time. :lol:



Am I the only one watching this whole thing through?




haha i just wtached the whole thing.





:lol: :lol:

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they have to find something in the front part of your car before they can legally look in your trunk



although keeping shit in your trunk is a good call.... cops sometimes do this thing called "lying" and will search wherever they want anyway and make up a reason later.


it's hard to believe, i know.

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dont act all shook then.


most of the time when people get caught its because they were unprepared on how to handle a cop.


they can lie all they want and they can say this and that but i take it that you just got scared and got tricked into complying with their tricks.


as many people have stated, tell the cops you dont want your car to get torn up and thats that. and dont be stupid and admit to somethign you didnt do

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one time ma and a friend were pulled over for speeding and they made us get out of the car.

and a dog went through it.

they found nothing.


i laughed when the cop grabbed my dick.



i had told him not to grab my thigh cause i had just gotten a tattoo.

he was actually cool about it.

and didnt touch it.


there was like 9 cop cars surrounding us,

they thought we were running drugs or some shit.

we werent even speeding, it turns out.

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um. are you talking to me? because i dont think i even stated anything about personal experience.

and no, i have never acted shook in front of cops.



as far as personal experience goes.... we were in the "wrong neighborhood" one night, dt's pulled us over. didnt say anything. didnt ask for id. blah blah blah. they walked right over to each side of the car, opened the doors, pulled us out by the arm and searched the entire car. when i went to do the "polite but firm" thing and say 'officer, i dont think we were speeding or doing anything wrong. i dont see what cause there is to search my vehicle?' all they did was laugh and say 'shut the fuck up and keep your hands on the car.' they do that to everyone. every time i've ever seen anyone try to speak in legalese to a cop, their response is always 'shut the fuck up'.


dont come at me like im some shook 17 year old whos never dealt with them before.

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I will never own a hatchback for the trunk reSon.


Sure, they will pop your trunk if they want to, but if you get any lawyer worth a shit they can handle that, because a trunk counts as a locked safe legally, meaning they need a specific warrant to search it. That doesnt mean they wont search it illegally and charge you, but you can probably get the evidence obtained tossed out ansd charges dropped, as long as your dumb ass doesnt admit to owning whatever illegal shit they charged you with..



It goes like this"


PIG: "Mind if I have a look in the trunk?"

you: "Yes I do mind I know my rights blah blah blah"

PIG : "Oh I see we have a lawyer here! How many years did you go to law school? Oh really? Well thats what I thought"

*pops trunk illegally*

PIG : "Wow, did you know there was a sack of weed back there?"

You : *better shut the fuck up. If you admit or even suggest that it was yours say goodbye to your trunk defence, because they will discard that evidence your lawyer will get tossed out, and rely on your own dumbass incriminating sstatements*


Pretty much it depends on a whole bunch of factors how much you are getting fucked with. Cops will do all sort of underhanded things to haul you into jail, but beyond that its up to you not being a fucking moron, dont talk, and getting a lawyer and spending a shitload of money... The justice system is tilted towards those with money, and you can use that to your advantage if you relly are guilty and just put your freedom over everything else. All your beer money - goes to lawyer

all your weed money - goes to lawyer

all your food money - goes to lawyer

eat pork and beans for 6 months, pawn your shit, do whatever to make enough money to afford a good lawyer. It sucks ass, but fucking do it because your caught up now and do you wanna bitch about how unfair the system is while your in jail with money on the outside, or do you wanna gloat about how stupid the 'justice' system is while your sleepinjg on your boys couch because you couldnt pay rent - hey you might be broke but at least you can eat and drink whatever the fuck you want, watch whatever tv you want, and go the3 fuck outside. ,

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