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Tony Scott is doing the Warriors remake

earl broclo ESQ

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i'm with gooch --take the concept and bite into it all you want. put the fucking concept in LA, and do what you want with it. but don't call it the warriors, don't use the same names, and don't make a cyrus character. do a loosely based script, on the original novel. case closed, seal that deal, run with it, watch it do what it wants.


it is unfortunate that there is an audience that would actually need a remake of this movie. you know tony scott is going to shoot it with his griddy MTV style, and make everything darker. the whole point of the warriors was that the gun was snuck into the meeting, and used. most people (in the movie) obviously didn't use guns to settle shit. how the fuck are you going to portray that in LA, where drive-by shootings was an epidemic in it's own for years. it's sad if people today can't see the escapism in the original movie. it was comic book fun, and campy, but that didn't kill the movie. it was the 70's!


and seriously, if they have timberland remix the warriors theme song --i'm going to fucking shoot somebody.



I agree, it would probably be better to name it something else. And then they'd have more creative leeway to add or remove various other elements to the plot.

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Yeah true, considering the original Warriors movie (and novel) was based on the book Anabasis from around 490 BC, about the Greek army invading the Persian Empire and being stranded in the middle of enemy territory, and having to fight their way back to the sea.


That's a good example of associating a random shit from +2000 years ago and making it relevant in modern context

I mean, The Warriors remake is a fucking remake. They admit their lack of originality in the first place.

All I'm asking is a little effort from their behalf...

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Yeah true, considering the original Warriors movie (and novel) was based on the book Anabasis from around 490 BC, about the Greek army invading the Persian Empire and being stranded in the middle of enemy territory, and having to fight their way back to the sea.


haha I can just hear all the anabasis fans yellin WHAT? they are remaking that and calling it warriors?


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Yeah true, considering the original Warriors movie (and novel) was based on the book Anabasis from around 490 BC, about the Greek army invading the Persian Empire and being stranded in the middle of enemy territory, and having to fight their way back to the sea.


now that would make for a good hollywood production. they could go off of the commercial success of "300" and they'd make a killing at the box office.

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I found this on IGN:


"The Warriors is in the cards very soon," says Scott, whose film D¿j¿ Vu hits theaters next week. His Warriors will relocate the action from the streets of New York to those of Los Angeles. "I'm creating a journey from Long Beach to Santa Monica, to Venice, so I'm going to create this sort of little fictionalized journey. But it's going to be a lot tougher and I'll use a lot of the real world -- the real gangs, the real people -- in the movie. That's why I call it Kingdom of Heaven, my brother's [Ridley Scott's] movie, in terms of scale, versus [the original] The Warriors."


Everyone remembers the story of The Warriors. As the gangs of New York rally in an effort to make peace, the revered gangleader Cyrus is shot and killed, with the underdog gang the Warriors falsely accused of the crime. As the group tries to make it back to their home turf of Coney Island, every type of gang -- from Baseball Furies to Lizzies -- struggles to take them out. And as beloved as those unique gangs are by fans of the original film, Scott says he plans on basing his gangs more in the real world.


"I'm going to do my own gangs from today because [the original's] were really knock-offs from Kubrick's movie A Clockwork Orange," he says. "I'll do my own version but it's still that same journey, so therefore I'm paying homage to the movie. I'm not copying it. I'm not going to do what they did on Psycho, which is a frame-by-frame remake, which would be boring… God, I couldn't imagine that. I'd rather shoot myself than spend a year of my life doing that."


He's already done his research into the real gangs of L.A., in fact, and even utilized them a bit in his film Domino.


"I've met all the heads of all the different gangs, so I've already educated myself," says Scott. "They all said, 'Listen dude, if you get this on we'll sign a treaty and we'll all stand on the Long Beach Bridge. There'll be 150,000 members there. It'll look like the L.A. Marathon.' In Domino there was a little bit of that with the 18th Street Gang. The guy that Keira [Knightley] lap-dances with is the second-in-command of 240,000 members. And he was great! The culture and the music and the world has changed so much today, so it is such a wild world out here and all these young [people], from the Cambodians to the Vietnamese to the Crips and the Bloods and the 18th Street Gang, the cultural differences and the music has such a broad range. So I'm going to bring all that to the movie."


Additionally, Scott says that he hardly recognizes the film as a remake. He sees the tale of the Warriors as a simplistic story ("It's 10 little Indians at point B and they have to get back to point A") that he is just adapting with a modern spin.


"I love the movie," he says of the original. "And what I've done is make it contemporary, and I'm going to shoot it contemporary by shooting it here. The original Warriors was New York in the '70s, and everything went upwards, everything went vertically. And now I'm making it a contemporary thing and doing it in L.A., so everything is horizontal. So my vision of The Warriors is Los Angeles in 2007 and the gangs, instead of being 30, are going to be 3,000 or 5,000."

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here's a review on the script:




Yo El Mayimbe here with our weekly script review. This week we take a look at Terrence Winter’s remake of THE WARRIORS for Tony Scott.


Before I start, is it me or is it really hard to watch a Tony Scott film these days? All of a sudden he got crazy with the camera in films like MAN ON FIRE and DOMINO.


I’m sorry but his hyperkinetic cinematography, staccato editing, and saturated colors are a bit too much for me these days. Anyway, he probably has a found the script to use this annoying style. So they hire one of my favorite writers out there Terry Winter (who was heavily rewritten on the 50 cent movie) to update THE WARRIORS.


So what is the verdict?




Folks, as much as I love this writer, THE WARRIORS remake script is hands down the worst script I read and suffered through this entire year!




It’s supremely corny, painstakingly bad, and completely unnecessary. Paramount and MTV are going to have a disaster on their hands with this. You guys at Paramount can get all the writers on board to come and fix this...


...but it doesn’t work.


Setting it in modern day L.A.?




It doesn’t work.


My goodness was this script painstakingly bad! Why are Paramount and MTV Films even remaking this and stepchilding Walter Hill and Larry Gordon?!


As much as I didn’t like Charlie Kaufman’s latest, a few readers reamed me a new one for not finishing it so I took one for the team and punished myself through Winter’s 105 pages of this script.


I wanted to put it down halfway through and it was an exercise in futility.


Folks, all they did was lift the structure and story of the original and place it in L.A. What is it about? If you seen the movie, there are no spoilers, it is the same movie.


Here is a recap:


CYRUS, declares a truce and calls a summit with the intention of uniting all of the Los Angeles area gangs. However, before he even makes his speech he is assassinated by Luther, leader of the Rogues. Cyrus practices his famous speech from the original on index cards on his way to the meeting. Anyway, Luther subsequently frames the Warriors, getting one of the Warriors LITTLE INCH murdered by a Cambodian gang at the end of Act 1. The rest of the Warriors are forced to flee. The Warriors make their way at night through the LA METRO RAIL, the streets and alleys of Long Beach, Compton, East L.A., and Chinatown while running from and battling hostile gangs like THE ORPHANS, THE VIETNAMESE, THE CAMBODIANS, THE PANTHERS, THE LIZZIES (now a transsexual gang — terrible!), THE RIFFS, THE ROGUES, THE WAI-CHINGS and the police. Along the way they lose members, split up, and gain/kidnap a female companion named MERCY who becomes involved with the second-in-command, Swan, all while trying to get home. The script ends after a final showdown with the Rogues at The Warriors home turf of Venice Beach. How original — they substitute Coney Island for Venice Beach. THE ROGUES are corrupt L.A. cops. Get it? Rogue Cops?! Oh whatever! The Riffs have massed on the beach, and, having already learned the truth from a wheel-chaired bound RADIO DJ GUCCI GONZALEZ swarm (and presumably kill) the Rogues as the Warriors head off down the shore.


That’s it! The script is like a video game where The Warriors get into one scuffle, then another. Just one level after another with barely enough time for our Warriors to regroup and refocus. A really bad video game.


So who are our warriors?


CLEON, AJAX, COWBOY, FOX, VERMIN, COCHISE an African American with a massive Mohican tattoo on his biceps, SNOW, LITTLE INCH, SWAN and REMBRANDT.


By the way, some people are pissed that the Baseball Furies aren’t even in this.


Well guess what?


They are!


But to add insult to injury they are not the baseball furies like you remember them.


They are the Latino gang — “Los Furiosos!” The Warriors refer to them simply as Furies.


Yep, the Furies have Los Furiosos inscribed on their bats where Louisville slugger ought to be and on their jerseys!




Get my drift folks? See how corny it is? Ay pero que porqueria of a script!


Oh and by the way fellas, don’t even think of taking your girlfriend to see this remake because is it also super misogynistic and completely degrading to women and every girl in this script is a hoe of some sort.


This is the first time ever in a script review where I give the script a complete fucking F grade!


Now it still doesn’t make sense to me why Paramount and MTV would remake this, when it is this bad. As the rewrites come, it will only get worse.


Enough energy on this porqueria. I really wanted to like it because I am a huge Terry Winter fan, but I just couldn’t.


Anyway, coming next week for our special Halloween edition script review, we take a look at one of the hottest specs out there — Corey Goodman’s PRIEST which Sam Raimi is producing Sony/Screen Gems under his Ghost House Pictures banner. “Priest” is a Vampire Western. A warrior priest teams up with a local sheriff and a priestess to track down a group of vampires who have kidnapped the priest’s niece.


Hasta el proximo capitulo...



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The lizzies - a tranny gang? wtf.



"I’m sorry but his hyperkinetic cinematography, staccato editing, and saturated colors are a bit too much for me these days. Anyway, he probably has a found the script to use this annoying style. So they hire one of my favorite writers out there Terry Winter (who was heavily rewritten on the 50 cent movie) to update THE WARRIORS."

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i read somewhere awhile ago that theres gonna be bloods and crips in this garbage....i really dont understand how hollywood has soooo much loot and such a lack of creativity, they always try to remake movies when 9.5x outta 10 the original is better.



1. like someone said earlier, i've already seen colors. that idea is old and it's been done too many time. so, if that's the case, it is going to suck BIG TIME!


2. that's why they have loot, they don't take risks on fresh ideas, scripts and writers. also, they depend on the flocks of mindless moviegoers to spend their money on shitty remakes and movies like "meet the spartans"

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fuck this. ive seen this movie more times than i can count and im 100% sure it doesnt need to be remade. how about hollywood takes a year to read, travel and come up with some original ideas instead of making shitty remakes of movies people have loved for decades.


also, totally unrelated, but fuck jerry bruckheimer. i blame him for everything shitty ever.

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Quick question, how old were all of you when you saw the movie for the first time?


That said, the latino review guy said the leaked Transformers screenplay was one of the best scripts he'd ever read in his life (it was 200 times worse than what made it into the final film), and the review is dated 2006. Terence Winter is not currently being credited anywhere, so I'm guessing they've moved on from his draft. However, none of the currently attached writers have anything impressive to show in their past work.


I hate to sound like I'm defending this, cause I still think it's a silly idea to remake this movie, but honestly you guys are getting too worked up over something as trivial as this.

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i think i was 9 when i first saw the original. that would have been 1984. that does make a huge difference in how the movie is seen, but i can still watch this movie to this day, and overlook the corny campy aspect, and enjoy it just the same. it's just a classic.


sorry about the latino review, i just googled up info on the movie, and got that. i was just trying to put some substance on the thread, to give people something to talk about.


as for people getting worked up about it? it's ch.0 --dudes get worked up over a kid eating jr. bacon cheeseburgers!:D

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Quick question, how old were all of you when you saw the movie for the first time?


To be honest, I first saw this on like one of those HBO channels in the 90's in my early teens, but I didn't really remember it. I actually didn't watch it and pay full attention until the Director's Cut of the DVD came out a couple years ago (early 20's).


I have yet to obtain a copy of the original, but from what I'm told, the only difference is the addition of comic-book graphic parts before different scenes. Nothing was actually taken out or changed.


I really have no problem with the Director's Cut, because according to him, his original intention was to have the comic-book graphics, but said that during that time period they had funding limits and time limits, less access and less resources (to graphic artists, etc).

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