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your current women issues...


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so, everyone on here's made a post about their girl, or woman they're chasing, heart breaks etc...


but whats everyone's current situation with women? are you chasing? do you got a girl? just broke up... tell all here.


for me:


i meet this beautiful girl at work about 6-7 months ago, right around the same time she had just gotten out of a serious 2 year relationship. i started talking with her on messenger at work off an on for awhile, then one day a few weeks after we began talking she mentioned she was officially single.


this girl is real dope. amazing body, cute face, real unique look, and one of my most favorite things about a women, she knows how to dress to make herself look 10 times better. real nice and stylish.


i run across a lot of girls i'd like to smash, but its rare to find one you'd actually like to be with... and she fits the bill. on top of all those mentioned above attributes, she's college educated, traveled, outspoken, and really easy to talk to / chill with, plus she drinks like a fish and can hold her liquor.


so anyways, we've hung out a few times, lunches, dinner, a movie date. went to each other's house a few times, but she's doing that whole, enjoying being single shit, and not looking to get involved with anyone right now.


shit sucks because i think we'd be really good for one another but, fuck, what can ya do ya know...


so what are yall getting into lately? anyone crushing on someone? in the middle of a chase?

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I'm just doin my thing, hookin up with random skanks as always


I feel like one serious relationship was enough for me in my life...well, not completely true. there's one other girl i really care about and think I'd be good with, but she's too much of a good girl and can't deal with being with me, so fuck it

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Met some rad girl at school who lives real close. our personalities go hand in hand. she's a overly sarcastic honest asshole who is real cute and an absolute sweetheart. I seem to find nice girls and then quickly lose interest in them, but this girl has been consistantly holding my attention. she's real fun to hang out with and has actual interests outside of the typical 20 year old's. likes good books, psycology, etc. so far it's been going real well, yet I'm still real negative about it because that's my dealio.

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Met some rad girl at school who lives real close. our personalities go hand in hand. she's a overly sarcastic honest asshole who is real cute and an absolute sweetheart. I seem to find nice girls and then quickly lose interest in them, but this girl has been consistantly holding my attention. she's real fun to hang out with and has actual interests outside of the typical 20 year old's. likes good books, psycology, etc. so far it's been going real well, yet I'm still real negative about it because that's my dealio.


sounds like the girl i like at work.


she's pretty stubborn, speaks her mind, talks a little shit, cusses here and there in a cute way...


fucking hate it when the timing is off, seems like that shit is always the type of girls i find.


although, i think if i played it cool with her, and just kept hanging out, i could get with her in a relationship, or atleast hook up with her, which would be cool to, i dunno.


shits just irritating thinking or wondering whats going on with her...

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T;6040091']This nigga face so fat he can barely open his eyes and cant see the top of bottom of the screen hence him missing search option and finding the almost 10 page thread called bitch about your girlfriend.


I think his post left the option open for the positive as well... maybe it should be "current woman situation" or something...


My current man situation is kinda wack. I moved somewhere new, practically threw myself at this guy out of loneliness and fear of being in a new place. (never lived outside of my home state before) We've been smashing since September. I realized I like the guy, and he's worth getting to know, but he thinks I'm a "random skank" because of the circumstances. I think I have to cut homie off, since my attempts to turn the situation around are going nowhere.


But on a good note, it has helped me realize how hard I played myself, and how I've played myself in the past as well as giving me motivation to work on my self-esteem/self-respect/self-love...


plenty of fish, yadda yadda, I just need to learn how to fish...


enter the 12oz machismo-ridden peanut gallery:

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I think his post left the option open for the positive as well... maybe it should be "current woman situation" or something...


My current man situation is kinda wack. I moved somewhere new, practically threw myself at this guy out of loneliness and fear of being in a new place. (never lived outside of my home state before) We've been smashing since September. I realized I like the guy, and he's worth getting to know, but he thinks I'm a "random skank" because of the circumstances. I think I have to cut homie off, since my attempts to turn the situation around are going nowhere.


But on a good note, it has helped me realize how hard I played myself, and how I've played myself in the past as well as giving me motivation to work on my self-esteem/self-respect/self-love...


plenty of fish, yadda yadda, I just need to learn how to fish...


enter the 12oz machismo-ridden peanut gallery:


at least you're smart enough to realize that, and to try to work on it. most girls dont even see where they go wrong.

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T;6040151']I need a girl that talks like that as long as she dont look like snoop from the Wire.



I wish I had this kind of mental clarity about my situation all the time instead of when things are all fubar...


so it's kinda null and void in a sense.




haha, and no, it's not another Blood Farts, I don't have that kind of spare time or desire to post as much. :huh:

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I have never really had the patience to take a step back, just kind of barreled through and dismissed things to myself with every excuse in the book. It resulted in me taking the blame for a lot of shit and being too serious. I am trying to learn how to be patient in general, and patient with myself most of all. Life takes time. It's difficult to figure out that balance between "damn, there's not enough time in the day, lets fast forward to all the good parts" and remembering to slow the fuck down and take my time with the good parts.

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