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this website, i doint know

it was a HUGE hit with people at my school, with a large number of them having it.

i jumped on board...why not

in the span of a year, it has turned into a lame ass online profile dealy that really does not offer much at all. every profile page is more or less the same, except for the shitty and useless applications you can add

its nothing more than a glorified email inbox where people can see all your personal shit without you realizing it.

its lasting appeal is almost non existant. im almost sorry i ever got on it.

i find it rediculously sad when people make reference to the site in real life as if its cool.

"hey ill catch u on facebook" "hey join my cause on facebook" "omg do you have facebook"

fuck off

in about a year, the site both BLEW UP and then DIED

its ridiculous

nice try by the creator, but its not really as 'cool' as it was made out to be in the beginning, and its definately worthless right now


also, stop trying to pretend to be activists by joining facebook groups?

recently a facebook group was talked about in the news???? are you kidding me? get the fuck outta here, whats this world coming to?

all i need for recognition in this life is to sit on my fatass behind a computer and create some edgey fucking online group?













PS. Add me, im lonley hahahahahahhha

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Guest shai_hulud

Facebook seems lame. Myspace is definitely lame now that Rupert Murdoch and spam have taken it over.


Myspace was good a few years ago. Now when I talk to people I've just met recently, it goes something like this....


Me- "All right, I'm out of here. Get in touch with me sometime."

Them- "Cool, what's your Myspace?"

M- "I don't use Myspace."

T- "Why not?"

M- "I just don't...here's my email (which I wrote down), I can be reached there."

T- "Uhhhh...what about your cell number?"

M- "Nope, haven't got one of those either. I have a landline, and I don't give it out."

T- "Okay, you have a Facebook?"

M- (walks away)

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Guest shai_hulud

I have a prepaid phone, but it's turned off. I use it when I travel.


Here's my theory about cellphones. They're mainly there for people to call me to ask me to do something for them. I've noticed that the people who always ask me "Why don't you have a cell?" are the ones who seem to need to talk to me/ask for favors the most.


The funny thing is that when I say, "Well, I'd rather spend my money on something other than making it more convenient for you to reach me. IF you think I should have a cell, then give me ten bucks and I'll put it on my phone."


And, that's why my cell phone isn't on.

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I'm too drunk and arrogant to read the shit that people post following the initial post in the thread. So I'll add my 1.5 cents. Facebook certainly fell off the face of the internet(z) earth(z) and isn't taken for shit any more. It is merely a means of advertising and nothing more. All of those special little 'indie films' that people so dickishly post in their profiles are added to a database of things to advertise to an age group.






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