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sometimes I want to pound my kids. (no title change needed)


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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.




Ah ha ha ha ha hah aha ha ha


Bump "I sometimes want to pound my kids"


But in all fairness, what my big brother did to make sure I got to bed, was tell me that when the lights went out, the R U S's (rodents of unusual size) came out and the only safe place was my bed....


I was like ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


Nah boo it's funny.


You just don't have a sense of humor.


or maybe she never got beat as a kid. (or beat too much)

Some people are real touchy feely about beating kids. Now that it's quiet and my brain is out of it's hibernation I can reflect on the wisdom behind a good can of whoop ass.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.




Ah ha ha ha ha hah aha ha ha


Bump "I sometimes want to pound my kids"


But in all fairness, what my big brother did to make sure I got to bed, was tell me that when the lights went out, the R U S's (rodents of unusual size) came out and the only safe place was my bed....


I was like ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM.


sometimes when I want my kids to do something (the ones under 5) and they're not complying, I tell them I'm going to call "the people". I even pick up my phone and have fake conversations with "the people" on occasion. I swear , If I even MENTION the people around my 3 year old , he gets shook. My 5 year old is starting to get hip, but it still works for the 3 year old and it's a lot of fun. "uh, ok..I'm just going to have to call the people"

and he's like "no don't call the people"...I'm like "you sure I don't have to call them?"

he's all "no, don't call them" I'm like, "ok...now go brush your teeth..time for bed"



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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


here's the key


right before it gets bed time make them burn the energy with some sort of physical activity.


whatever they like doing, shit have a wwf wrestling match around that time

so that they have no energy left to mess around at night.


either that or feed them something that will knock them out.

but its winter man. kids get cabin fever from not doing too much at recess time


but dont pound them.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


i never got beat when i was a kid, because i never really acted out, because i was too scared of my scary dad to go against anything he said



That doesn't even make sense.


He obviously beat you at least once to leave that kind of a lasting impression on you.


Being scared of an ass whooping is a learned behavior.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


but dont pound them.


too late. actually only one of them got it...my 3 year old got the spankola because he was pushing the limits, but he's only 3 so he didn't get the hammer..just a few pow pow's on his backside. he didn't even cry, he just got the picture and went to sleep.

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Re: sometimes I want to pound my kids.


sometimes when I want my kids to do something (the ones under 5) and they're not complying, I tell them I'm going to call "the people". I even pick up my phone and have fake conversations with "the people" on occasion. I swear , If I even MENTION the people around my 3 year old , he gets shook. My 5 year old is starting to get hip, but it still works for the 3 year old and it's a lot of fun. "uh, ok..I'm just going to have to call the people"

and he's like "no don't call the people"...I'm like "you sure I don't have to call them?"

he's all "no, don't call them" I'm like, "ok...now go brush your teeth..time for bed"






LOL! My parents use to pull that only they said they were calling Santa to tell him that I'm being bad. :biglaugh:



Not for nothing though, but I'm not sure if that's fucked up or a good thing for you to get your youngins all paranoid of the man.

Especially being as your Muslim in post 911 America and all.

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