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i dont know about yall but i would shell out a few more bucks with no hesitation to have those cans sitting on my bookshelf, even the regular cans look fresh.


the only time when this becomes a problem is when the colors of the LE cans arent available in regular cans as stated by someone up there.



that being said, im expecting my first ironlak cans later this week. i ordered lil laks only because i didnt have enough dough for 6 full sized cans, but still.

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I wanted to get the lil laks when they had them in all those diff. colors, but i missed out. unless some other site still has them in colors other than black and white.




I just saw on Oinkart a new "*NEW* 500ml TAR BLACK". Is this actually the bitumen/tar like in the Molotow Coversall? or is it just a larger can of black paint?

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yea i saw after i placed my order that they used to come in smurf and stuff. was kinda pissed but not really



and not to be a downer, but if you live in the US id just stick with rustos "professional" flat black, its ~635ml and has a decent amount of bitumen. covers great, high pressure and for the same price as Ironlaks 500ml. just wait till ironlak comes out with a 650ml can because i know its in the works...



and samdrake, are you the one who im expecting a package from? i know the dudes sn starts with a s....

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We do charge a little more for the LE cans, generally its about $0.25 cents per can more, this accounts for the additional printing and production costs. That being said the increase is minimal and often the colour is available in a non LE can so that you don't have to pay the extra.


Stylefive & rorucega,


You raise some good points, but we think that your argument should be more directed at major corporations that exploit Graffiti and make money from using it to sell their non Graffiti related products.


We're a very small company started by writers and still employing writers, we make our products for writers and give a lot back to Graffiti in general, through free paint, sponsorships and affordable quality tools for writers. We're not perfect but we definitely make an effort not to exploit or abuse Graffiti as a culture its something we're passionate about and participate in.





i really badly need a job, feel free to hire me :cool:

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Ironlak, if any culture is being appropriated for profit it's being exploited, doesn't matter whether they are big are small - however yeah you're a much smaller player at the moment and you have given back a fuckload to the culture.

When will you're can's have a magnetic mixing pea?(your pre-chinese cans did)..It's the only thing letting it down really



you're right, the only thing that lets down the quality of the paint is the fact that the can makes noise when you shake it :rolleyes: would you like someone to paint for you aswell and tuck you into bed sugar?



some kid said today.. 'ironlaks in league with the fuzz, why else would the stank be so strong 2 days after it dries, unless you wanted the police to know where the fresh paints at'

i said probably not, but the smell is disgusting


the kid who said that probably likes the smell and taste of petrol and lead paint cocktails.

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i've only read about 10 responses in this thread but i just want to add this:


i finally broke down and bought a few cans. it seems like a lot of their colors are hit or miss. reef (weird blue) covers great and looks awesome, gangrene (well.. green) is like thick water, autumn is thick but doesn't cover THAT well, haven't tried flirt (pink) yet, and they had 500ml cans of tar black for a lower price than the regular 400ml? so i got 2 of those. they cover pretty well if you aren't moving too quick with it.


as for the smell.... holy fucking shit. i just sprayed a tiny bit in my basement to see how the colors looked and i ended up wearing my respirator around the house the rest of the night. i don't see how people could like that. even when i tried it outside i found myself holding my nose because it was so awful.

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