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There Will Be Blood


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Well...perhaps basic is a better word. Even so, I just never felt drawn in. The characters of Plainview and Eli were both superbly done, as was essentially all the acting, but I felt as if events were sort of just pieced together randomly. Perhaps that was the point, as it was a loose biography of sorts, but I felt a little more...direction? would have done it well. Like I said, I enjoyed the movie, but I didn't find it a cinematic tour de force. To each their own.


Edit: I may have also gone in with a biased opinion because I had heard from most everyone that it was fantastic, and an epic movie. I may have liked it better if I had just gone and seen it for myself. Again, a decent movie, just not amazing.

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the plot felt pieced together because it was good writing and therefore unpredictable.

not dumbed down cookie cutter crap made palletable for the masses.

i purposely avoided watching any trailers on this and went to see it in the theatres for the

simple reason it had the title there will be blood.

i hate to over examine films and sound like a film nerd but my take on the theme was

the parallels of blood and oil, blood of a brother, blood of an adopted son, blood of jesus/religion


and two thumbs up for having no bullshit love stories or any female characters of any importance. this movie all ballfest (nh)

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Well...perhaps basic is a better word. Even so, I just never felt drawn in. The characters of Plainview and Eli were both superbly done, as was essentially all the acting, but I felt as if events were sort of just pieced together randomly. Perhaps that was the point, as it was a loose biography of sorts, but I felt a little more...direction? would have done it well. Like I said, I enjoyed the movie, but I didn't find it a cinematic tour de force. To each their own.


Edit: I may have also gone in with a biased opinion because I had heard from most everyone that it was fantastic, and an epic movie. I may have liked it better if I had just gone and seen it for myself. Again, a decent movie, just not amazing.



I completely understand about going in with expectations based on what you hear. I tend to, no matter what, go into it with the idea that everyone before me who saw this is a retard and they could be correct about weather it was great or not, but it's jut coincidence if they are, because...well they are retards and retards just like to babble on with their tongues hanging out.


I feel that word of mouth completely ruined Blair Witch for people who hadn't seen it yet also. When someone tells you it's the scariest movie you've ever seen, then you immediately rate it to the scariest stuff you have already seen and expect it to have some sort of context in that range.


So when you go into the movie and it's 99 percent akward camera perspectives and annoying people bitching at each other...you're like ...."when is this supposed to be fucking scary".

Thats the exact opposite effect that the movie had on the people who saw it with out knowing anything about it. They were just watching something. Some random assed people...slowly relating to them even in their worst moments, and then....BOOM.


You can't explain that to people correctly.

Sometimes word of mouth ruins the movie.

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He beats the guy up, the butler of the mansion hears the commotion, and comes down to see what's up. Plainview's kneeling beside the body, looks back at the butler, and says "I'm finished!"


Pretty important line, I hope your bootleg isn't missing it.


This movie kicked my ass six ways to Sunday by the way. Still debating whether I liked it better than No Country for Old Men... it might be edging it out by the slightest.

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Definitely liked it more than no country for old men, and I liked No Country for Old Men.


The reasons being:

That oil rig wasnt CG!

And I think Daniel Day-Lewis delivers lines SLIGHTLY better than tommy lee jones.


As far as story goes it's neck and neck.


Though the music in There Will Be Blood was pretty over the top. It was good, but I think the movie's tension relied too much on the music.

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I enjoyed it. I definitely had super high expectations.


As everyone's said, the acting is top notch across the board.


I felt the same things that held back P.T. Anderson's other films (Boogie Nights, Magnolia) were present in TWBB also. That thing being EXCESS. Obviously there's some truly sparse, minimal stretches in the film...but even those were excessive in their own way. It just seemed like he was trying too hard... The characters came off as cartoon characters to me. The plot was fine, but it all felt so plastic. The whole time I just felt like I was observing these guys acting. "Man, the movie sure was well made." "Man, that joke sure was funny..."


Punch Drunk Love still seems to be his best effort yet.


I did enjoy it. No Country, though not going for the same thing, seemed to be a more successful movie I think.

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