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Vote for Obama.


imagine obam-daddy blasting

, struttin' his victory dance come november..fuck yea.


as i said earlier in this thread, i'm really not too versed on either hillary or obama, but from the small amount i've researched, the notion they are virtually identical doesn't seem very well weighed. those small differences could potentially translate into large differences on a global scale. another thing that doesn't seem to get too much play is if you look at their crews...the people that are whispering in their ears...take a look at their policy advisors and each ones respective background and general policy stance. seems to be quite a difference to me, but what do i know..

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Wow, you're an example of why the education system failed and mothers shouldn't drink while pregnant.


I know you're kidding.. but fyi Obama supports the public/compulsory/federal education system (I could explain this more thoroughly.). He doesn't want to give private school vouchers, and I don't think he knows what homeschooling is. His kids go to private schools anyways, but he gets 'discounts' because he worked at the school -- so i guess that's okay even though vouchers are kinda like discounts, and a shift could be made to allow those who wish a chance at private school.


I think i posted this before. Iunoes.

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i was down to possibly vote for Obama in the general election as i couldnt select anyone for the primaries since my state has closed primaries for independents but ive learned that Obama has connections to Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's old National Security Advisor. this does not make me happy, personally. Brzezinski was co-founder of the Trilateral Commission along with David Rockefeller. i dont care if you believe in conspiracy or not, but this is NOT a group i trust.

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Obama, Hillary, McCain, and Huckabee are all members of the council on foreign relations. Huckabee has stated during a debate that his foreign policy adviser is the president of the CFR, Richard Haass.


"The CFR, dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education and mass communication media, should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the U.S. Constitution and our free-enterprise system. Yet, the nation's right to know machinery ? the news media ? usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities.


The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high-level decisions for converting the United States from a sovereign constitutional republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship."

- Congressman John Rarick


Of course you can't just take what the above states for fact, research it yourself if what you want to do is understand.

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i was down to possibly vote for Obama in the general election as i couldnt select anyone for the primaries since my state has closed primaries for independents but ive learned that Obama has connections to Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's old National Security Advisor. this does not make me happy, personally. Brzezinski was co-founder of the Trilateral Commission along with David Rockefeller. i dont care if you believe in conspiracy or not, but this is NOT a group i trust.


Zbigniew Brzezinski is actually the top, and arguably main, foreign adviser of Obama. Zbigniew Brzezinski has a terrible name too, I have no idea how to pronounce it. In conversations, I refer to him as 'the dude'.

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national health care. socialist ideology.


While Hillary Clinton might tout ideas of national health care, it has nothing to do with socialism. This whole "democrats are communist" thing coming from the right wing is slightly irritating as it couldn't be farther from the truth. Democrats and communists are a world apart as you can see from democratic Presidents presiding over wars against workers states. ;)

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"Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.


The New York senator has criticized presidential rival Barack Obama for pushing a health plan that would not require universal coverage. Clinton has not always specified the enforcement measures she would embrace, but when pressed on ABC's "This Week," she said: "I think there are a number of mechanisms" that are possible, including "going after people's wages, automatic enrollment."


Clinton said such measures would apply only to workers who can afford health coverage but refuse to buy it, which puts undue pressure on hospitals and emergency rooms. With her proposals for subsidies, she said, "it will be affordable for everyone." "





obama will do the same thing once in office. at first they don't force it on you, then slowly, but surely, they tax you for it.

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10 planks of the communist manifesto:


1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.


The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management.




2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.


Misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share".




3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.


We call it Federal & State estate Tax (1916); or reformed Probate Laws, and limited inheritance via arbitrary inheritance tax statutes.




4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.


We call in government seizures, tax liens, Public "law" 99-570 (1986);


Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of "terrorists" and those who speak out or write against the "government" (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process.




5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.


We call it the Federal Reserve which is a credit/debt system nationally organized by the Federal Reserve act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system, and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).




6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State.


We call it the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated through the ICC act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, The Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver's licenses and Department of Transportation regulations.




7. Extention of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.


We call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture. As well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Evironmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.




8. Equal liablity of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.


We call it the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. The National debt and inflation caused by the communal bank has caused the need for a two "income" family. Woman in the workplace since the 1920's, the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, assorted Socialist Unions, affirmative action, the Fedral Public Works Program and of course Executive order 11000.




9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.


We call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public "law" 89-136.




10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.


People are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, which train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based "Education" .




sound fmailiar?

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