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so there were some kick ass storms in northern california today


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one of my neighbour's bmw got pwned







the weather here never changes. during summer it's hot as fuck, blue skies, sunny. every. fucking. day.

in winter, it's kinda cold, with blue skies, sunny. every. fucking. day.


so to wake up to rain going sideways and total chaos made for a nice change of pace


this is what the alley behind our building looked like







good times

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Guest shai_hulud

That's nothing, ABC. Just wait till you go through an El Nino year in California. It's like today, every day, for WEEKS on end.


Today was a pretty healthy storm, but nothing to write home about.


The last few years have been fairly disappointing for good storms in California. But, we get them.


I'll find some flicks from 1998 and post them.

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Guest shai_hulud





Russian River. Whenever it rains a lot, the town of Guerneville floods. Bad.




"Hey, Ed. How did your backyard end up in my backyard?" Millbrae, CA.

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Guest shai_hulud

I take that back, ABC. I went for a walk around the neighborhood and shit looks kinda torn up. Couple trees got busted, and there's a little flooding here and there.


No smashed BMWs yet. You still got the lead in that department.


I called my friend to see if he wanted to go drink beer and play some shuffleboard, and he acted like I was touched in the head. I mean, it's nasty out, but it's not like a fucking hurricane or anything.

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the fence in my sideyard got completely pwned, and the basketball hoop that sits out on my street fell back into our yard and took out a quarter of our tree.


when i went out all of the stoplights weren't working, and on 80, right about when i hit richmond, on the other side of the freeway the traffic was straight up stopped completely. huge accident scattered across almost every lane, and caltrans and the police were there stopping traffic and cleaning shit up.

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I was going to make a thread about this also but didnt think the community would care what us californians call a storm. But shit was wild last night i live perched up on a hill and the wind fealt like it was about to break my windows last night and my skylights were getting hammered. No fallen trees around the hood but there arent any big trees up here. 2 of my clients today told me that they had no power, my ex also said she had no power all day.


I been through el nino's but today this storm had a kick to hit that i havnt experienced. El nino's were more days on days and overall rain this was like bam. Shit is not as bad right now but i hear its still got some left.

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T;5977244']I was going to make a thread about this also but didnt think the community would care what us californians call a storm.


yeah, it was intense, but it's such a rare occurance it's really not worth mentioning. definately not the worst storm i've been in. i remember one time back home in australia the hail stones were coming down the size of baseballs. that was a pretty fucking incredible sight. i looked outside and everyting was white and was like "it doesn't snow here", then looked closer and freaked out

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