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Benazir Bhutto was... rip.


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Benazir Bhutto was part of a political dynasty. Here she is with Pakistan's foreign minister in 1972 in Simla, where her father, President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, met India's Indira Gandhi.





Benazir Bhutto killed in attack


_44322937_bhutto203b2afp.jpg Benazir Bhutto had been addressing rallies in many parts of Pakistan


Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been killed in a presumed suicide attack. News of her death was confirmed by a military spokesman and members of her Pakistan People's Party (PPP).

Ms Bhutto had just addressed an election rally in Rawalpindi when gunfire and an explosion occurred.

At least 15 other people are reported killed in the attack and several more were injured. Ms Bhutto had twice been the country's prime minister.

She had been campaigning ahead of elections due in January.

Nawaz Sharif, also a former prime minister and a political rival, told the BBC her death was a tragedy for "the entire nation".







this cant be a good turn of events...

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it seems as though she was as unpopular to on both sides of the political divide in Pakistan, and was liked my the slim number of moderates who are too moderate to affect much.


In many ways having her in the frame took some heat of Pervez Musharraf , i mean if there are TWO targets the scopes are spread out a bit more instead off all guns aimed at you.

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actually I doubt it had anything to do with musharraff... she was pretty well hated in the country... the whole pocketing over a billion dollars for herself thing... the fact that she was a corrupt bitch who just supported corporate interests and was more then willing to let corporations exploit her people, and her country for a few extra dollars in her pocket really pissed some people off... yeah those same poor people, who are waging a civil war and being called terrorists by america...


But the reason she left the country was corruption charges, the reason she came back was u.s. pressure, and the fact that pakistan has the third largest growing economy, behind china, and india... So yeah america, wanted someone friendly to their corporate interests, how else would we exploit the population...

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Perez has been targeted as well, and i wont be surprised if efforts to cap him aren't stepped up soon as well.


And i do not think that the charges against benazir were ever substantiated i think it was well fuck you good or you can leave the country, via your own free will, either way you'll look like a douche. the good old smear campaign at its best

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she was actually more liked then was let on... she was ahead in the polls of the elections that were scheduled to take place in 2 weeks... and people are seriously rioting there right now... Not defending her, she was defenite douche status... but when you look at the state of afairs in pakistan right now, some form stability ANY form of stability is better than what is going on there now. Without a doubt marshal law is about to be re-instated there.... like ASAP. Musharraf will probably retain control, which sits neither good nor bad with the us at this point. They want him more-so than to have the shiites in control... but as stated they would rather have had bhutto in for economic reasons. This is going to have far reaching affects not only on the middle east but also in the western world. Pakistan has a pretty far advanced nuke program and they are situated between afghanistan and india (whom they have had problems with for a LOOOONG time)... dont be suprised that if musharraf is killed, pakistan dosent fall in line behind iran on the us' hit list.



say word son...

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actually I doubt it had anything to do with musharraff... she was pretty well hated in the country... the whole pocketing over a billion dollars for herself thing... the fact that she was a corrupt bitch who just supported corporate interests and was more then willing to let corporations exploit her people, and her country for a few extra dollars in her pocket really pissed some people off... yeah those same poor people, who are waging a civil war and being called terrorists by america...


But the reason she left the country was corruption charges, the reason she came back was u.s. pressure, and the fact that pakistan has the third largest growing economy, behind china, and india... So yeah america, wanted someone friendly to their corporate interests, how else would we exploit the population...


You are refering to al qaeda, taliban etc with “those same poor people, who are waging a civil war and being called terrorists by america “ right? Would you disagree with those groups being called terrorists? They aren’t really poor, they have money pouring out of their asses from the booming heroin trade they own. The taliban or al qaeda could give a fuck about corruption and everything you mentioned, their problem with Bhutto is she is a female leader and instead of walking around in a tent she wore makeup...and especially because she had good relations with the west/karzai and promised to allow US troops into waziristan. Maybe they feel betrayed that she backed them 10-15 years ago and then turned on them when it became politically advantageous. I agree with you that the struggle with the islamists is a civil war though, since half of Pakistan is backwards enough to support the Taliban and other similar groups.

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now there's confusion as to how she died.


they're saying now that the sunroof hit her in the head from force of the blast's shockwave.


how could they be confused as to how she died? you either see a bullet wound or you don't. if there's no bullet wound then obviously it caused by some kind of blunt instrument striking her or from the blast concussion itself.

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Guest shai_hulud

This is very, very bad.


The one silver lining to this cloud is that in all likelihood Bush is NOT going to do the right thing and demand that the elections go on. He'll just keep sucking Musharraf's dick like he has been for all these years, and letting him do as he pleases.


I like how certain dictators that play ball with US foreign policy get the "look the other way" treatment (Pakistan, Korea, and Burma come to mind), but Saddam Hussein gets demonized because he didn't just take the US aid and do as he was told.


I'm a lot more nervous about this than I am about most things in the world these days.

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Guest shai_hulud

And by silver lining, I mean that it's one more clear cut example of the hypocrisy of the Bush Administration.


Way to build a political legacy for yourself, dude.

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Guest shai_hulud

He's not spreading anything around except my motherfucking tax dollars to all of his military contractor buddies.


I stopped being angry about the military's role in foreign affairs a while ago. Mostly, because I talked to people who were in Iraq and realized they're just doing the best job they can (bad apples notwithstanding).


However, I get REALLY pissed when I find out about no bid contracts for Blackwater, Halliburton, and KBR just getting handed out like candy. It's like Tammany Hall all over again...out-of-control cronyism at the top, but it's so transparent that it sickens me.

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i was listening on the radio and it was speculated that she did not die of the gunshot but shrapnel from the explosion. i also heard the sunroof idea last night.

supposedly AQ is claiming responsibilty.

i wonder if they had any help/intel from Musharraf or Pakistan's equivilant of our CIA which he has strong ties. considering he's doing everything he can to eliminate competition

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Guest shai_hulud

The ISI doesn't publicly let on to what Al Qaeda is doing in Pakistan. There's too much at stake. I personally believe that Bin Laden is in Pakistan, or he died there sometime in the past seven years. If that became a matter of proven fact as opposed to informed speculation, what do you think Bush would do?


It's rather sobering to realize what's at stake here. I predict Bin Laden coming out of hiding sometime after the inauguration in 2009, if he isn't already dead.

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Guest shai_hulud

I didn't know that. Nor am I very shocked by it.


I've been saying for YEARS that Pakistan has to be one of the WORST allies Bush could have picked...no offense to the Pakistani people, of course.


Musharraf is a dirtbag, and is notorious for playing both ends off of the middle. Why would he treat the US any differently?

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Guest shai_hulud

It goes back to what I said earlier, Theo. Bush has that whole "with us or against us" mentality, and has admitted to it publicly. Actually, he's gone on record more or less stating that as US foreign policy on several occasions.

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