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Twenty years after the last film in the series, John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) has retreated to northern Thailand, where he's running a longboat on the Salween River. On the nearby Thai-Burma (Myanmar) border, the world's longest-running civil war, the Burmese-Karen conflict, rages into its 60th year. But Rambo, who lives a solitary, simple life in the mountains and jungles fishing and catching poisonous snakes to sell, has long given up fighting, even as medics, mercenaries, rebels and peace workers pass by on their way to the war-torn region.

That all changes when a group of human rights missionaries search out the "American river guide" John Rambo. When Sarah (Julie Benz) and Michael Bennett (Paul Schulze) approach him, they explain that since last year's trek to the refugee camps, the Burmese military has laid landmines along the road, making it too dangerous for overland travel. They ask Rambo to guide them up the Salween and drop them off, so they can deliver medical supplies and food to the Karen tribe. After initially refusing to cross into Burma, Rambo takes them, dropping off Sarah, Michael and the aid workers...


Less than two weeks later, pastor Arthur Marsh (Ken Howard) finds Rambo and tells him the aid workers did not return and the embassies have not helped locate them. He tells Rambo he's mortgaged his home and raised money from his congregation to hire mercenaries to get the missionaries, who are being held captive by the Burmese army. Although the United States military trained him to be a lethal super soldier in Vietnam, decades later Rambo's reluctance for violence and conflict are palpable, his scars faded, yet visible. However, the lone warrior knows what he must do...

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im never big on these typa movies but rambo has hella nostalgic value for me so...i even saw the rambo cartoons when i was younger...hahaha wack shit but its childhood memories so i guess its aight...












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i'm down for the resurgence of movies from my childhood.


WTF for? I personally think hollywood needs to come up with some new ideas already, this shit is getting stupid. I bet the new Warriors movie is going to be the shit. Since rappers are playing the parts of the gang members you know its going to be hot, not to mention the fact that MTV is making it. They always make the best films.....:rolleyes:

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WTF for? I personally think hollywood needs to come up with some new ideas already, this shit is getting stupid. I bet the new Warriors movie is going to be the shit. Since rappers are playing the parts of the gang members you know its going to be hot, not to mention the fact that MTV is making it. They always make the best films.....:rolleyes:


i'm not talking about remakes, i'm talking about being stoked on having updates to some of my favorite movies from when i was younger. even if they're shit, they still have the nostalgic value.


hollywood will start looking at new ideas when people start paying to see new ideas. look at "the fountain", it's opening weekend pulled in just under 3 million, but the same weekend saw "deja vu" (not exactly a new idea) pull in 20.5 million, and "deck the halls" (again, nothing fresh there) pull in just over 12 million.


it's like people that bitch about how hollywood needs to stop doing remakes of asian horror movies, but they still pay to see them.


now obviously, this (rambo) isn't exactly a fresh idea, but like i said, it carries a nostalgia factor for me. and honestly, it just looks like a great, mindless action movie. if i want something original and thought provoking, i'll find it (more than likely not in theaters), but sometimes i want to see an angry, crazy, ex-military guy rip someone's throat out.



ps - nostalgia or no, the remake of the warriors is going to be absolutely horrible.

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Re: Red Dawn


I just watched Red Dawn the other day because I own a copy. Seeing it now is interestingly parallel to what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan but it's the opposite. The americans are the insurgents and leaving bombs in crowded cafes and ambushing military convoys


goofy cast but good movie to see again

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  • 1 month later...

Re: RAMBO disembowels a pedafile ! . . .


. . . then kicks him in the face . Fck Yeah!


Just saw this movie today.

Good shootem up, arrows though the fckin head em up, stab em up, disintegrate with machine gun fire em up, decapitation via one sniper bullet em up, disembowel with home made bolo knife em up, etc....

anyway, Burma SPDC military dudes got minced! :lol:


based on some true sht going on right now against the Karin people.

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