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this is what I did today (very graphic)


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its an odd subject to discuss, because i feel very hypocritical on it. i have a lot of love for animals, but i regularly purchase food from companies that undeniably treat their animals cruely. i compare my meat eating to my interest in graffiti, sometimes i just want to temporarily shut off the ethical part of my brain, say fuck it, and enjoy life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be able to slit an animal's throat if I had to. I know for a fact I could shoot one.


But I'd rather slit the throats of people who do things like lighting a cat on fire. I'm a firm believer that the deepest levels of hell are reserved for people like that.

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If you eat meat, you should be able to kill an animal. No question. Corporations killed the hunter gatherer in us and now we get squeamish over things that were absolutely essential for life not that far back in history. We're candy asses now.....Dudes need to man up, grow beards and kill shit.


Humans are naturally gatherers and foragers not hunters. Could you chase down an animal in the wild without a weapon jump on its back, dig your claws and teeth into it and kill it? No! your nails are made for peeling fruit and picking plants, your teeth are all molars for biting into hard fruit and nuts, not incissor carnivore teeth that shread and tear, even your saliva does not have the proper enzymes to break down meat let alone raw meat, your colon and intestines are long like all other herbivores in nature, carnivores are short. It wasnt until 10,000 years ago that waring destructive tribes in central Asia discovered that they could domesticate and use cattle for capital (cattle comes from the word capital). Since then humans have justified through reductionist science and religion the torture and genocide of other living creatures. Corporations had nothing to do with it, they promote the same death you do!

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Grow up, little guy...Fortunately we were endowed with these tools that all other mammals on this planet were not endowed with....reason and intelligence. So, we made knives, guns etc. and killed animals and ate them for sustenance. If you don't want to eat meat, go ahead, pick berries and be merry, twiggy. Just don't come up in here throwing stones at the Beefed out meat grinder, nigga!!!!

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You are very wrong and terribly selective about human nature, bigdork.


Adaption is a necessary characteristic of the living; thats 9th grade science. And because humans are living, they have adapted the ability to use tools.


You are also very wrong about your domestication para-sentence.


In the Book of Genesis, God scorned Cain, the farmer. Cain kills Abel, the herder. The story of Cain and Abel story was the story of the beginning of civilization in Mesopotamia: Cultiviation, farming, becomes dominant in the area and the herders soon become extinct. A step backwards, Adam and Eve eats the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (which Daniel Quinn dubbed, the burdened responsibility of deciding who lives and who dies -- a necessary decision when cultivation is to occur.) and are sentenced to a life of agriculture/cultivation.


Point is... God did not favor Adam, Eve, or Cain. He favored Abel.


How does science support cultivation anyways. Science in no way decides right and wrong.


I don't think you understand me. Whatever you're dumb.

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I'd be able to slit an animal's throat if I had to. I know for a fact I could shoot one.


But I'd rather slit the throats of people who do things like lighting a cat on fire. I'm a firm believer that the deepest levels of hell are reserved for people like that.


i was trying to get to that point. people who do that are extremely evil.


...for fun, you light an animal who has done nothing with the intention of hurting...


then what would they do to people who they dont like because of insignificant human problems?!?!

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You are very wrong and terribly selective about human nature, bigdork.


Adaption is a necessary characteristic of the living; thats 9th grade science. And because humans are living, they have adapted the ability to use tools.


You are also very wrong about your domestication para-sentence.


In the Book of Genesis, God scorned Cain, the farmer. Cain kills Abel, the herder. The story of Cain and Abel story was the story of the beginning of civilization in Mesopotamia: Cultiviation, farming, becomes dominant in the area and the herders soon become extinct. A step backwards, Adam and Eve eats the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (which Daniel Quinn dubbed, the burdened responsibility of deciding who lives and who dies -- a necessary decision when cultivation is to occur.) and are sentenced to a life of agriculture/cultivation.


Point is... God did not favor Adam, Eve, or Cain. He favored Abel.


How does science support cultivation anyways. Science in no way decides right and wrong.


I don't think you understand me. Whatever you're dumb.



Your prospective is very myopic. Your argument is primarily based on scripture. Which if you date liberally orginates in greek to around 50 A.D. that is only 1958 years ago! Christanity can also only be dated to around 26 A.D. So to debate a topic with somebody with such a skewed timeline of human history is diffucult. Homo sapiens have been around for 300,000 years and hominids for seven to ten million years, so the 10,000 years that we have been herding and commodifying animals and the twenty to sixty thousand that we have been hunting large animals is very short in comparsion. As far as adaptation, our DNA has been relativley the same for this long too, 95 to 98% of our DNA is the same as gorrillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees which all eat a primarily plant based diet. According to early human fossil evidence of the Australopithecus, plant food made up virtually all of their diet. Our minds have adapted and advandes have been made you are right, but our physiological bodies have stayed the same and it is geared towards plant foods. To break it down a little Facial muscles-herbivore & human=well devloped, Carnivore=reduced to allow wide mouth gap, Omnivore=reduced. Chewing-Herbivore& human=extensive chewing necessary, Carnivore=none, shallows food whole, omnivore=shallows food whole and /or simple crushing, Saliva- herbivore & human= carbohydrate digesting enzymes, carnivore/omnivore= no digestive enzymes. Colon- herbivore/human=long,complex, may be sacculated, Carnivore/omnivore=simple,short and smooth. Liver, herbivore/human=cannot detoxify vitamin A, carnivore/omnivore=can detoxify vit. A, Nails, herbivore/human=flattened or blunt hooves, Carnivore/omnivore=sharp claws, Small intestine, herbivore/human=10-12 times body length, Carnivore/omnivore=3-6 times body length. I can go on and on the evidence is clear. Some science and religion not all have been used by the dominant herding cultures to produce reductive scientific and religious systems that have led to humans and animals being used as economic units and being killed and tortured for thousands of years. Science has justified converting living creatures into machines for capital accumulation, it has contributed to our disconnect between the self and the world and to all living creatures. Reductive religion has also insists on the primary dualism of creator and creation, or god and the world, this believe is a disconnect between the divine and all of us, and reinforces the illusion of separateness. Our meals our direct evidence of our disconnect and the brutality of what is on our plate. The battle over good and evil which you refrence is another mainstay of the religious establishment to divide, in actuality the core teachings of Jesus teach about the orginal blessing and the ongoing celebration of life and the consciousness. Thank for reading! Bless!

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Grow up, little guy...Fortunately we were endowed with these tools that all other mammals on this planet were not endowed with....reason and intelligence. So, we made knives, guns etc. and killed animals and ate them for sustenance. If you don't want to eat meat, go ahead, pick berries and be merry, twiggy. Just don't come up in here throwing stones at the Beefed out meat grinder, nigga!!!!


Actually are closet animal relatives do use tools, and animals do have reason and intelligence. Pigs have the mental capacity of a three year old child and are smarter than dogs. Chickens have complex pecking and social orders. Cows have best friends and have the longest memories in the animal kingdom. Dolphins have saved countless human lives from drowning and shark attack. Your arguments are the some of the same made by slave owners and the Nazis, that other living things have less and are inferior to you so it is ok to torture and kill them. Your disconnect is so deep, that you attack somebody with cliched stereotypes as well as put "male macho stereotypes" on yourself when your brutal, murdering lifestyle is questioned and easily torn down.

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those types of arguments hold no ground as you will never be put in a situation of you and a rabbit/deer/dog whatever are it... less you buy a private jet and crash in the middle of antarctica...


each day you have the choice to say--i need this to live or i don't need this to live, and you choose to end their life.


i do, too. it was delicious...

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Actually are closet animal relatives do use tools, and animals do have reason and intelligence. Pigs have the mental capacity of a three year old child and are smarter than dogs. Chickens have complex pecking and social orders. Cows have best friends and have the longest memories in the animal kingdom. Dolphins have saved countless human lives from drowning and shark attack. Your arguments are the some of the same made by slave owners and the Nazis, that other living things have less and are inferior to you so it is ok to torture and kill them. Your disconnect is so deep, that you attack somebody with cliched stereotypes as well as put "male macho stereotypes" on yourself when your brutal, murdering lifestyle is questioned and easily torn down.


I don't eat Gorilla, or 3 year old child intelligence having pigs. Just because Bigger chickens peck at smaller ones doesn't mean they don't taste good barbecued and doesn't mean they we'rent put here for us to eat. I'm sure the big grapes push the smaller grapes aside while growing from the vine, does that mean we can't eat them? As for cows having best friends and having long memories, I have no knowledge of that, and even if I were 100% sure that it were true I'd still be eating some cow's best friend. Of all the meats I eat the least I eat is beef. Why? because it's not good to eat too much Red meat for digestive reasons, but to say it's not good at all....To each his own. As for torturing, no. I don't torture animals. I kill them for food from time to time and buy them for meat as well, but torturing is out of the question doggy, don't exaggerate things. There's lot's of animals I won't eat, namely...anything carnivorous like a dog or tiger etc. Also, birds of prey. I don't eat animals like that.

As for my "male macho stereotype" I'll crush you, kid... Don't make me son you.


(just kidding, you have and opinion and I respect that, It's cool Big dork=



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I don't eat Gorilla, or 3 year old child intelligence having pigs. Just because Bigger chickens peck at smaller ones doesn't mean they don't taste good barbecued and doesn't mean they we'rent put here for us to eat. I'm sure the big grapes push the smaller grapes aside while growing from the vine, does that mean we can't eat them? As for cows having best friends and having long memories, I have no knowledge of that, and even if I were 100% sure that it were true I'd still be eating some cow's best friend. Of all the meats I eat the least I eat is beef. Why? because it's not good to eat too much Red meat for digestive reasons, but to say it's not good at all....To each his own. As for torturing, no. I don't torture animals. I kill them for food from time to time and buy them for meat as well, but torturing is out of the question doggy, don't exaggerate things. There's lot's of animals I won't eat, namely...anything carnivorous like a dog or tiger etc. Also, birds of prey. I don't eat animals like that.

As for my "male macho stereotype" I'll crush you, kid... Don't make me son you.


(just kidding, you have and opinion and I respect that, It's cool Big dork=




Thanks for respecting my opinion, I actually am not one of those vegans that wont eat in restaurants that serve meat or wont be friends with people that eat meat, actually most of my friends and family eat it and thats fine, I dont push my believes on people unless they ask me a question or are completley ignorant and feel the need to push their lifestyle on me. I know you dont torture animals, but killing an animal because you enjoy the taste of its flesh to me is a form of murder. You have the choice and resources to eat whatever you want, you chose to eat meat because you like the taste of it not because your body needs it or you have no other choice. If I was stranded in the woods and had to kill an animal to survive of course I would! but until that day, I chose compassion and to eat life not death, fear, and suffering. Im glad you dont eat pork or red meat very often, being horrible for the digestive system is just the begining of how horrible animal flesh is for the human body. I leave you with one more fact chart that blew my mind when I first chose to eat less and then no animal products...


This is a 500 calorie composition of equal parts tomatoes,spinach,lima beans,peas, and potatoes to equal parts beef, pork, chicken and whole milk. Same calories 2 different meals one vegan the other animal.PB=plant based meal, AB=animal based meal

Cholesterol (mg)- plant based=o, Animal based=137

Fat (g)-PB=4, AB=36

Protein (g)- PB=33, AB=34

Beta-carotene(mcg)- PB=29,919, AB=17

Dietary Fiber(g)- PB=31, AB=0

Vitamin C(mg)- PB=293, AB=4

Folate(mcg)- PB=1168, AB=19

Iron(mg) PB=20, AB=2

Magnesium(mg)- PB=548, AB=51

Calcium(mg)- PB=545. AB=252



Thanks for reading, I respect your opinion too. Bless


"All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?"-Buddha

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You can't leave eye positioning out of the argument if you're gonna be that thorough.



In any case, the astoundingly ignorant, unscientific, and oft-repeated soundbyte (actually, pretty much all your claims are copy-pasted from extremely biased pro-vegetarian/vegan sites that skew the data to fit their beliefs) of pigs being as smart as a three year old (akin to the "we only use 15% of our brains" claim) really kills your argument, so I suggest you leave that one out for the time being.

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You can't leave eye positioning out of the argument if you're gonna be that thorough.



In any case, the astoundingly ignorant, unscientific, and oft-repeated soundbyte (actually, pretty much all your claims are copy-pasted from extremely biased pro-vegetarian/vegan sites that skew the data to fit their beliefs) of pigs being as smart as a three year old (akin to the "we only use 15% of our brains" claim) really kills your argument, so I suggest you leave that one out for the time being.




Actually bro the nutrition chart I posted is from the largest scientific study ever done on nutrition, diet, and eating habits. It was done by T. Colin Cambell a Cornell scientist along with scientist from Oxford and China and his study has resulted in over 50 scientific articles. So you should do some research, and not assume I copy- pasted from any sites. http://www.ctsu.ox.ac.uk/projects/cecology1989/ This is the details from the study from Oxford University, which I believe is not a pro vegan/veg site.

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Wow that's a surprise... an all-animal diet vs. an all-plant diet resulted favorably for the plant diet!!! Stop the presses!! I thought eating a diet consisting entirely of beef, pork, chicken, and whole milk would totally fulfill all my nutritional needs! Sorry dude, that's not quite the slam-dunk evidence you need to pass this one. Not even gonna go into the whole all-Chinese subject pool, people with generations and generations of specific metabolic adaptation to diets quite different from Western cultures. I also suggest you read the last paragraph on the foreword of that monograph.


Spin it this way, spin it that way... we're omnivores. We have evolved to eat both things, and every single respectable line of scientific thought adheres to this. Can we get all we need from stricly non-animal sources? Of course we can, through careful selection, organizing, and monitoring of our diet. You could even say we are evolving towards a diet where plants feature significantly more than animals in our natural diet. But send a person off to survive in the wilderness on their instincts alone and they will only survive and get their nutritional needs if they feed from both sources. The human body, our physical characteristics, and metabolic chemistry is built to obtain nutrition from plants AND animals.


You wanna convince us not to eat animals, keep telling us about how shitty they're treated at food production factories. That one's unavoidable. I make every effort to pay extra and travel further to buy my stuff free range and organic. But the science isn't on your side my friend (unless you insist on looking at it from carefully selected angles) so I'd suggest not trying to buttress up your argument with it too much.

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Wow that's a surprise... an all-animal diet vs. an all-plant diet resulted favorably for the plant diet!!! Stop the presses!! I thought eating a diet consisting entirely of beef, pork, chicken, and whole milk would totally fulfill all my nutritional needs! Sorry dude, that's not quite the slam-dunk evidence you need to pass this one. Not even gonna go into the whole all-Chinese subject pool, people with generations and generations of specific metabolic adaptation to diets quite different from Western cultures. I also suggest you read the last paragraph on the foreword of that monograph.


Spin it this way, spin it that way... we're omnivores. We have evolved to eat both things, and every single respectable line of scientific thought adheres to this. Can we get all we need from stricly non-animal sources? Of course we can, through careful selection, organizing, and monitoring of our diet. You could even say we are evolving towards a diet where plants feature significantly more than animals in our natural diet. But send a person off to survive in the wilderness on their instincts alone and they will only survive and get their nutritional needs if they feed from both sources. The human body, our physical characteristics, and metabolic chemistry is built to obtain nutrition from plants AND animals.


You wanna convince us not to eat animals, keep telling us about how shitty they're treated at food production factories. That one's unavoidable. I make every effort to pay extra and travel further to buy my stuff free range and organic. But the science isn't on your side my friend (unless you insist on looking at it from carefully selected angles) so I'd suggest not trying to buttress up your argument with it too much.


Im not spinning it or trying to convince anyone, eat what you want .but my belief through research and personal experience is that our human body and metabolic chemistry as you say is not geared towards being omnivores but herbivores. If you read one of my last posts, the evidence from our teeth to intestines to saliva is all their, you cant dispute it, its all humans. Our physilogical evolution has not evolved to better handle animal protein(nearly all humans on the earth are lactose intolerant or unaware that they are) yes we can eat it, but it has damaging effects on the human body, especially eaten over many years. The science is out their, from non biased sources. If you want to talk biased, look at our food pyramid, and the studies funded by the meat and dairy industry, which is the most biased profit driven sector in America, which with the medical and pharmacuetical companies create a trio of power and wealth that can and has influenced and created a cycle of sickness and treatments not cures. Buying free range and organic is no proof that the animals were not treated horribly, since its regulated by the FDA. You still are eating a murdered animal because you like the taste of it. You are not in the wilderness, you are at the store and want to sugar coat your guilt by buying some high priced "free range" meat. You dont need that animal to survive, and that animal wasnt put here so you could put some steak sauce on its flesh and eat it. It was put here to live its life in peace, like you.

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Speaking of eating...


So I was on the train yesterday, just chillin'.. staring at strange folk across from me. And there's this kid with a cut in his Polo coat; the inner white cotton shit is visible. Well yeah, so like the typical train rider I just keep staring at dude -- because he looked like he was about to do something awesome, like most strange people on the train would do. Well yeah.. THEN SOMETHING HAPPENED. HE TAKES THE COTTON SHIT AND STUFFS IT IN HIS MOUTH. Then he starts chewing.




Anyways I think I'm on the same page with you Bigdork -- I think everyone else is too. I'm not gonna go hunt human carnivores, no matter how awesome it may be. And I think it wouldn't do any bad If everyone were more selective with their food, many of us already are.

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The science is indeed out there, from non biased soures, and the word is that we're omnivores.


I did read your posts, and you are completely skewing the data around your beliefs. Instead of taking the existence of canine teeth as evidence that we come from a family of meat eaters, you choose to focus on their small size to defend your posture. Our intestines are halfway in length between a herbivore and a carnivore (actually a bit closer to the carnivore side), but you choose to see a glass half-full perspective of it.


Look up the question "are human omnivores?" and you will see that every.single.result talking against the concept comes from a pro-vegetarian site. And you repeat exactly as they say, down to the very same numbers on that intestine/body length ratio example, I must've seen it on at least 12 different pro-veg sites. The evidence is so astoundingly large that we are designed to handle both kinds of food it's incredible to me how people can convince themselves otherwise and spend an inordinate amount of time and effort trying to disprove something so evident.


Eating free range is certainly no proof, I'll give you that. But it's a better option, other than hunting and eating my own food, which I do on occasion.


And finally, that animal was certainly not put here to live its life in peace. Like every other animal, including you and me, it was put on earth to eat other living things, reproduce, and be eaten. The whole concept of nature and life is built around this cycle. That's just the way it is, sorry to say, but I'm not the one sugar-coating things here.

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You keep bringing up these "pro veg sources" I have gotten none of my information from websites or the popular media. All my information has been from scientific articles, books, and research from doctors and scientist with nothing to gain. If you want to talk biased you need to look at the majority of information out their on nutrition and what to eat. The Meat and Dairy industry along with the Medical and Pharmacuetical industries are some of the most powerful and influencial in the world. They have everything to lose from people switching to a more vegetarian diet. They pay promienent doctors and scientiest to skew information and keep tabs on any research projects that will cause harm to their industury. You cant see that what we eat makes us sick? and then we need medicine and doctors to treat the symptoms not cure. Its a cycle of profit, and the evidence of us being omnivores is needed for them to continue influencing our diets. Every human society on earth that has eaten a vegetarian diet now to the beginning of homosapiens has virtually no signs on our western diseases. 710,000 or more die in this country from heart diseases, 553,000 from cancer, 167,661 from stroke, 122,000 from respiratory disease,, 69,300 from diabetes. This dosent have to happen, but its big money. we spend over a trillion dollars on health care. Who gains from this? Some researchers and scientist promoting a veg diet? Or the huge and powerful trio of food-medical-and pharmacuetical?

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im jumping in the middle of this, i know, but as an ex-peta member, ex-vegetarian, and food lover who is familiar with all of the arguments being discussed i can tell you, the majority of pro-vegetarian information is far from reliable. the backbone of these arguments is, at best, theory, and at its worst, skewed, manipulated and completely false. i think the movement would gain more traction if it were a bit more honest. a vegetarian diet is awesome. my little brother is vegan. i love cooking up some setan or grilling some tofu. at the same time though, ive gone back to eating meat because i came to the conclusion (as anyone who pays attention would) that its not meat thats bad for you. its the quality of meat and the frequency of which you eat it. an argument like yours, bigdork, that the diseases we are seeing are due to an omnivorous diet completely ignores a variety of other factors. the united states is seeing disease because the united states eats shit everyday. you have low end grocery stores selling hormone filled meat from unhealthy grain fed animals, you have processed cheese, egg in milk cartons....just total crap. i think the reason the vegetarian diet succeeds in modern society has less to do with "humans are meant to be herbivores" or some such argument and more to do with the fact that you are eating a simpler, more pure diet. you cant inject lettuce with growth hormones. you cant slip preservatives into a fresh tomato. the big picture here is that its not meat vs veggies, its about the quality of our diets and the lack of attention most people to pay to what they are putting into their bodies. ill never say that a vegetarian diet is a bad thing but im also not going to be convinced that a balanced diet that includes free range, organic meat such as grass fed beef or venison, pure, and unprocessed dairy from healthy animals is detrimental to my health. essentially, what im trying to say is that you can make an argument for a vegetarian diet, you can make an argument for not killing animals, and you can make an argument against our fast food culture but you cant make this whole thing as black and white as some make it out to be. there are a lot of factors at work and if vegetarian groups were really concerned about peoples health it would behoove them to shift from their all or nothing message and really tell people the truth about what they are eating and where these problems are coming from.


and dawood, im still interested in hearing about what you made.

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im jumping in the middle of this, i know, but as an ex-peta member, ex-vegetarian, and food lover who is familiar with all of the arguments being discussed i can tell you, the majority of pro-vegetarian information is far from reliable. the backbone of these arguments is, at best, theory, and at its worst, skewed, manipulated and completely false. i think the movement would gain more traction if it were a bit more honest. a vegetarian diet is awesome. my little brother is vegan. i love cooking up some setan or grilling some tofu. at the same time though, ive gone back to eating meat because i came to the conclusion (as anyone who pays attention would) that its not meat thats bad for you. its the quality of meat and the frequency of which you eat it. an argument like yours, bigdork, that the diseases we are seeing are due to an omnivorous diet completely ignores a variety of other factors. the united states is seeing disease because the united states eats shit everyday. you have low end grocery stores selling hormone filled meat from unhealthy grain fed animals, you have processed cheese, egg in milk cartons....just total crap. i think the reason the vegetarian diet succeeds in modern society has less to do with "humans are meant to be herbivores" or some such argument and more to do with the fact that you are eating a simpler, more pure diet. you cant inject lettuce with growth hormones. you cant slip preservatives into a fresh tomato. the big picture here is that its not meat vs veggies, its about the quality of our diets and the lack of attention most people to pay to what they are putting into their bodies. ill never say that a vegetarian diet is a bad thing but im also not going to be convinced that a balanced diet that includes free range, organic meat such as grass fed beef or venison, pure, and unprocessed dairy from healthy animals is detrimental to my health. essentially, what im trying to say is that you can make an argument for a vegetarian diet, you can make an argument for not killing animals, and you can make an argument against our fast food culture but you cant make this whole thing as black and white as some make it out to be. there are a lot of factors at work and if vegetarian groups were really concerned about peoples health it would behoove them to shift from their all or nothing message and really tell people the truth about what they are eating and where these problems are coming from.


and dawood, im still interested in hearing about what you made.


Again I have to repeat that the research I get my information from is not "theory" as you say. Its scientific articles, its reliable research. Your post is actually theory, and meat is bad for you because of its fat and cholestrol content it doesnt matter if its organic, free range or any of these other things that have been thrown out their by the FDA to get more health concious people to keep eating meat.. Meat has basically no nutrients,antioxidants, fiber, and minerals. The protein, iron, and B12 that meat has is easily attained in eating a variety of plant foods without the fat and cholesterol. Cholesterol is produced naturally by the body and is not needed any other way. Dairy is full of fat and chlosterol "pure and unprocessed" or not, high calcium and animal protein decrease bone health because of the excess metabolic acid that animal food creates, metabolic acid draws calcium from our bones and is depleted through our urine. We consume the most dairy of any country yet have the highest cases of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Bone diseases are caused by a sedantary lifestyle not from consuming less dairy, bones are like muscles you need to work them. Women get more bone disease because they have historically been less active. The United States sees disease because we refuse to replace our animal foods with plant foods not for any other reason. Of course its better to eat less meat than more or less crap and more organic, but if you still are eating your meals around an animal protein you most likely will eventually get a western disease. Cholesterol causes heart disease and animal foods have cholesterol, it is black and white. A 3oz steak has 75mg of cholesterol and a 3oz skinless chicken breast has 72mg so you pick the healthier choice, its not much. As far as cancer, there allready is a cure for cancer its called our immune system, plant foods are the only food that stregthen our immune system. The American Cancer society did a study in 1983 that never made it to the mainstream because of the powerful trio of food, medical, and pharmucetical lobbies. It showed that cancer reacurrence in 4 years from people that ate a plant based diet to a animal based. 0% reacurrence for plant based and 38% for animal based. All animal & fat eating countries have the highest rates of cancer. So you can justify your taste buds desire to keep eating meat, but the reality is is that it does nothing for you except that you like the taste of it. Organic, free range, Grass fed does nothing to reduce the fat, cholesterol and lack of nutrients that meat and dairy have. The argument is very black and white, im sorry to say. Animal protein foods causes disease and plant protein foods do not.

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>ive gone back to eating meat because i came to the conclusion (as anyone who pays attention would) that its not meat thats bad for you. its the quality of meat and the frequency of which you eat it.<


Being vegetarian/vegan for over 14 years now, I've paid VERY close attention. Whether it's conventional, free-range, organic, grass-fed, or any other sugar coated name for animal parts or fluids, it is animal protein and is toxic to the human body. Ingesting animal protein, even small amounts, allows free radicals to roam at will throughout your body and attach to whatever is weak within. This is because your body MUST focus all efforts to break down that toxic animal protein that has been ingested due to the vast array of problems that can, and most likely will be caused because of it. So, while this occurs, the free radicals have free reign. When a person eliminates animal parts and fluids from their diet, and transitions to completely plant proteins, the body is relieved and begins a rapid recovery, setting it's sights on deciminating those free radicals which have taken root. For some folks it may be too late, the damage may be permanent, but for many the recovery does occur, halting the free radicals, as well as many cancers and heart disease, and in many instances actually reversing them as well. We need only to take a stroll thru any cancer or heart disease ward throughout our nation (as I have over the past few years of watching family members suffer through these needless conditions) and inquire to exactly how many of those languishing in those hospital beds are vegetarian or vegan. Good luck finding even one.

Now I did not become vegetarian because I gave a damn about my health, it's not about me. I love my beer just like the next guy. But I, nor anybody employed by the beer industry or any other industry that I support, do not have to chase down and stab, shoot or beat any other living beings to death against their will to produce that product, and that is what matters most. As little harm as possible.

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I think Dawoods ethics are the most on point after reading all of this...


Vegan for a few years, vegetarian for a few more, tossed my own ideas back and forth for years...


I try as hard as I can to NOT support factory farming, Im careful about where the money Im spending goes...


Humans are omnivores as stated before... we have teeth designed for that kind of diet.


I met vegan hunters and fully support that choice. What it ultimately comes down to is how close are you willing to get to your means of survival? How involved are you in every aspect of your life? Clothes, food, shelter, cars?


Much respect for those that kill to eat, grow food to survive, make blankets out of old clothes to keep warm.


Dawoods lamb sounds tasty....

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