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against my better judgement

blood fart

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Props for spilling your guts like that blood fart. Reminds me of parts of my life. It stirred up lots of emotions and memories of people and places and situations I try not to think about. The kind that come to you when you're drinking by yourself. I'm glad you're in a better place now (it seems?). At the risk of sounding cliche, stay strong.

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"I tend to talk about the same happenings from time to time."


its the same "I'm a ex drug addict, i wish i was dead" BULLSHIT every time. half the time i think you make this shit up. in reality none of us know if its true but allot of people buy into it. next time post that shit here http://www.houseofemo.com/emo-forum/ i'm sure they'd love you.

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I guess I should build a time machine and go back and change the past.


People who know me, know I do not lie.

I have nothing to gain by lying.

And it would be retarded that were I to create some pretend life, that I would make up things like this.

I would pretend like things were totally awesome.

Filled with tales of VIP parties and champagne jams.


I don't wish I was dead.

Far from it.

But you think what you want.

It's not going to change what I know to be real and true.

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Here is a photo of my foot.

After I got a hole cut out of it.

Due to drugs.




Here is me and my BFF.

When we were the living dead.



Here is a bill from the hospital.

When they had to save my life.


Naloxone is used to treat heroin overdoses.



Here is my adopted brother that died from a methadone overdose.



Here is the one-legged dude.


I guess I could have made up the part about living in a lot in SF.

And just guessed on a location.

And guessed that there was tons of graffiti in the lot.

And then when people in SF that knew exactly what I was talking about, it could have all been blind luck.

But that is not the case.


Like I said, I have nothing to gain from lying.

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no, the question is can you get off her dick and let her live?

obviously people like the stories. if you don't, walk.

not really an issue.


I was going to say pretty much the exact same thing.


It's pretty easy to just not read something.

If you already know that you don't like anything I have to say, just don't click on threads that I make.

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it doesnt matter if you were talking to me, i was blatantly telling you to go suck a fucking dick. calling people out for lying about shit especially when you dont know them is lame and only makes you look like a jackass. go suck your daddys rich cock for some paint money faggot.


im done.

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thats funny you post the same "get off the dick" comment when ever you don't like what someone posts. now you'll probably come at me with "get off my dick"


you're confusing me with someone else, i very rarely say it, and only when it's appropriate.

i dont care if you hate on me, but theres no reason to hate on her.

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bruce--if somebody writes interesting things why try to inhibit that?


i think tucker max is completely full of shit, but i read his stuff almost religiously, because its a good read.

i think bloodfart is telling truth, and its a good read.


i doubt you read much. most people don't these days. the simple telling of a story is just too much for some people. because they live boring lives and lie (and have been lied to) themselves.

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i wasn't "shit talking" i simply commented on how if its a BF thread its most likely about her not so pleasant past. like we don't already know the story and your right next time ill just skip it cause then it just turns into a lets all defend bloodfart thread kinda like this one turned into. oh and i think theres a difference between lying and "making things up". ill leave it at that. good luck with everything bloodfart.

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I could scan and post more photos.

To prove my point.

But I don't need to.

People that know, know.


I think people doubted that I was in prison.

Then came the jailhouse art thread.

I posted up things with my real name and my prison number.

Envelopes with a prison unit address.

Same thing with that prisoner personals thread.

Where I dug out my old profile from there and scanned it for you guys.


I just don't lie.

If I don't have a personal experience relating to whatever topic, I don't say anything at all.

I don't lie in real life.

I am not going to lie on the internet.

It's just not the way I work.


Just because it is a life you don't understand, doesn't make it any less real.

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Guest shai_hulud

Take it from someone who has traveled a similar but not quite as difficult path, Bruce.


Although I wasn't by her side watching the shit go down, I believe her. I know some of the places, and the details jibe with what I know to be true. I can also relate some of it to parallel events in my own life.


The fact is, I can't tell my own family about a lot of the experiences I've had, simply because they can't grasp what it was like to be in my shoes.


Hearing stories like this makes some people uncomfortable. There's nothing wrong with that. That doesn't mean that people who share stories like this deserve to be knocked down.

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I believe he is in Minneapolis right now.

And has been for a few months.

And was in Georgia for a long while before that.

If you live in either of those places, it very well could be him.


He holds signs on the side of the road and begs for money.




Once when we were trying to leave Texas, he broke his fake leg.

The truck we were riding in blew it's engine.

So we sat under a bridge and drank beer.

Then started walking across some field to get to a 2-mile we had seen.

I look back and they are all standing around.

I walk back and was like,


He was holding the foot from his fake leg in his hand.

It snapped off.

Then our dogs got into a huge fight and bit a chunk of my friend's rib meat out.


I walked to a truck stop and called the paramedics.

Asking for some crutches.

They came.

Didn't bring crutches.


We sat at a truck stop and got drunk and begged for money.

To buy crutches.

At the end of the night, a cop came and brought us some.

So we could get out of his city.


This was in a small town on the outskirts of Waco.


We saved the fake foot off his fake leg.

It hangs from the ceiling at the pirate radio station here in town.

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