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Dog Fish Head Appreciation Thread (hooray beer)


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I really love good beer but have never been a fan of dogfish. For a 4 bottle pack at that price it should have a lot better taste IMO. Tried that apricot, call me crazy but I'd rather drink Pyramid or one of the other apricot brews over dogfish. For a good tasting and good priced 4-pack Sprecher makes some good pints of brew where I'm at. And that Avery, good shit.

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I really love good beer but have never been a fan of dogfish. For a 4 bottle pack at that price it should have a lot better taste IMO. Tried that apricot, call me crazy but I'd rather drink Pyramid or one of the other apricot brews over dogfish. For a good tasting and good priced 4-pack Sprecher makes some good pints of brew where I'm at. And that Avery, good shit.


Seconded. The way to go is Unibroue's Fin Du Monde. Belgian style abbey tripel ale from Canada. So...damn...good. 1094.jpg


It kind of makes me a miserable beer drinker but I'm not a huge fan of high alcohol IPA's. I just don't really dig super bitter beer. That said, Belgian beer is indeed where it's at. Bless the monks.

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its a lot, but... i justify stuff like that by thinking about what i'm willing to pay for a middle shelf beer at a bar--yeah, expensive, but you're paying for more than just getting drunk


and was said, esp re: AVERY, those guys are working out of a pretty small shop, all things considered, and putting out some of the coolest beers in colorado and the US right now.


i'm thirsty...

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I like how you forgot one of the best beers they make...




18-23% alcohol depending on the vintage.




I just haven't had this one. I am only posting ones I have tried.



I have been lookin forward to the world wide stout though. I stared at it for a hot minute last night at the store.

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