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romney is hard on everything. that's the devil that said that guantanamo should be doubled in prisoners.


hey theo: who do you like, who would you vote for?

(does anyone know this? has he talked about it?)



theo is a ron paul supporter as far as i know. he said he'd vote hillary if

it was between her and ghouliani.

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i'm voting for obama first and foremost. clinton if she were to win nomination.


ron paul and kucinic ideally, but i don't see either one of them having a chance.


realistically it would come down to obama or clinton.


i don't want to see voters pull a "ralph nader 2000" and vote for kucinic and paul, giving votes to someone who won't win and and hurting one potential candidate who had a chance to win.


i'm real excited about obama finally leading clinton in polls in iowa, along with oprah winfrey endorsing obama.


oprah is probably the most influential woman in america, with 75% of her followers being women. since clinton also has a strong female base, oprah's influence could shift a great deal of women voters to obama.

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hahahahha what a hilariously dumb thing to say Juan. It's like someone telling you you only support Hugo Chavez because youre both latin


I'm pretty sure he meant the opposite of what you just said here.


He's telling Theo not to do what you just said.


Because Theo had previously said this.



ron paul and kucinic ideally, but i don't see either one of them having a chance.


realistically it would come down to obama or clinton.


i don't want to see voters pull a "ralph nader 2000" and vote for kucinic and paul, giving votes to someone who won't win and and hurting one potential candidate who had a chance to win.


But I could be wrong.

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Weird google ad there:


7 Questions for Ron Paul

Post these 7 questions on Paulite blogs, watch his followers squirm.




And then it turns out to be some some critique of Austrian economics.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I was watching Charlie Rose interviewing a fellow named Michael Kinsley on the topic of how Obama and Hillary's prospective budgets are similar/different. Obama believes the war is a major factor towards what appears to be an oncoming recession, whereas Hillary proposed to pledge $30 Billion towards things like removing graffiti and brighter street lights.


I kind of took a mental note on that, seeing how I am a graffitier, and all.


But yeah, Mr. Kinsley disagreed with Hillary and pretty much said her proposal was a waste of money.


This dyke better not win.



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whats about winning or losing? i was just saying that the government has realized that there are possible issues and are suggesting that children under the age of 6 are vaccinated with non-organic mercury based products. In addition they are taking measures to remove mercury based products from the market all together.


But you get points for being competitive and jumping the gun, you can pat yourself on the back.


In addition if you actually took time to read the articles you posted, the majority of the researchers came to the same conclusion as the government base research. While there is evidence that points to thimerosal as a cause of such issues as ADD and Autism the evidence in inconclusive. Even so, both the government and the private researchers both have decided that removing thimerosal based products is the best course of action.

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whats about winning or losing? i was just saying that the government has realized that there are possible issues and are suggesting that children under the age of 6 are vaccinated with non-organic mercury based products. In addition they are taking measures to remove mercury based products from the market all together.


But you get points for being competitive and jumping the gun, you can pat yourself on the back.


In addition if you actually took time to read the articles you posted, the majority of the researchers came to the same conclusion as the government base research. While there is evidence that points to thimerosal as a cause of such issues as ADD and Autism the evidence in inconclusive. Even so, both the government and the private researchers both have decided that removing thimerosal based products is the best course of action.



last time they said that the thimerosal levels went up.

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fda.gov/cber/vaccine/thimfaq.htm]Much progress has been made to date in removing or reducing thimerosal in vaccines. New pediatric formulations of hepatitis B vaccines have been licensed by the FDA, Recombivax-HB (Merck, thimerosal free) in August 1999 and Engerix-B (Glaxo SmithKline, thimerosal free) in January 2007. In March 2001 the FDA approved a second DTaP vaccine formulated without thimerosal as a preservative (Aventis Pasteur's Tripedia, trace thimerosal). Aventis Pasteur, Ltd was also approved to manufacture a thimerosal-free DTaP vaccine, Daptacel, in 2002. In September 2001 Chiron/Evans was approved for manufacturing a preservative-free formulation of their influenza vaccine, Fluvirin, that contained trace thimerosal. In September of 2002, Aventis Pasteur, Inc was approved to manufacture a preservative-free formulation of their influenza vaccine, Fluzone that contained trace thimerosal, and in December 2004, a thimerosal-free formulation of Fluzone was approved. Two Td vaccines are also available in preservative-free formulations, Aventis Pasteur Inc's Decavac, and Aventis Pasteur, Ltd's Td vaccine. Also, Aventis Pasteur Inc's DT vaccine is now available only in a preservative-free formulation. These changes have been accomplished by reformulating products in single dose vials that do not contain a preservative. At present, all routinely recommended vaccines for U.S. infants are available only as thimerosal-free formulations or contain only trace amounts of thimerosal (≤1 than micrograms mercury per dose), with the exception of inactivated influenza vaccine. Inactivated influenza vaccine for pediatric use is available in a thimerosal-preservative containing formulation and in formulations that contain either no thimerosal or only a trace of thimerosal, but the latter is in more limited supply; see Table 1. A more extensive tabulation of vaccines and thimerosal content may be found in Table 3.


seriously, it's become less of an issue.

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