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Resignation Letter


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i dont see what the big point is


me and moon always get the attention in real life

thats why that ^_^ and blood fart are hating


You get all the attention in real life?

You must live in a pretty boring place, for you two to be something to talk about.


In real life, I am infamous.

Well-known for various things.

My fifteen minutes of fame was extended indefinetly.

Does it mean anything on here?

Not in the least.




Showing high levels of annoyance to little girl bullshit?



The general consensus around these parts is that both of you are super weak.

And annoying.


And not that smart.

Horrible with comebacks.

And don't post nearly enough photos of your pubescent breasts.


My mom isn't welcome on here??


Shut up kid.


I wouldn't piss in your butt if your guts were on fire.

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