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what if you were the only person on earth for one week


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My week....

I'd hit up a bank and transfer some funds then take possession of a rural island.

Boost an exotic car and head out for an adventure of a lifetime, when the ride runs out of gas I carry on with another supercar.

After a few days of ripping off cars in a "fear and loathing" stupor I decide to get a little destructive. Raid an ammo place, stockpile then spend a few days shooting missiles at buildings and such.

I'd probably decide to do some annoying pranks too like letting the air out of all the planes tires at an airport, paint some high profile areas, tattoo my name on a bunch of celebrities, inject diseases into some people that deserve to die(assuming everyone comes back to life after a week), mastermind a plan to take down major corporations, drive a monster truck over some cop cars, weakening amusement ride structures at Disneyland, etc.

This entire week would be a road trip travelling from one city to another collecting priceless items, probably check out area 51 and take pics of aliens, swim in the Playboy mansion grotto(being the only one alive you're bound to toss around a few knuckle children in public, so why not in cool spots), gather incriminating evidence against high profile people so if any criminal investigations pursue from my week of debauchery I have some bargaining tools.

As the end of the week approaches I'd gather my weeks worth of random lootings and get myself a big yacht and travel out to the island I inherited at the beginning of the week.

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derailing threads... lately?



Old as time son.


Old as time.


I feel like some of the best threads start this way.



And in reference to pink eye.



I recently had a case of conjunctivitis pop up, but it was allergen induced. It took me two weeks to figure it out, but I narrowed the cause down to the hair product the girl I was sleeping with used.



No longer do I have pink eye. No longer do I sleep with her.


It made me think about std's though.

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I would contemplate where everyone went.










Then oontz


HAHA! I love it.


First of all, when everyone came back would they know that you were the only one on earth for a week?


Or would everything freeze for 144 hours including computers, so that noone knew or realized?


This is a big deciding factor.

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I think those are baby goats.

I could be wrong.

But I doubt it.


I would end up sticking their head in my mouth.

Not trying to be metal and bite it off.

Just trying to taste the cuteness.


LOL. i knew a girl that would put her dog's snout in her mouth. i asked her why and she said "because it's cute".


do all girls obsessed with cute animals do this? stick the snouts/heads of cute cuddly animals in their mouth? i must get to the bottom of this




bloodfart you seem like you'd put a bunny's head in your mouth.

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I'm not above sticking many various animals' heads in my mouth.

Goats are pretty stinky, but for some reason, I think that baby ones might not be soo bad.


I wouldn't stick a baby chicken's head in my mouth, just because of the beak factor.

And it might hurt me.

Other than that, all is fair game.


Probably more girls do this.

I don't know where it comes from or what brought it on.

But I just know when things are real adorable, I just want to stick it in my mouth.

Puppies, kittens, baby seals, baby monkeys, baby polar bears, baby otters.

You name it, if it's adorable, I want to taste it.


Baby bunny in my head...fuggetaboutit.

Done deal.

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Also, is everybody else sleeping or catatonic?

Or are they all gone?


Like, if I went to King Diamond's house, would he be there, but be unable to fight off my hugs?


I also thought about the fact that all the animals in the zoo and in shelters and even house pets won't have anyone to feed them.

The house pets can just eat their owners after a few days.

But the caged ones, they would just starve to death in a cage.

So I would probably split my time between stealing awesome shit for myself, and stealing all the meat from the grocer and feeding caged handsomes.

No animals die on my watch, buddy.

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i would rob gun stores and get my self a hell of an arsenal.


rob some banks but if was not able to get the safe open i would go to a mall and dig in all their cash registers.


try and drive as many cars as i could.


of course get some graff up in some crazy ass spots.


go to girls houses and dig through their stuff in hopes to find dirty secrets

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if you guys must need to know the full details

everyone just dissapeared

and when they came back after a week

they didnt know what went on and life went back to normal, other than all of the things you did

so your spots would still be up

your poop would still be in someones drawer

and all the dirty underwear you stole from eva mendez' house would still be on your beed

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