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obsessive compulsive disorder


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does she clean because she has a fear, maybe gets her anxious? and does it interfere with her life? I think people with OCD realize that what theyre doing is weird, but have to keep doing it anyway.

I remember this one girl in middle school would have to say "I'm sorry" with everything she said out loud.


Harvey- I think you could definitely classify that as being borderline ocd if it happens a lot.

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Women are nuts. All of us have at least a little bit of crazy in us.


If thats your problem, consider yourself very lucky.


everyone has some type of Schizophrenia. no one can be perfect. and having Schizophrenia doesnt mean your crazy.

i needa dig up more on this.


and for Dawood. the words you are looking for to describe your wife are

"Anal retentive" if you wanna find out more

read up on Freudian psychology it explains all this


"Anal Retentive" The term is often used in a derogatory sense to describe a person with such attention to detail that the obsession becomes an annoyance to others, and can be carried out to the detriment of the so-called anal-retentive person.

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"Anal Retentive" The term is often used in a derogatory sense to describe a person with such attention to detail that the obsession becomes an annoyance to others, and can be carried out to the detriment of the so-called anal-retentive person.


The term anal retentive is a bit more complex than that


It stems from freud's idea that as an infant you go through what is known as an "anal stage"



The theory is that if your parents or caregivers instill in you the habit of holding your shit in, instead of just going wherever and whenever you feel like and they continually punish you if you shit when youre not allowed to


You become anal retentive


And the cleanliness that becomes a characteristic with people later on in life can be connected to youre infant days when your parents made you feel bad for taking a shit




Lesson is: Parents dont potty train your kids before theyre ready.

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The last dudes I lived with tried to tell me I was obsessive compulsive about cleaning.

I just think they were total slobs.

So me wanting to always have a clean house was crazy to them.


I would ask them to clean, but they wouldn't do it proper, so I would have to go back and redo it.

I stopped asking them to clean.

Saved the effort and just did all the work myself.


I am never living with slobbish dudes again.

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ocd mainly deals with regiments and the particular habits interfering with your life...

i have a tad bit in me as far as germs and dirty shit and then keeping my belongings in order.

its weird though like filthy ass subway tunnels and freight yards are fine and dont bother me at all its human filth and gross shit made or brought on by humans that fucking makes me gag sometimes.

yet it does not effect my life(making me late for things, chafing skin, etc...) in any way. my freinds raz me sometimes but fuck it, plus i cant recall the last time i even had a cold let alone got really sick...

if the old lady just cleans then your good, its when she starts counting her wipes or washing her hands so much they have sores that its true OCD...

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Anyone know the difference between obsessive compulsive disorder and just being clean?

My wife freaks out and cleans things that are already clean all the time. I swear it costs me like $100 a month is cleaning supplies. Her clean habit. To me, the crib is like clean, sparkling, glistening, but she'll be cleaning....All pissed off. yelling at kids for walking where she cleaned. I'm like, chill, it's a floor. We walk on floors, ma!


I don't get it, but it irritates the hell out of me. I just stay quiet about it when she gets like that and she walks by me giving me these looks like I should have a sponge in my hand or something....ha ha...When I tell her she has issues, she gets all mad like "the house is filthy, nobody cleans up, etc, etc."


My Moms is the same way. When she gets mad, she cleans. Who the fuck does that?

It has gotten to the point in the past that if there is nothing to clean when she got mad she'd just start breaking shit.

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