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Guest shai_hulud

Okay, Porcelain and HP got some from me because they didn't ask for them. And, I think they gave me some, too.


Mainter, I can't give you or Casek any for some reason. But, you guys know I think you're the best, anyway.


I'm at 203...same as last night.


I don't know how to see how many any one person has given me, Porcelain.

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Guest shai_hulud

Okay, I was going to say something like 5-10 points.


Can someone explain the details of how this works? Certain members can give more, and if you don't include a comment you don't give out any points (?)...that makes sense.


Let's try leaving extra-long comments and see what that does.

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i think member with lots of prop points give lots of prop points when they prop you...


also...you get more prop points if one of your posts gets propped multiple times...

rather than getting multiple posts propped.


ex: you get more points if 1 of your posts is propped by 5 different people...rather than those same 5 people propping 5 different posts of yours.

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here....this is from the vBulletin Manual






"The User Reputation system allows your board members to leave comments about one anothers' posts, and thereby contribute to their overall 'reputation'."


" As users, gain and lose reputation, they are associated with a moniker that describes their current level."


^^thats why you see messages like "better step their game up"

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