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my KB what up??






i think this thread was started to find out more info about what props button and all that shit was all about and it turned into the offical PROPS thread, "let me post THIS to see if niggas be spreadin the props love"..


so yeah..

we be talking about PROPS in huuurr..

hate it or love it..


im always down with increasing my E cred..

and this is where i make it happen..


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You talking to me??


Yeah I was.

I was going to give you props without you having to say anything prop worthy.

Not just because I am in the thread where that is the popular thing to do.

But because, you know.

How we are.

With each other.

You know.



But I ran out of props.

How many props can you give a day?

That's the rail question.


I need to know because I need to ration them out.

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