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How many of you bitches have AIM?


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louche [adj. LOOSH] Someone who is louche has questionable taste or morals, or they could be lacking in respectability. If you're imagining a squint-eyed character who makes you suspicious or anxious you're not far off from this word's origins. Louche is a borrowed French word (meaning cross-eyed) derived from the Latin luscus which literally meant blind in one eye. First used in the English language in the early 19th-century, louche refers to character, behavior, or appearance. It can also describe something that is less than decent. Example: "The louche air of the hotel room left Lucy fantasizing about a suite at the Four Seasons." Near synonyms include shady, shifty, indecent, and disreputable.


bon vivant [n. BAWN vee-VAHN] A bon vivant is a person who is devoted to the finer things in life, especially good food and drink. Example: "She enjoyed visiting her uncle the bon vivant, who always provided fine wine and plenty of rich foods." Bon vivant is a French phrase combining bon (good or favorable) and vivant (living, healthy, animated). Vivant is the present participle of the French verb vivre (to live). Near synonyms include epicure and gourmand.

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louche [adj. LOOSH] Someone who is louche has questionable taste or morals, or they could be lacking in respectability. If you're imagining a squint-eyed character who makes you suspicious or anxious you're not far off from this word's origins. Louche is a borrowed French word (meaning cross-eyed) derived from the Latin luscus which literally meant blind in one eye. First used in the English language in the early 19th-century, louche refers to character, behavior, or appearance. It can also describe something that is less than decent. Example: "The louche air of the hotel room left Lucy fantasizing about a suite at the Four Seasons." Near synonyms include shady, shifty, indecent, and disreputable.


bon vivant [n. BAWN vee-VAHN] A bon vivant is a person who is devoted to the finer things in life, especially good food and drink. Example: "She enjoyed visiting her uncle the bon vivant, who always provided fine wine and plenty of rich foods." Bon vivant is a French phrase combining bon (good or favorable) and vivant (living, healthy, animated). Vivant is the present participle of the French verb vivre (to live). Near synonyms include epicure and gourmand.



with both words in conjuncture with one another, is a perfect definition of myself.

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geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:27:30PM): Hey im from 12oz

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:27:58PM): Username?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:27:59PM): I like pepsi, you?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:28:04PM): Coke

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:28:06PM): u are pretty interesting

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:28:17PM): Tell alot about a person from what they drink

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:28:19PM): I hate fast food

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:28:22PM): still alive?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:28:30PM): It's ok

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:28:34PM): people can be pretty mean sometimes

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:28:43PM): Like Osama Bin Laden?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:28:47PM): maybe if I tried

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:28:57PM): That's great

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:29:00PM): u must want to know sumthin else about me?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:29:09PM): Like?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:29:10PM): I don't know

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:29:11PM): Your username

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:29:14PM): I wish I had more friends

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:29:20PM): ICB?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:29:22PM): I like you!

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:29:27PM): I do too

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:29:30PM): do you go to schoo?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:29:42PM): I live in the middle east, so yes

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:29:46PM): I need to clean my keyboard, brb

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:29:54PM): Dont eat over it

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:29:57PM): I can't seem to get my head straight nowadays

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:30:06PM): Tried a ruler?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:30:10PM): so what's your story?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:30:13PM): can we talk more?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:30:20PM): Food is in the oven

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:30:22PM): one sec

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:30:30PM): -3

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:30:32PM): what kind of tuns do you listen 2?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:30:35PM): hmm, you must be really busy...

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:30:49PM): Maybe

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:30:52PM): I like pepsi, you?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:30:57PM): Coke

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:30:59PM): hey what school do yo ugo to?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:31:08PM): Terrorist camp

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:31:11PM): one time I fell off my bike

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:31:16PM): Bandaid?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:31:20PM): hey what school do yo ugo to?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:31:30PM): Harvard

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:31:32PM): I'm not feeling too good

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:31:41PM): Snort aspririn

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:31:44PM): I'm not feeling too good

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:31:50PM): Snort nyquil

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:31:52PM): one time I fell off my bike

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:32:35PM): Aww

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:32:39PM): I hate fast food

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:32:48PM): I eat food fast

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:32:50PM): people can be pretty mean sometimes

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:33:04PM): You can be pretty nice sometimes

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:33:06PM): where do you live?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:33:19PM): Bagdahdallastan

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:33:22PM): always about you hu..hehehe j/k

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:34:06PM): So, my guess is probably wrong, but Im gonna take one and say this is IrishCarBombs

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:34:07PM): always about you hu..hehehe j/k

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:34:20PM): Copy and pasting is for slow typers

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:34:22PM): I just got a new calculator today, it rocks

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:34:33PM): Can you spell dirty words with it?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:34:36PM): had another stresful day, you?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:34:50PM): Got fired

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:34:55PM): holy cow, brb

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:35:05PM): Waiting

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:35:06PM): the internet sucks nowadays

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:35:15PM): by the way, Whats up?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:35:15PM): MY internet sucks nowadays

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:35:18PM): what's your favorite tv show, I like the real wolrd

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:35:26PM): TV is for suckers

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:35:30PM): I think I might go surfing soon

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:35:35PM): Shark bites

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:35:38PM): u must want to know sumthin else about me?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:35:46PM): Been bit by a shark?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:35:50PM): grabbing a snak brb

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:35:57PM): Snakes are bad for you

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:36:01PM): Id like to get to know u k?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:36:07PM): Sucks for you

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:36:11PM): tell me something about u

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:36:21PM): Grabbing a snak, brb

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:36:25PM): know any good sites, I'm bored

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:36:32PM): i-am-bored.com

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:36:34PM): I hate fast food

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:36:41PM): tell me something about u

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:36:43PM): had another stresful day, you?

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:37:04PM): I hate fast food

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:37:07PM): now I'm going to cry

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:37:15PM): I like coke, do you?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:37:19PM): I can't say for sure

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:37:26PM): Dr. Pepper?

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:37:29PM): it's raining here

brooklynheight5 (11/20/07 07:37:43PM): Its a drought here

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:37:46PM): I don't get out much

geromcrngmbt134 (11/20/07 07:38:00PM): YOU GOT PRANKED! Prank your friends at AIMPrank.com







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Also, thank you CACashRefund for providing me with days of entertainment


To ICB: I dont exactly know, I just thought about you with some of the things it said.



Holy shit, Im trying to prank this one girl, but I have to set it to 10 minutes just to get so much as one reply out of her

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Session Start (louchebonvivant:buddy742223): Tue Nov 20 16:18:30 2007

[16:18] buddy742223: Hey, MilkGrenades

[16:19] buddy742223: by the way, What's your favorite movie

[16:19] LoucheBonVivant: poop on a stick

[16:19] buddy742223: where you at?

[16:20] LoucheBonVivant: jamaica

[16:20] buddy742223: I don't get out much

[16:20] LoucheBonVivant: cool

[16:20] buddy742223: I wish I had more friends

[16:20] LoucheBonVivant: i don't

[16:20] buddy742223: how old are you?

[16:20] buddy742223: by the way, Do you like me

[16:20] LoucheBonVivant: 500

[16:20] LoucheBonVivant: no

[16:20] buddy742223: ahh pooeeey

[16:20] buddy742223: I just got a new calculator today, it rocks

[16:20] LoucheBonVivant: calculators are stupid

[16:20] buddy742223: one sec

[16:20] LoucheBonVivant: i don't even know who you are

[16:21] buddy742223: one time I fell off my bike

[16:21] LoucheBonVivant: cool

[16:21] buddy742223: what kind of tuns do you listen 2?

[16:22] LoucheBonVivant: country

[16:22] buddy742223: I don't get out much

[16:22] buddy742223: Do you like fast food

[16:22] LoucheBonVivant: i like big macs

[16:22] buddy742223: who knows

[16:23] LoucheBonVivant: everyone

[16:23] buddy742223: people can be pretty mean sometimes

[16:23] LoucheBonVivant: cause people are fucking idiots

[16:23] buddy742223: I hate fast food

[16:23] LoucheBonVivant: so

[16:23] buddy742223: YOU GOT PRANKED! Prank your friends at (Link: http://aimprank.com/?cid=1)AIMPrank.com

[16:23] buddy742223: :-P

[16:24] LoucheBonVivant: i don't want to do that that's dumb

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