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or you could always just buy any color rusto and thin it.

acrylic is waterbased,

mustard powder, well what the fuck man, are you TOFE?

and it cant be an old recipe, junobo has only been around for about a year now.


your recipe is full of holes, bro.




wait, whats that? what did i just write? for all those out there that dont know, it says tofeoner. thats right i got these fucking ninja gloves from fuckin, idk they fucking give you sick ass handstyles and makes you invisible when police go by the shit is fucking crazy.

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i saw one of you talking about wheatpaste recipes...and i thought i would put in my 2 cents...though this method is somewhat cruel and un-orthodox, i have always added finely crushed lightbulb glass to my wheatpaste adhesive....i have litterally seen blood on my posters....bloody buffers=good


i don't paste, but damn...tha's fuckin' RICH!:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Shut the fuck up and Go back to watching your GRAFFITIREVIEWS vids.


what are you Junobo's biggest stock holder? that's shit is waterbased plain and simple. I don't watch that kid's myspace videos or whatever he does but if you want to show me a video of Junobo being thinned with paint thinner then I will bow to your knowledge of graffiti products. Until then, Junobo is water based and the mustard powder recepie works. not very well, but if does mix the paint.


and to the kid saying he's never seend thick, bright acrylic paint: you are dumb. Go to Michaels and they have an isle full of big bottles of acryic paint in any shade imaginable and they cost about $2 if you're dumb enough to pay for things.

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Gray mini squeeze marker with felt tip thats attached to plastic so to refill it's no just like taking plain felt out.

bored today while it was raining..

(sorry for shitty phone pics, my camera is elsewhere at the moment)

Big eye dropper bottle, scissors, felt from those like sheets of felt some primer+grey enamel for models+ paint thinner for models+a little fish oil.





:king: :king: :king: :king: :king:

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what are you Junobo's biggest stock holder? that's shit is waterbased plain and simple. I don't watch that kid's myspace videos or whatever he does but if you want to show me a video of Junobo being thinned with paint thinner then I will bow to your knowledge of graffiti products. Until then, Junobo is water based and the mustard powder recepie works. not very well, but if does mix the paint.


and to the kid saying he's never seend thick, bright acrylic paint: you are dumb. Go to Michaels and they have an isle full of big bottles of acryic paint in any shade imaginable and they cost about $2 if you're dumb enough to pay for things.


You show me a video of it being buffed with water...?

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You show me a video of it being buffed with water...?


you dont even need water. you can peel it right off. the fact is, junobo is really ill and doesnt fade in the sun. its not claming to be super staining ink. and if your doing insides with junobo your a fucking idiot. and for all you who bitch about inks not being "super stainingxcore". it gives instructions on how to remove sakura on the side and i dont hear anyone bitching about those? just crush. a staining ink has its purposes but your do em dirty inside job wont last outside and junobo will. end.

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