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How GWB became president


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the US government is hardly republican any more. it has been creeping toward democracy real hard since 1913. the 17th amendment and the abolition of the 10th amendment along with horrible wording on the 14th amendment saw to this. now we have weak states, strong central government, senators elected by popular vote, and few checks to quell the tyranny of the masses.


republican government in america existed to protect life, liberty and property for the most part at one time in our history, now with democracy we have nothing by mob rule and mass wealth confiscation and redistribution, abusive assaults on civil liberty and non existent property rights.


democracy is nothing more than 51% of the people taking away the other 49% rights through government force.

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read up on your history. the ancient greeks had the ideal direct democracy under the polis, where the voting population (men willing to fight in the army) was said to be around perfect at 5000. with the population of the united states at 300 million or whatever it is, we'd require some serious thinking into how to incorporate a direct democracy.

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I've had this thought for a while.

Politicians who are making these laws and decisions have to pander to the mob.

The American Public is (I hate to say it) very dumbed down and votes accordingly.

You can see through most any political statement or speech and how it is presented

to us to be acceptable to 51 percent of the idiots out there.


A real leader or someone NOT caught up in fake "politically correct" statements

would be shot down instantly. Attacked by any political rival or have their words

twisted. There is no chance of any real leadership for us. Only what you may think

is the lesser of two evils by what you see on TV or in the Papers. We are fucked.

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Ok, people in general are pretty stupid so Americans/westerners might be a little mo smarterer than the rest of humanity because we are generally literate etc. But we arent “dumbed down”, we have more access to information at our fingertips than any previous generation. People aren't stupid because of some sort of conspiracy to keep everyone dumb, people are stupid because they are lazy and complacent and take everything for granted. But nobody wants to admit its their own fault they are lazy poor overweight stupid fucks. The reason they can’t locate texas on a map isn’t because they skipped that class to go smoke weed and then dropped out of highschool at 16, its because the public schools didn’t do their job! That’s why they are working at mcdonalds to support their meth habit and have 6 kids and still live with mom, da gubamint is holding them back from their true potential! Class warfare dood! And I think its funny that the people who cite how stupid americans are usually have identical opinions as those very same dumbfucks...like the surprisingly large amount of people who think 911 was some sort of conspiracy, or the huge majority that wants us out of iraq and disapprove of bush etc etc.

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Ok, people in general are pretty stupid so Americans/westerners might be a little mo smarterer than the rest of humanity because we are generally literate etc. But we arent “dumbed down”, we have more access to information at our fingertips than any previous generation. People aren't stupid because of some sort of conspiracy to keep everyone dumb, people are stupid because they are lazy and complacent and take everything for granted. But nobody wants to admit its their own fault they are lazy poor overweight stupid fucks. The reason they can’t locate texas on a map isn’t because they skipped that class to go smoke weed and then dropped out of highschool at 16, its because the public schools didn’t do their job! That’s why they are working at mcdonalds to support their meth habit and have 6 kids and still live with mom, da gubamint is holding them back from their true potential! Class warfare dood! And I think its funny that the people who cite how stupid americans are usually have identical opinions as those very same dumbfucks...like the surprisingly large amount of people who think 911 was some sort of conspiracy, or the huge majority that wants us out of iraq and disapprove of bush etc etc.


here here , although i do think the public school system could be vastly improved i agree with the sentiments. the lord helps those who help themselves!

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  • 2 months later...

you know why GWB became preident?

because he got a helping hand from daddy.



what a fuckin farside distortment of our right to vote.

basically, and tell me if you disagree.


each state can be assigned a color. the colors are democrats and republicans. the other partys dont count anyways.

these colors mean that a majority of the voters in your state will vote one way or the other. and because of the way the electoral college works, if you vote opposite of the majority. your vote counts for nothing.


why would our government group an entire STATE! together just to save time counting votes.

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