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On A Serious Note: Researchers Knock Out HIV


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i sent this to my boy who works for an hiv prevention clinic thing and this is what he sent back.



this is old ass news. the comination therapy has been around for years. It is a good thing but with it comes alot of stipulalations the patients must remember to take their medicationd at a specific time of day everyday. Failure to do so will make that strain of HIV immune to those medications and they will have to start a new comination for that patient. Also HIV patients on this medication are still suffering, they may not be suffering from the HIV realted illness and such but they do suffer from the side effects of these pills whicha re extremely toxic to the human body, some of these side effects are very bad diarrhea, vomiting, being very weak, sensitve to the sun, loss of appetite, and these medicvations will actually redistribute your body fat and make them look horrible. Those are just some of them.








"And it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way." - Metallica

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