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The student protests for the Sydney APEC shit is like 20 mins walk from here


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i for one am completely sick to death of students/hippies/whoevers making a big fucking stink over iraq

everyone knows its an unpopular war

and no one wants the troops there

but nothing you can say or do will make a difference

you dont make the fucking policies

you dont control the army




Espescially if nobody does shit about it. And just stays at home and "shuts their traps" like you would have everybody do.

Fucking crist. I seriously hate you fucking people.

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you dont approve of the war, but you dont like other people who openly disapprove of the war.

Youre an idiot. You also apparently believe theres no point in fighting back if you seem to be overpowered. Im gonna send a giant gorilla to your house to assrape you and see if you just lie there submissively. Not only that, but im gonna send another giant gorilla to assrape your friends so you can shout at them to shut the fuck up and just take it. Jesus youre an asshole.





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I think very few people really give a fuck about the war in Iraq, because very few people actually have a vested interest in it. For the most part it does not affect a large majority of the people. It is "in style" to protest the war. Most people really do not have a fucking clue.


Maybe you live in some other country that has nothing to do with Iraq, but here in the states everybody knows more than one person over there. And alot of us know people that are dead, maimed. and/or crippled because of this shit.

And now we ALL have to worry about the THOUSANDS of new terrorists that want nothing more than to kill Americans because Bush has our soldiers over there killing their families and ransacking the shit out of their lives. And for what? If I was an Iraqi kid that saw my fam get shot and blown the fuck up there'd be nothing that would stop me from a life of revenge. And the longer we stay there the more of THEM we bread and inspire. And that's the shit we have to worry about. And apparently Australia too because they have troops over there doing the same fucking shit.

But I guess if you live in some other country that has nothing to do with Iraq, then your opinion might mean shit.

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Maybe you live in some other country that has nothing to do with Iraq, but here in the states everybody knows more than one person over there. And alot of us know people that are dead, maimed. and/or crippled because of this shit.

And now we ALL have to worry about the THOUSANDS of new terrorists that want nothing more than to kill Americans because Bush has our soldiers over there killing their families and ransacking the shit out of their lives. And for what? If I was an Iraqi kid that saw my fam get shot and blown the fuck up there'd be nothing that would stop me from a life of revenge. And the longer we stay there the more of THEM we bread and inspire. And that's the shit we have to worry about. And apparently Australia too because they have troops over there doing the same fucking shit.

But I guess if you live in some other country that has nothing to do with Iraq, then your opinion might mean shit.


that is true. most of the terrorist attacks in recent years coming from the middle east were caused by their hatred of the west for oppressing the middle east, islam, etc.

going to war there again, and twice, is just going to make them hate countries like usa, uk and aust even more. i mean fuck thousands of innocent people have been killed over there, kids are going to grow up without their fathers, brothers, how the fuck are they gonna feel when they are in their 20ies, fuck id be pissed.

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i wonder what would happen if these snipers saw you taking a flick of them.


as for bush, i found it pretty interesting to see him come into the country. Like from the second that AF1 touched australian soil to his massive ass convoy driving through the streets of "sidney" to him reaching his hotel. pretty remarkable and spectacular though


but then again, i live in melbourne

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The voice of racism preaching the gospel is devilish

A fake church called the prophet Muhammad a terrorist

Forgetting God is not a religion, but a spiritual bond

And Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the Qu'ran

They bombed innocent people, tryin' to murder Saddam

When you gave him those chemical weapons to go to war with Iran

This is the information that they hold back from Peter Jennings

Cause Condoleeza Rice is just a new age Sally Hemmings

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The voice of racism preaching the gospel is devilish

A fake church called the prophet Muhammad a terrorist

Forgetting God is not a religion, but a spiritual bond

And Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the Qu'ran

They bombed innocent people, tryin' to murder Saddam

When you gave him those chemical weapons to go to war with Iran

This is the information that they hold back from Peter Jennings

Cause Condoleeza Rice is just a new age Sally Hemmings





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Maybe you live in some other country that has nothing to do with Iraq, but here in the states everybody knows more than one person over there. And alot of us know people that are dead, maimed. and/or crippled because of this shit.

And now we ALL have to worry about the THOUSANDS of new terrorists that want nothing more than to kill Americans because Bush has our soldiers over there killing their families and ransacking the shit out of their lives. And for what? If I was an Iraqi kid that saw my fam get shot and blown the fuck up there'd be nothing that would stop me from a life of revenge. And the longer we stay there the more of THEM we bread and inspire. And that's the shit we have to worry about. And apparently Australia too because they have troops over there doing the same fucking shit.

But I guess if you live in some other country that has nothing to do with Iraq, then your opinion might mean shit.



DAO I was talking about americans. As a whole Americans have nothing to do with the war. It does not hit their lives at all. They only worry about gas prices and voice because it is in style. Overall no one is doing anything. Small time protest do not mean a thing. Almost 4000 people died so far in Iraq and that is not even a blimp on most peoples radars. Ask some people to point Iraq out on a map and they would not have a clue. In WWII there was rations and it affected everyone. WWII and Vietnam had drafts and that affected everyone. This war people can go home and totally forget about it. They can go to work and forget about it. There is nothing really hitting them in their lives about this war unless they are one of the unfortunate ones who have lost a loved one, and with less then 4000 dead, that is not likely.

Bottom line is that it is in style or a fad to voice against this war, but a very large majority would not even sign a petition nevermind go out and actually do something about it.


CIL Motherfucking ONE, I will see what the Australian's think when I am in Iraq this Jan. I would asked them a week or so ago when I trained with some of them, but I did not think of it.

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DAO I was talking about americans. As a whole Americans have nothing to do with the war. It does not hit their lives at all. They only worry about gas prices and voice because it is in style. Overall no one is doing anything. Small time protest do not mean a thing. Almost 4000 people died so far in Iraq and that is not even a blimp on most peoples radars. Ask some people to point Iraq out on a map and they would not have a clue. In WWII there was rations and it affected everyone. WWII and Vietnam had drafts and that affected everyone. This war people can go home and totally forget about it. They can go to work and forget about it. There is nothing really hitting them in their lives about this war unless they are one of the unfortunate ones who have lost a loved one, and with less then 4000 dead, that is not likely.

Bottom line is that it is in style or a fad to voice against this war, but a very large majority would not even sign a petition nevermind go out and actually do something about it.


CIL Motherfucking ONE, I will see what the Australian's think when I am in Iraq this Jan. I would asked them a week or so ago when I trained with some of them, but I did not think of it.


You're not even from here. What the fuck do you know about shit?

It's actually a "fad" to knock people for speaking out.

You got a few things right, but most of that shit you just type just makes it obvious that you're not from here and have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about and should definitely not pretend that you do.

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i think the biggest thing youre missin cilone is the fact that its not just this war, thats wrong with this country. its alot of things and people are pissed off about more than just this war, but the fact were over there spending over 300 BILLION dollars for a war we shouldnt be fighting. i have to drive every day to work and look at people in the streets with one pair of clothes no house no food, hell they dont even have a fucking sleeping bag. i look at families struggling to get by, i see schools that could use repair and more funding, theres kids who cant read or write and theyre in fucking high school. some of this may be the problem of the individual but some are just victims of their country. now 4000 dead in iraq and how many dead because they couldnt eat, those numbers are probably a little bit more staggering. i sure wish i could go to the doctor to get this wisdom tooth pulled cause its fucking painful, but i get to wait till open enrollment to get any kind of insurance. so why are we in iraq again? what have we accomplished there? what have we done here?

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i think the biggest thing youre missin cilone is the fact that its not just this war, thats wrong with this country. its alot of things and people are pissed off about more than just this war, but the fact were over there spending over 300 BILLION dollars for a war we shouldnt be fighting. i have to drive every day to work and look at people in the streets with one pair of clothes no house no food, hell they dont even have a fucking sleeping bag. i look at families struggling to get by, i see schools that could use repair and more funding, theres kids who cant read or write and theyre in fucking high school. some of this may be the problem of the individual but some are just victims of their country. now 4000 dead in iraq and how many dead because they couldnt eat, those numbers are probably a little bit more staggering. i sure wish i could go to the doctor to get this wisdom tooth pulled cause its fucking painful, but i get to wait till open enrollment to get any kind of insurance. so why are we in iraq again? what have we accomplished there? what have we done here?



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i think the biggest thing youre missin cilone is the fact that its not just this war, thats wrong with this country. its alot of things and people are pissed off about more than just this war, but the fact were over there spending over 300 BILLION dollars for a war we shouldnt be fighting. i have to drive every day to work and look at people in the streets with one pair of clothes no house no food, hell they dont even have a fucking sleeping bag. i look at families struggling to get by, i see schools that could use repair and more funding, theres kids who cant read or write and theyre in fucking high school. some of this may be the problem of the individual but some are just victims of their country. now 4000 dead in iraq and how many dead because they couldnt eat, those numbers are probably a little bit more staggering. i sure wish i could go to the doctor to get this wisdom tooth pulled cause its fucking painful, but i get to wait till open enrollment to get any kind of insurance. so why are we in iraq again? what have we accomplished there? what have we done here?


I have not missed this at all. I agree with this also. What I am saying is that almost every american has nothing to do with this war. They really could not care less. I see that everyday.

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