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Orlando, Florida


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just got back from my trip, pretty damn cool, got a pass for both parks (islands of adventure and universal studios) which were both pretty amazing, and nearly got kicked out of the resort for multiple noise complains.


The bitch of that is 2 of the 5 complaints were totally unwarranted, (we received 3 tuesday night, and 2 friday night) an irish family heard that room 734 parties every night in their room, so the night before we're about to leave, an entire irish clan, including children, bang on our door yelling "WHERES THE PAAAARTY!!! WE HAVE LIQUOR!!!", normally we would have let them in but a majority of our group was out to dinner, and we were afraid of expensive shit being stolen. so we tell them to hit the bricks. now to an hour or so later, a friend of mine, and three girls of our party go out to the car to get some stuff they had forgotten, during this trip one of the irish crew comes up and being to scream at my buddy (whose about a 250lb us marine on testosterone pills) so this almost escelates to a fight whenever the irish guy accuses our group of going to their room, and pounding on their doors and windows in return (which honestly didn't happen), so my friend and the girls return to out room and we begin to get noise complains one after another, in a legit quiet night of sitting around, calmly trying to kick the keg.


it was probably more dramatic if you were there.

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