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dear channel zero, please entertain my sister.


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if you ask her a question, she may. her time is pretty limited, though. shes in the uk right now. so i suppose you could try asking for a photo. i think she said she was gonna try to get a photo of the funny hip hop kids there.

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dear navy boat going person of rental descent


i has money problems and it is very cold

how does the navy deal with such problems

i imagined lolruses coming to the aid with food provisions and mugs of hot chocolate on their heads

is this how it is?

if not

it should be


dearest wishes

mango tango

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here are my requests.


1. A manditory picture of her in uniform.

2. A picture of the food they get on the boat and/or the mess hall.

3. One or two true really good stories, preferably with explosions and james bond; but any good story will do.

4. A picture of something one might consider top secret.



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dear rental's sister,

you are one brave lady...volunteering to be on a ship with a man in every corner waiting for their chance to oogle you. i'm sure, being a woman in the navy, you already know how to kick their asses if they tried and make them feel inferior to your mental capabilities. at least you know you could get laid if you wanted to, right?




haha, amen

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Dear Rentals sister,


Hope the navy's not being too tough on you. A few times a year in my little city of Perth (Australia not scotland) the American sailors arive in mass quantities for their R and R. Its cool because it provides a little bit of diversity throughout our city as their clothes, accents, and unusual behaviour make them stand out like a sore thumb.

The ones i talked to say they really dont like the conditions on the ship as its hot, sweaty with bad pay and generally unpleasant conditions but if you've been there since april there must be something that motivates you to stay.


Being away with such disciplined routine like that must really make you appreciate your time off and have you missing home, freedom, and family.....These are all assumptions though I really no very little about your situation.


Hope all goes well. And if you ever stop in perth for R&R let rental know to contact me, i'd be happy to play tour guide.


All the best.



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hah. okay, um, i dont know if i can get any weirder than your post without delving into personal matters. wait wait wait! maybe i can. my mom has a dachshund named winnie:



sometimes when we re over there, she comes and hangs out with me and abc on the couch. a smell wafts through the air and when i recognize it, i usually notify abc of what it is: doggie vagina.

kenny?......is tha you?

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Dear Rentals sister,

Rental has made it clear that we are not to post any pictures for you. But if we could I would post one of Steven Segal. He is responsible for everyhting that I know about the Navy and it's inner workings. Do you have any bad ass knife throwing cooks on your ship?

Best wishes,


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aw, thank you for all the good messages, unlike some people (some1!), but i encourage those that have posted a message, but not requested a picture from me to do so in order to keep the thread interesting. as stated on the first page: one picture for each message of something around my apartment



mar, thats a pretty tall order, btw, but ill pass it along.



from my sister:




You are ridiculous. Too funny, though, reading all the randomness from all the randoms.

Tell your peeps that I said yo, and I have a ton (ton squared, maybe) of new pics to share, it just takes a lot of motivation for me to go through them. When was the last time that I sent you port pics? Been awhile, I know. Have some Icelandic graf pics for you… and others, but those were the last good ones that I remember taking.

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  • 3 weeks later...
if you ask her a question, she may. her time is pretty limited, though. shes in the uk right now. so i suppose you could try asking for a photo. i think she said she was gonna try to get a photo of the funny hip hop kids there.




Dear rental's sister,


i'm pretty impressed with your decision to go into a mainly male dominated career. The jokes must come fairly thick and fast. I'm sure you can use your womanly powers to hold sway over them anyway.

I'm from the uk, so if you see any funny hip hop kids that rental mentioned before, try to get a picture. I'd like to see which she's talking about.

If you like lolcats, ask rental to refer you to sneakncreep. I'm sure he'll keep you entertained on those long crossover nights.

My brain is dead, hence why this message must seem a bit garbled and nonsensical. And i havn't slept for a very, very long time.

Take care,


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dear sister!

congrats on the navy. i urge you to hum the village people all day.

can you send me a picture of you yelling "iceberg ahead" and pointing.

also, is the navy chill? can you smuggle drugs? Ive heard of that business

in the navy.

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Hi rental's sister,


I wanted to say that it's cool that you have family that want to bring some 12oz excitement to your journey. I'm sure you have some long nights being homesick, I know I'd be sick leaving everything behind and not knowing when I'll see my friends and family again.

Originally I just wanted to post a letter so I can see private pics of rental's house but felt a need to mention that you have people that love you at home so return safe. Rental must care deeply for you and miss you if there is private pics at stake.


take care,



Pic request-bathroom sink(with toothbrush in frame)

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