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Nice one Samantha (I'm old enough to know who E. Montgomery is without having to look it up). I really like how the paper looks gnarly (whether it is or not) and then the drawing is really sketchy. I envy people who can draw like that and walk away from it. I'm not being a dick, I'm being serious. I've tried so many times to do sketchy-type drawings because I love the way it looks... very raw and very alive. But every time I do such an exercise I end up going back into the drawing and cleaning the whole thing up. Because I'm retarded.


King of Hell was just on here... where's the drawing buddy? This was your gig...

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i like how we both split ours up into two sections.

i also like how we posted exactly what would be expected of us, or exactly what i imagine would be expected of us (us, being you joker and i) ha. someone should have contacted beards about this, so he could blow us all out of the water.



i know all the submissions arent in, so its rude to begin talking about the 'next one', but for the next one, id like to see a 'no premade pen/marker' rule. any other medium, but no pens or markers. still on paper though. no carving shit into trees or hookers or anything.

ignore this post im really drunk.


earlier tonight i was walking around catching tags while talking to KOH on my sidekick. thats technology for you. ha.

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Nice one Samantha (I'm old enough to know who E. Montgomery is without having to look it up). I really like how the paper looks gnarly (whether it is or not) and then the drawing is really sketchy. I envy people who can draw like that and walk away from it. I'm not being a dick, I'm being serious. I've tried so many times to do sketchy-type drawings because I love the way it looks... very raw and very alive. But every time I do such an exercise I end up going back into the drawing and cleaning the whole thing up. Because I'm retarded.


-Ah! thank you for writing about it

Yep i'm a sketchy drawer

After a while cleaning up grows into a tedious obsession for me.

Leaving it alone sometimes feels better and sometimes it leaves me uneasy.

It's funny when I draw people I tend to use heavy solid lines, I have to practice over and over to loosen up.

It's brain exercise


-I figured I go with that paper & style because of the word


-Samantha was the bomb

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I think all the submissions are awesome. Participation is awesome. It's a good motivator... these kinds of exercises. Now I'm anxiously awaiting Poesia to post...


I agree with Seeking that the next exercise should involve anything but pencil or marker. "Break out of your shell." will be my mantra for that one.

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Wow. Good stuff people. I can't wait to see Poesia's as well. I wish I would've gotten a little more "out there" with mine. Next time.


This is good, that's the first time I sat and drew on paper in ages.


I actually did this over another paper assignment/project I have to do that's due soon.

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I have a question for those participating in here.


I was curious bout yall's influence from the abstract expressionists.


Obviously seeking dig newman, but I am curious about how some of yall's conception of space and line have been influenced by the likes.


Particularly, I was thinkin about some of Joker's drawings in that last link (which by the way... awesome, i have always dug stuff from anyone from transcend). The way you concieve of spacing, reminds me a lot of some stuff I saw over the summer at the museum of fine arts. There was an exhibition on south american abstract geometric art. It was all stuff ranging from the 1920's up till around the sixties. Groupo Concreto, if I remember one of the characterizing names correctly. All there stuff was reflections of what was occurring in europe and america during those times, e.g. the Bauhaus (sp?) School, Rothko, Piet Mondrian, That Russian guy who did triangles, etc.


Basically, I am curious who your classical artistic influences are. Also, do any of you know of Cy Twombli? If not, I suggest looking up some of his stuff. Or, given the chance, check out the building of his work in Houston at the Menill Collection.

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I know I only posted those few photos and theyre not all that in comparison to everything else thats been in here. I wish I could find more or at least noteworthy ones.



Well to give an answer and just to throw this out there. Its more of the fact that I feel that line needs to be there or this should be closed in and smaller.


Like an obsessive compulsive disorder on paper. Im telling myself, "this needs to bend like that, this must be closed and touch here. Smaller. Bigger. Not as round. too square. No curve."


Something along the lines of that. Its not deep and I dont have certain artistic influences. Though I do observe architecture and the shadows that walls cast and the lines on walls interacting with the floor.



Not sure if that makes sense or its anything close to what you were looking for.

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i liked the stuff that i liked long before i knew of any real 'artists'.

when i learned of rothko, newman, still, etc they just validated how i felt about things, rather than really shaped it.


I hear you. To this day I try not to get too involved with the ideas and trends of other artists before me. I just do what feels right. I feel it helps keep my personal views on art clear. This has deemed me the title of "outsdier artist" locally when I speak to those in the know but I could give a crap.

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on one hand, i just like knowing things, anything, doesnt matter what. i like understanding whats going on around me at all times. i like getting obscure references in books and films. but when it comes to the art that i do solely for myself, i really feel like the less input i have from other established artists, the better. all it really does is frustrate me to look at other peoples stuff. i'll get motivated for half a minute, but then it turns into 'well it's already been done before, so why bother" i suffer HUGELY from that, in a crippling kind of way. i wish i didnt. i wish i could just 'produce' regardless, but i cant. i produce things when i feel the need to. blah blah. im supposed to be going to produce a wall right now. i need to get out of bed.

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Basically, I am curious who your classical artistic influences are.


Before I ever grabbed a can of paint to scrawl on a wall I was a fan of modern abstract paintings. My Grandmother (whom I lived with as a kid) was very much into modern furniture when I was a tot/kid and the artwork that she chose to adorn her walls reflected that. These paintings were my everyday inspiration. I couldn't tell you the name of any of the pieces she had, nor do I think any of them were famous. Well, there was one triptych she had that was by a famous Spanish artist but his name escapes me. I do recall it costing a poo-load of money because her and my Mom argued about it for months.


And when I did pick up a can of paint I realized I was more taken to the works of Future and Jon156... even Sharp when he would get a little wacky. I just found myself more drawn to that kind of abstract modern touch. At the same time I was learning about all kinds of movements and artists and had a huge adoration for Barnett Newman and Francis Bacon. Now architecture and design play a huge roll in my thought process. It's subconscious but I know where it comes from... if that makes sense.


Make the project a good one Seeking.

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Sorry Guys i stopped for a beer after work, turned out to be about 5 or 6 tall ones, and i was hammered. Got home was to drunk to realize why my internet was not working because the modem was unplugged, then passed out in my work clothes.


No excuses though ill post right now, still havnt found my camera.

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Ok sorry about the horrible pictures. But here they are.



I promise ill put some more work into the next project. I wasnt sure how much each of us would do.


Everyone nice work. Im still hungover ill look over this later today when my brain is not dehydrated.


Oh yes they all say antique.

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Hey, can I play?




I've been sleeping on this thread for some reason... I'm working on a really boring job right now, and I just saw the last few pages. I can't really leave my seat, so all I had available was a black bic, some green electrical tape, and a carpet knife.


I know it doesn't meet the criteria, and it hardly seems worthy, but I wanted to participate and could really use the creative stimulation right now.


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That middle canvas is great.



Good use of the electrical tape.



Also...I'm looking to start doing some out of state shows in major cities. If any of you have any good hookups/contacts at galleries you think my work would fit into based on what you've seen, let me know.

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yeah man, the middle canvas is killing it. like that shit a lot.

the last sketch is fire to me as well. not fair posting several though, you're making us look bad.



the electrical tape is awesome.



this board does not operate on CPT, get with the program dude.

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