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Ron Paul Revolution!!!!


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Anyways.. with respect to diversity, there shouldn't be a dominant viewpoint - but everyone should respect each other. Which is what global governance destroys, things should be handled in state.


This is impossible. There will always be a dominant view point. Whoever wrote what law being that perspective.



And what is any state better than a federal? What if we had a state that wanted to bring back slavery? Be quick to hope the fed saves our asses then.

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I guess my statement about dominant viewpoint was dumb, like others.. but I don't believe in making people do things through force.


Slavery? Ha. Thats what global governance will bring, obedient sheep that follow certain policies.


With education and the whole Amnesty International movement, things like that will be stopped if they even occur.... but the catch is, this time, it wont be done through policy.

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You people speak as though there is some utopian force driving the progression of scoeities. No it is the ebb and flow of what is the dominant viewpoint.



So how would one make them do things? Coersion? Is that not law? I mean get upset at S.O.P. just don't get pissy when people try and make changes through that.

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I want to say knowledge is what makes people do things.


There is an utopian force driving progression though, but its because of diversity that it will never happen. If you remove diversity and change consensus then oh snap, which probably wont ever happen.


EDIT: haha casek wins again. So it is happening....

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I don't understand why you equate the possibility of one government with a lack of diversity. I think you are mixing up levels of abstraction.



And casek, I am not saying it won't impact things. I think it is a bureaucrat's dream because it is a completely unregulated market that could be tapped in to. Does not mean it is one that should not be.

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"we should live with in our means"


couldn't have said it any better.


why the current government chooses to spend more and borrow more than we make and increase the already-staggering deficit, is beyond me. the chickens will eventually come home to roost if we don't quit. but this style of "spend more than we generate" existed before bush. anyone know when the u.s. government started this trend of overspending?


i also agree with him on how bad printing money out of thin air, and how it hurts the middle-class and the poor while the rich prosper. that's part of the reason why the dollar has been taking a beating lately.

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"we should live with in our means"


couldn't have said it any better.


why the current government chooses to spend more and borrow more than we make and increase the already-staggering deficit, is beyond me. the chickens will eventually come home to roost if we don't quit. but this style of "spend more than we generate" existed before bush. anyone know when the u.s. government started this trend of overspending?


i also agree with him on how bad printing money out of thin air, and how it hurts the middle-class and the poor while the rich prosper. that's part of the reason why the dollar has been taking a beating lately.


this happens because this is the creedo our country lives by.



look at subprime mortgage issue. look at the average level of credit card debt in this country.



we built ourselves on the artifice of credit.

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HANNITY: Do you lean towards one strategy over the other? Or you don't want to say?


ROVE: I don't want to say. I �


HANNITY: You do, though.


ROVE: But it is interesting to see that everybody has made their strategic bets. I'm not certain, incidentally, that this is helpful for the country, for this to be settled so quickly. I mean, people do need the time � this process ought to be spread out over time, in my opinion, because it allows more people to participate, more people in the country to develop a deeper understanding of who the candidates are, and for the people of America to make a more considered judgment.


This thing is happening so quick on so many different battle fronts that I'm not certain, regardless of who makes the � who bet on the right strategy, there is going to be a bandwagon effect, no, national reputation is going to count � no matter which way that works out, I'm not certain it is necessarily in the best interest of the country.

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Ron Paul would have the people behind him.


Congress is the peoples bitch. At least in theory. If they don't do what Ron wants, and if Ron wants what we want. We just apply the pressure. Bam magic.


yes sir!










hahahaha that cavuto video is priceless, like they say in spanish. le salio el tiro por la culata...the shot came out from the stock.

you dont play with ron paul, no no.

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in an ideal conception of congress, sure.


Not that I do not point the finger at Congress for a lot of what is going on, everyone is just sitting around doing nothing but pointing the finger.


However I think it's in an ideal society that would be necessary. Most people could give a fuck less what's going on outside of their day to day things. Tunnel vision man. Nothings going to change until people care. At least enough people.

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